About Heartlight®

Providing Positive Resources for Daily Christian Living

Heartlight Magazine is an electronic publication for Christians that's been encouraging thousands every day since it launched in April of 1996. Each month over 1,00,000 people are touched by our ministry across 190 countries and in 15 different languages.

Heartlight exists to provide positive resources for daily Christian living.

These resources include daily articles, devotionals, inspirational images, Bible study and more. Many of Heartlight's resources are available via email as well. The original site has grown into a network of sites covering several different topics. Heartlight focuses on positive messages that will help you live for Jesus today, wherever you are.

Financial Support

Heartlight, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) religious non-profit organization. We rely on donations from loving Christians around the world as well as other means of income such as advertisements on our network. For more information about the finances of our ministry and how you can become involved, please visit our support section.

It is our prayer that the materials we provide are a blessing to you in your personal ministry and your relationship with God.

The Heartlight Team

Heartlight is maintained by a small team consisting of one full-time employee, one part-time employee, a handful of assistants, an advisory board, and over a dozen content contributors.

  • Phil Ware — President & General Editor
  • David Culp — Vice-President
  • Donna Ware — Secretary & Donor Relations
  • John Kirkland — Chief Technical Manager
  • Ben Steed — Director of Operations
  • Bary Alexander — Heartlight Board & Treasurer
  • Demetrius Collins — Heartlight Board
  • Paula Macon — Heartlight Board
  • Ed Holley — Associate Editor
  • Ray Butts — Associate Editor

Contributing Authors

Heartlight would be nowhere without the tremendous efforts of many individuals. Perhaps most notable among these are the talented authors who have contributed their writings (and readings) to our publication. We also owe much to the artists and designers who have provided Heartlight with inspirational images. You can find each author's contact information at the end of their respective articles. If an article is meaningful to you, please take a moment to let them know.

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