Leading in Hope 2012 Archives

Why Christmas Is about Easter

Uh? Christmas is about easter? Tis the season!

Rubel Shelly puts Christmas into perspective by talking about Easter and the resurrection hope of the Savior.

Are You Trying too Hard?

We must not treat sin cavalierly, but we also must not think we have to earn God's grace!

Rubel Shelly risks being misunderstood by talking about the frustration of trying to win God's grace by living perfectly and over-analyzing our sins, failures, mistakes, and missteps.

Pope Benedict 'Debunks' Christmas?

What's going on here with our traditions?

Rubel Shelly reminds us of what is most important and truthful and what is legend about the Christmas story.

When Heroes Fall

What do we do and what can learn and how can we help?

Rubel Shelly reminds us of the moral climate behind the messes that we often cause and the way out of the mess we are in.

Life as a Fourteen Year Old

Some things shouldn't have to be part of a fourteen year old's life experiences.

Rubel Shelly talks about the shooting of Malala Yousafzai and Heartlight updates her current condition, calling for us to live as God has called us.

Civil Discourse

While we're railing at the candidates, how about we take a look in the mirror?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that it isn't just the politicians who use harsh and unfair speech.

Tyrannized by Our Feelings

Are you enslaved by your emotions?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that we don't have to be ruled, enslaved, and tyrannized by our feelings, but our emotions can be channeled and overcome by the power of commitment, the Holy Spirit, and love.

Love Is Not a Brick

Who would go first among the religions in showing honor to the other?

Rubel Shelly talks about world religions, love, respect, honor, and violence.

Faith and Traffic Lights

What does my faith have to do with how I drive?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that our character and our faith are reflected as much by how we drive as how we go to church.

Getting Clear about Holiness

It's a whole lot more than a list of don'ts!

Rubel Shelly reminds us that holiness is not just what we avoid, but what we do to bless and redeem.

To Tell the Truth

Does truth matter to us much these days?

Rubel Shelly addresses the issues of honesty and integrity and the importance of telling the truth and the sin against each other and ourselves when we lie and do not tell the truth.

Kindness Can Change Things

Winning the hearts of our enemies?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that gentleness is much in need in every area of life.

Now the Olympic Games

So which is it really with our world?

Rubel Shelly writes to put things in perspective with our world.

The Aurora Murders

Shouldn't we look a little deeper than simply saying the same ol' things?

Rubel Shelly offers us some wise words in the face of the Aurora murders.


When does it cross the line?

Rubel Shelly reminds us about the problems of bullying and then the cycle we start when we bully the bully.

The Nones

Are you a none?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that the group of those who claim none for religion is growing quickly in the U.S. and that they do so because they are are tired of the hypocrisy.

I Prefer 'Evil'

Why is it so hard to call it what it really is?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that some people and some things are simply evil and no other term is appropriate or speaks the truth about the situation.

Remembering Odessa Porterfield

What difference can one old woman make in your life?

Rubel Shelly remembers a beloved African American woman who forever changed his life as a little boy through manhood.

Make Your Preacher Want to Preach

What keeps your preacher preaching?

Make your preacher's day, listen and learn.

What Are We Known For?

So how's your reputation as a Christian?

Ron Rose reminds us that we can be someone who argues or someone who is known for loving others.

It Didn't Change Me!

Does pedigree or privilege change us?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that our pedigree and genealogy doesn't make us Christian, but our discipleship does.

Better to Not Assume

When we assume, well, let's just say things don't end so well.

Rubel Shelly reminds us to not assume and to be willing to ask questions and listen so we truly understand what is being said.

Greater Things: Fellowship

Are we willing to make fellowship more than coffee and donuts?

Phil Ware continues to talk about the greater things the early church experienced in the opening days of the believers following Jesus and in this case, genuine fellowship, sharing and having life in common, is key.

Let's Talk about Ducks!

Have you said your duck prayer lately?

Rubel Shelly reminds us to live life expecting it to be an adventure with Jesus in which we are surprised and learn new things again and again.

Everything in Its Time and Place

Every get out of balance?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that there is a time for everything as long as it is kept in its place and we remain balanced in our lives with the correct priorities.