Hope for Life 2010 Archives

Getting There

How do you get people to listen to God?

Moses had to lead the Israelites, getting them to listen to God. We, too, must impress the words of God upon the hearts of our rag-tag, motley, sinful portion of humanity.

Gifts, Giving and the Greatest Giver

It's more blessed to give…

People like to give gifts at Christmas and all year round. That's because our God is a giving God, and it feels good to do things that are like God.

Lies I Like

We want to beleive the lies that let us do what we want.

Satan feeds us lies that let us feel good about doing what we really wanted to do all along.

Unspeakable Tragedy

Some things really don't matter that much

We need to be able to recognize what things are of mere passing importance and what things have eternal consequences.

Thankful Turkeys

Post thanksgiving turkeys have much to be thankful for. So do we.

We sometimes fail to process how thankful we should be for what God has done to keep us from what we deserve.

Giving Thanks

Giving thanks is the right thing to do

Giving thanks is good for us. More than that, it's the right thing to do.

Why I Don't Like Asking for Directions

Why are we afraid to ask for spiritual directions?

There are believers in Jesus who would kindly and graciously help you find your way to Jesus.

The Memory Tree

What are your favorite memories of Thanksgiving and Christmas?

Holidays are a time for remembering family events and remembering what God did for us by sending His Son.

When a Book Isn’t Enough

God so loved the world that He didn't just send a book

God reveals Himself through relationships, through people. His Word was meant to be read in community.

The Judas Problem

Judas never really understood Jesus.

Judas betrayed Jesus and killed himself over it. He did not have to.

To Seek, to Reach Out, to Find

When human plans meet God's design…

God acted at Babel so that men would seek Him rather than seeking their own glory, so they would reach out for Him rather than merely depending on one another, so that men would find Him.

I'm Not Very Good At ...

What a golf game taught me about the Christian journey.

The community of Christians has members with different spiritual competency. But because we are family, we can be family.

Treasured Possession

Who do you belong to?

God wants to make Christians His own by writing His name on them. Instead of being orphans and alone, we can belong to God

Givers and Takers

Where does a giver find the perfect fit for their lifestyle?

Jesus gives to the givers a gift that cannot be repaid. He helps takers move from selfish it selfless.

What's a Heaven for?

A man's reach should exceed his grasp or what's a heaven for?

In 1855, at the age of 43, an English man penned the question: “Ah, but a man’s reach should exceed his grasp or what’s a Heaven for?”


Have you been friended by God?

There are plenty of people with whom we can talk about politics or sports. Our old friends love remembering our school days and the things we did way back when. But when it comes time to open our heart, where can we go?

Getting Rid of the Hogs

Why would you go to all that trouble to follow Jesus?

Sometimes what you need costs you everything. It will have to be a relationship with Jesus.

Are You a Member?

Member of a body or member of a club?

Being a member of the body of Christ means forming part of a living organism. It's not like being a member of a club or member of an insurance plan.

Right Destination, Wrong Gate

Who really knows the right way to heaven?

God is clear about the only way to live with Him forever. It is through Jesus.

It's a Good Feeling To Be Chosen

Waiting to be chosen can be agonizing

It can be nerve-wracking to wait to see if we will be chosen for a job or to participate in a group. But God made His choice a long time ago.

Do We Believe It?

Our actions reveal our beliefs

If we don’t tell others about Jesus, if our actions contradict our professed ideals, if we claim concern about people’s souls for eternity, but make no significant effort to share with them our Savior -- then we must not believe God or we don’t care.

Mountains or Foothills

Whether something is a mountain or a foothill depends on your perspective.

Perspective determines our perception of reality. Christians view things differently because of our belief in God.

When Walls Break

How solid is solid?

We often rely on things that are fundamentally unreliable. Instead, we should place our trust in the One that will never change, fade, or fail.

But I Love Her Anyway

I wish I could be as innocent and trusting as a child.

Jesus makes it possible to once again have the purity and innocence of a child.

Treasure Keeping

How do you get life that is truly life?

Wealth isn't measured by dollars or gold. The only treasure that matters is that which is stored in heaven.