Articles Tagged 'Usa'

I Doubt It: You Feed Them

Will we hold a miracle in our hands? My experience says, “Yes!”

Phil Ware continues his series on 'I Doubt it' focusing this week on Jesus' challenge to the apostles to feed the five thousand.

ToGather: I Will Lift My Eyes (September 11, 2022)

Despite many warnings from the prophets, Israel began felt entitled because they were God's PEOPLE, in God's PLACE, by God's POWER.

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in an online, worship through words and music using YouTube videos to lift our eyes to the LORD and receive our strength, hope, and encouragement from him.

Nothing to Prove

Satan will tempt us to prove our importance just like he tempted Jesus.

Max Lucado reminds us that Satan will try to tempt us to be important and to show out rather than to serve, just like he did with Jesus.

Give Him What You Have

You know the paralyzing fear that surfaces when the information is too much to learn, the change is too great to make, the grief is too deep to survive, or the crowd is too numerous to feed.

Max Lucado reminds us with Jesus' feeding of the crowd with five barley loaves and two fish that it is his job to make what we have sufficient for the moment.

Strategy for the End Times

I may never untangle every nuance of Jesus' prophecies about the destruction of Jerusalem and HIS coming at the end of time but I can be ready!

Phil Ware focuses on what we need to do, and who we need to be, by looking at six intersections with our world during these last days as we await the return of Jesus, the glorious Son of Man!

Twenty-five: A Quarter Century of Grace

The Lord is not finished surprising us with His grace and power if we live for His purposes.

Phil Ware takes time to reflect on twenty-five years on the web and to give thanks for those who got them there and for the Lord who continues to do miracles among us.

The Way of Jesus #2: Unsettling the Religious Status Quo

We must always remember that God's love for broken people and our call to his mission must matter most.

James Nored and Phil Ware remind us of the deadly consequences of a religion that forgets the love of God for broken people and the mission Jesus has for us to the lost world and helped define the way of Jesus through the cross to the empty tomb.

Beyond Religious Places, Practices, and Rituals

We must always remember that God's love for broken people and our call to his mission must matter most.

James Nored and Phil Ware remind us of the deadly consequences of a religion that forgets the love of God for broken people and mission Jesus has for us to the lost world.


How can I take this bread and wine as someone worthy?

Phil Ware reminds us that we share in The Supper, not because we are worthy of Jesus' sacrifice, but because we've been made worthy by his sacrifice!

Teach Us to Pray 10: Needing Grace

Jesus provided us the few simple words we need to return us to that place of righteousness in the eyes of our Father: “Forgive us our debts.”

Phil Ware, with Chad Higgins, reminds us of the power of the simple words 'Forgive us our debts' and give us a daily practice to emphasize the power of these words.

Beyond Religious Places, Practices, and Rituals

We must always remember that God's love for broken people and our call to his mission must matter most.

James Nored and Phil Ware remind us of the deadly consequences of a religion that forgets the love of God for broken people and mission Jesus has for us to the lost world.

God's Providence? Perhaps!

Is this any less amazing than Paul’s unlikely meeting with Onesimus?

Steve Higginbotham connects us with God's amazing work at getting people together and helping them live as brothers in Christ both in Bible times and today!


How can such a discovery, no matter how badly dirt-encrusted and stained, not be seen as a genuine treasure?

Phil Ware tells us a simple story of a mother's love to remind how our Father sees us as his treasure.

More than Meets the Eye

Exhausted, bone-weary, and insufficient to meet the task at hand? Ah, you may just be in the place where Jesus can use you most powerfully!

Phil Ware looks into Jesus feeding the five thousand and reminds us that he longs to do amazing things through us, too!

I Doubt It: You Feed Them

Will we hold a miracle in our hands? My experience says, “Yes!”

Phil Ware continues his series on 'I Doubt it' focusing this week on Jesus' challenge to the apostles to feed the five thousand.

Nothing to Prove

Satan will tempt us to prove our importance just like he tempted Jesus.

Max Lucado reminds us that Satan will try to tempt us to be important and to show out rather than to serve, just like he did with Jesus.


The Lord is not finished surprising us with His grace and power if we live for His purposes.

Phil Ware takes time to reflect on twenty years on the web and to give thanks for those who got them there and for the Lord who continues to do miracles among us.

The Declining Church

What can we learn from Acts about the traits of a declining church?

Tim Woodroof continues his six part series on life and growth and stages of churches, especially churches in decline.

The Plateaued Church

What happens when culture passes us by?

Tim Woodroof continues his series on the ways we need to freshen our approach to church if we are going to connect with people in today's world and how we react to our own church issues.

Pool of Mercy

Have you offered sight to the blind?

Cathy Messecar draws us into the story of the man born blind that was healed by Jesus in John 9 and reminds us that we are here to continue Jesus' ministry of healing and mercy.

Seasons in the Life of a Congregation

Are congregations supposed to go through a lifecycle.

Tim Woodroof begins a series of articles by the partners at Interim Ministry Partners, on the seasons in the life of a church.

Someone Named Her 'Unwanted'

How do you ever overcome the name?

Rubel Shelly writes about the name Nakusa in India and how it means unwanted and asks how to you overcome a bad name.

Simon's Mistaken Judgement

Where in the world did she come from?

Rubel Shelly compares the prophet Samuel choosing a king to Simon Cowell's view of a woman from Scotland trying to sing and reminds us that outward appearances don't reveal talent or the heart of a person.


How can the younger brother of Jesus help us find our way to hope?

Phil Ware lets us journey with James, the half brother of Jesus, through the cross and resurrection to find our way to hope and confidence about our future.

A Christian Nation?

Would we really want it if we could have it?

Rubel Shelly challenges us to think through our thinking on the upcoming election