Articles Tagged 'Car' (Page 4)

Noah, Violence, and Grace

The story of Noah fascinates children, but the message of Noah also reminds us of the Creator's heart being broken by humanity's penchant for violence.

James Nored and Phil Ware remind us that violence is not God's plan, but humanity's corrupt and wicked propensity to injure and mar those created in the image of God.

Doing What Jesus' Asks

Why are we so reluctant to do what Jesus asks us when we know he cares so much for us?

Max Lucado simply reminds us to obey Jesus when he asks something of us.

God Became Flesh

Take a look at this baby and see God... in a manger, come to be with us!

Max reminds us that a baby makes us do crazy things at Christmas and this baby should help us see God!

Something Greater to Come

Waiting for the Lord to come and realizing that his coming is clothed in love.

Phillip Morrison reminds us that waiting and Christmas and Advent involve waiting and the wait is worth the effort when the desire of our hearts comes and fills us with his love.

Who Doesn't Love Baby Jesus?

It is hard to believe at Christmas, but there are those who do not love baby Jesus.

Baby Jesus seems so sweet and lovable, but there are those that do not love him. And sometimes that even includes some of us.

Puppies for Sale and Hearts Open to Help

Moving from empathy to compassionate engagement!

Brian McCutchen reminds us that empathy leads us to act in ways that compassionate and caring.

Compassion for the Fatherless

Hear the words of one who has lived it: What does an orphan desire most?

This powerful message is from an orphan who was abandoned and abused by family and rescued by a sponsor.

The Mindset List

We're not built to resist the passage of time, any more than the grass and flowers in a meadow are.

Patrick Odum reminds us that everything changes, but what matters and what lasts is tied to our Father in Heaven.

Let's Experience What the Lord Has Told Us About!

Does it ever feel like that we've reduced Christianity down to something less than Jesus wants us to experience?

Phil Ware challenges our settled notions about church in the box and wants us to realize that Jesus has so much more in store for us if we will make the moves necessary to experience Jesus and his story for ourselves.

God's Claim on You!

No matter what anyone else may say about you, you are precious to your Creator!

Max Lucado reminds us that we are precious to God and he has done everything he can to help us see that we are precious to the Creator of the universe.

What a Prayer Partner

Most folks don't even know about this promise about Jesus!

Phillip Morrison reminds us of Jesus' incredible role in interceding for us always and living to make that intercession in our defense.

Would I Dig a Hole?

What would you not do to save the life of a friend?

Phil Ware talks about four friends who dig a hole in the roof to get their friend to Jesus so he could be healed; so what would we be willing to do to get our friends to Jesus to be saved?

A Good Ending

We don't have to live in the mess of our mess up!

Tom Norvell reminds us that as far as failure goes, Peter pretty much leads the way, but he also leads the way in turnarounds and being called back to significant ministry.


We rejoice in the grace so lavishly given us in Jesus by obeying the Lord.

Phil Ware concludes his six-part series on the man with leprosy that Jesus heals (Mark 1:35-45) and how we can learn to impact the lives of others as Jesus did.

Jesus Promises His Presence

Can we really expect to meet Jesus!

Phil Ware continues his series on The Andrew Effect and reminds us that Jesus promised to be present with us as we live out the four moves of the Andrew Effect.

Connecting Those We Know with Jesus

O God, make our hearts ache for them to know Jesus!

Phil Ware continues his series on "The Andrew Effect" by focusing on connecting those we know with Jesus.

One Another

We were not made to do life alone.

This is a collection of "one another" passages in the New Testament, and primarily from Paul, that speaks about life together.

The Baby Changed Everything

How does something like this happen?

Rubel Shelly tells a story about Tommy Luck and the baby that transformed a rough mining town and then reminds us Jesus did the same thing with the world.

A Plea to Fellow Believers

If you could ask your fellow believers one thing, what would that be?

Tom Norvell makes a plea to fellow believers to think before speaking and acting and try to line up both with our example of how Jesus spoke and acted toward others.

A Little Light Please

Sometimes a little light can make a world of difference!

Rubel Shelly reminds us of the powerful quality of a simple flashlight to dispel darkness.

Blessed: Gracious Servant

Sometimes we look God's greatest blessings in the face and miss them!

Phil Ware takes a moment to remind us of the importance of serving those who are caregivers and holding them up as heroes and recognizing that these people are considered precious in God's Kingdom.

Go Fast!

Life does 'go fast' so make the moments count and live for your grandchildren to pass on faith!

Phil Ware talks about his NASCAR Experience and his father and passing on faith to future generations.

Golden Rule, Golden Door!

Some connections God makes inescapable no matter how costly obedience may be!

Phillip Morrison reminds us of the need to be open-hearted to the refugee crisis both as Americans and as Christians and to see this as a moral imperative.

Your Default Face

What do you look like when you are not trying look any certain way?

Deonna Shake uses her vast coaching and playing experience to introduce a key concept called "default face" and reminds us that how we carry ourselves says a lot about us.

Almost Destroyed by the Actions of Another

Can you come back from near total destruction?

Stacy Voss shares the parallel between a house burned by a nearby car and the destruction in her life because of infidelity and divorce.