Articles Tagged 'Disciple' (Page 5)

Easter Clothes

What kind of clothes did Jesus wear that first Easter Sunday.

Rick Brown reminds us what is important about the clothes we wear on Easter and that Jesus appeared to Mary as a gardener.

I Wonder What I Don't Get?

There's a lot the disciples missed about Jesus, I wonder what I am not getting?

Phil Ware thinks about the disciples not getting Jesus' repeated statements about going to Jerusalem, being rejected, being crucified, and being raised from the dead.

Asking and Honoring

How could he know for sure?

Stacy Voss reminds us that John the Baptist asked a deep and important question of Jesus and Jesus answered with not only truth, but also words of honor and affirmation.

Building a Culture of Honor: Serving

How do you break down the strongest barriers? The secret is simple, watch Jesus!

Phil Ware continues his series on building a culture of honor and focuses on Jesus washing his disciples' feet on the eve of his crucifixion.

With You Always

Can I really know and experience Jesus in my daily life?

Phil Ware does part 4 of a 5 part series on experiencing Jesus' presence from the gospel of Matthew, focusing on the Great Commission and Jesus' promise to be present.

Stop by the Lobby and See My Underwear!

What a strange way to get folks to a display on Memorial Day!

Phillip Morrison remembers a dear friend and patriot and faithful disciple named Bette Johnson.

What is Core: Christyle

So do we make people think of Jesus?

Phil Ware continues his series on What is Core by calling us to true discipleship, people being conformed to be like Jesus and living out the cross, burial, and resurrection in their lives.

What is Core: Baptism

Finding God's place for us to connect with Jesus' saving work.

Phil Ware continues his series on What is Core by talking about baptism and why it is important.

Knowing Your Role in the Game of Life

What position are you trying to play in life's big game?

Rick Brown talks about teaching a Bulgarian friend how to play softball and it reminds him that many followers, disciples, of Jesus need to be given a job description.

Writing on Tablets

So what are you writing on?

Stacy Voss talks about writing and also writing on the hearts of her children.

Our Legacy

What are we leaving behind?

Donna Ware shares insight into raising children to leave a legacy of faith.

First Called

Have you been called and did you answer?

Andrew becomes one of the four disciples most closely associated with Jesus, he was a speaker on the Day of Pentecost and then he traveled, mostly by foot. Eventually, to be tortured and crucified in the city of Patras on the Peloponnese peninsula of what

Kid Games and Jesus

What can watching kid games tell us about Jesus?

Some may think that the kid games Somon Says and Red Light, Green Light show how to live the Christian life. I think Follow the Leader is better.

What Are We Known For?

So how's your reputation as a Christian?

Ron Rose reminds us that we can be someone who argues or someone who is known for loving others.

It Didn't Change Me!

Does pedigree or privilege change us?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that our pedigree and genealogy doesn't make us Christian, but our discipleship does.

It Is as Easy as One, Two, Three

We found out that something free does not mean it is easy.

The gift of Jesus is free to us. That does not mean it is easy.

Greater Things: Devotion

Aren't you tired of the same ol' things?

Phil Ware begins a series of messages from Acts 2 and 3 on greater things that Jesus does through his followers.

After Easter

When Easter is over, it's time to go fishing

Special religious days can be nice for recharging our batteries, but the Christian life is lived out 24/7, both in holy places and on dirty streets. God comes to meet us anywhere and everywhere. He doesn't just wait for us inside a church building on East

Everything on the Line

What would you do in your last moments with those you love?

Phil Ware continues his series on the unpredictable Savior and reminds us of the upper room discourses where Jesus demonstrates and teaches what is most important to him to those who are most important to him, his disciples, his friends, those he loves.

Eyes Opened!

Will we choose to see people as Jesus does?

Phil Ware continues his series on Jesus called UNPREDICTABLE and focuses on seeing people as Jesus sees them.

My Cell Phone Doesn't Work

Why do some people think Jesus is like a cell phone?

Cell phones that don't work validate all your fears about technology. Some people have that same thought about Jesus when eveything in life does not work like they want.

Last Words: First Priority

Are we listening to what Jesus said?

Phil Ware begins a series of messages on the Great Commission and Jesus' last words which must be our first priority.

Leaving the Classroom and Living the Life

Sooner or later, we have to leave school and start living what we know!

Rick Brown talks about discipleship being more than sitting and learning, it involves going and doing.

One Song

We can't do it for everyone, but we can for at least our one!

Phil Ware finishes his Just One series by calling us to help others find their one song.

Fit Fat

Christians sometimes practice false advertising.

You cannot be healthy without effort. It is the same with Christianity.