Articles Tagged 'Eve' (Page 5)

The Threefold Path

How beautifully these three words speak to the fullness of our Christian walk!

Bill Sherrill reminds us of the importance of faith, hope, and love -- not just as theological concepts, but as integrated real-life motivation and actions.

You Bear a Resemblance to Him

Because God’s promises are unbreakable, our hope is unshakable.

Max Lucado reminds us that we are made to resemble God and we must believe and Lauren Daigle reminds us we must listen to what God says about us and believe.

Made to Be Complements

In the Lord, we are called to complement, complete, and bless each other so that each can be what she or he is created by God and re-created in Jesus to become!

Phil Ware continues his series on how God values women as seen in Scripture, this is part 2.

This Kind of Faith!

We've allowed our modern definition of faith to be drained of depth and turned into a shallow kiddie wading pool of little more than mental assent.

Phil Ware reminds us that faith as understood in the New Testament was much more robust than what we often call faith today.

How Do I View People?

Jesus challenges us to examine the everyday processes that we use to strip away the humanity of those around us and dismiss their value to us.

Phil Ware reminds us how Jesus viewed people and challenged us by his example to view each person as someone in whom the works of God need to be done.

Words to Say

What can I as a believer in Jesus actually do to make a difference in the tasteless and vile language that comes from every side, quarter, and position?

Phil Ware shares how the Holy Spirit convicted him about the kind of speech he, and we must use in a world that has gone crazy at attacking each other.

The Overflow of Grace

We not only live in the overflow of grace, we are now the flow of that grace into the lives of those around us.

Phil Ware reminds of the importance and power of grace and that we can live out of the overflow of this grace and bless others.

Hanging on Every Word

The question the Holy Spirit left on my heart after reading this whole chapter was as convicting as it was clear.

Phil Ware discovers a verse in Luke 19 that the Holy Spirit uses to confront him about an important question.


A hardened elite soldier in Rome's army comes face-to-face with the Son of God.

Phil Ware looks at the Centurions in the New Testament and reminds us that they often believed in Jesus.

Upside-Down Kingdom

Our groups and our churches must be the arenas where Jesus' upside-down kingdom comes to life.

Phil Ware shares Jesus' teaching that is upside-down to the world around us in terms of status, wealth, power, position, achievement, and importance.

Beyond Wimpy Faith

We can experience a genuine faith that brings life both to us and to those around us.

Phil Ware reminds us that faith is something much more than just believing in our heads, but it is something that leads us to obey what Jesus asks of us so that we can find the life he longs to give us.

Now What?

Easter is over, so

Now that Easter has passed, what are we going to do with Jesus? How about spending time with him in the gospel of John so we can know him for ourselves?


What are the achievements that validate your credibility at doing the things you are called to do?

Phil Ware looks at the way we chase and give credibility in our world and reminds how Paul showed credibility in his own: becoming a servant, in weakness, and letting God's glory and power be seen in him.

Every Heart a Manger

Have you invited him in?

Max Lucado reminds us to make our heart a manger and every day Christmas.

Future Safe

How secure to feel about your safety as we move into what seems to be an increasingly uncertain future?

Phil Ware reminds us that true thanksgiving is rooted in our future being safe in Jesus and sharing in his glory when he comes for us.

Forever Friends!

As followers of Jesus, we are blessed to have forever friends from all over the world!

Phil Ware reminds us that in Jesus, we are friends, and our friendships reach around the world, across cultures, and unite us in one family.

Waiting to Be Ready

Can any good thing come from having to wait?

Phil Ware turns to some key principles Jesus' lead apostle Peter shared with people in his day to help them be ready for both opportunity and trial.

I Have Found the Answer!

Here's what seems to be most needed in our harsh and cruel world.

Tom Norvell reminds us of the needed virtue in today's harsh world.

Kryptonite of Grace

Why in the world would Mark tell this story about what Jesus couldn't do after telling about four powerful miracles Jesus did?

Phil Ware challenges us with a hard truth about our low expectations of what we believe Jesus can do with us, for us, and through us -- are we, the church, the Nazareth of today?

On Getting What We Deserve

Fans sitting around him (some who had tried to make the catch themselves) berated him, threw beer and food at him, and threatened him.

Patrick Odum shares an insightful take on the target of Cubs' fans wrath for the past years for interfering with a foul ball trying to be caught by Moises Alou.

Let the Water Be Your Friend

It was with fear and trembling that she made her unsteady way down the steps and stood, shaking like a leaf!

Phillip Morrison shares some beautiful insight on unity, baptism, and how the water can be our friend if we let it!

I Will Believe for You Until You Can Believe for Yourself

During times of cascading badness, friends sometimes need to believe for those caught in the crush of seriously bad stuff.

Phil Ware reminds us of Mark's story about Jesus and the four friends who dug a hole in the roof to get their buddy to Jesus.

Viewing People as Jesus Did!

Too often as human beings, we tend to view people in ways that demean their value to God and reveal the diminished value we place upon them.

Phil Ware reminds us of the four ways we often view people that are very crass and treats them as less than human, then he compares that to how Jesus views people.

Ancient Wisdom, Modern Grace: Passing It On

How do we learn to live with broader horizons and greater risk-taking for the Kingdom of God?

Phil Ware completes his four-part series called 'Ancient Wisdom, Modern Grace.' He reminds us of our need to be a risk-taking group of Jesus followers

The Struggle to Find Faith

I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!

James Nored and Phil Ware look at C.S. Lewis and his struggle to find faith and our own challenges in believing.