Articles Tagged 'Savior' (Page 3)


How can such a discovery, no matter how badly dirt-encrusted and stained, not be seen as a genuine treasure?

Phil Ware tells us a simple story of a mother's love to remind how our Father sees us as his treasure.

I Doubt It: Dirty Feet & Open Hands

Learning the art of loving and sacrificial service in a room full of dirty feet.

Phil Ware continues his series called, 'I Doubt It,' focusing this week on Jesus' tender act of washing the disciples' feet.

Give Me Jesus: Then!

We sometimes forget that Jesus' birth, so wrapped in sentimentality at Christmas, was a real event when the Immortal God chose to wrap himself in the fragile face of a newborn child.

Phil Ware continues his Christmas series, entitled "Give Me Jesus", focusing this week on the specific time, the then, of Jesus' coming.

No Box Works!

You can try to make Jesus into the Messiah you want him to be, but he's too big for your job description!

Max Lucado reminds us that Jesus defies description and won't fit into any boxes that limit him and make him manageable.


Sometimes we need more than a lifeline

Lenny Skutnik dove into the Potomac River to save a woman too weak to grasp the lifeline she's been thrown. In the same way, God reached out to save us when we were powerless.


Without the personal touch, full healing never comes.

Phil Ware continues his series on Jesus' healing the man with Leprosy in Mark 1:35-45 and focuses in this post on Jesus' touch.

No Longer Any Sea

The glorious future when the sea is no more!

Phil Ware concludes his 10 part series on "Saved at Sea" dealing with sea stories in the Bible and how God has always saved his people, this time focusing on the ultimate saved at sea story, Revelation 21:1-5

A Forgotten, but Necessary, Grace of Jesus

Should we be surprised that so many call themselves Christians but never live for Jesus?

Phil Ware shares a passion on his heart about the way we have privatized and personalize conversion and salvation that eliminates the necessary grace of Jesus' community, family, and spiritual community.

The Parable of the Birds

This white Christmas revels more than a snowman.

Phillip Morrison talks about the incarnation of God in human flesh in Jesus and the parable of the birds to explain why God had to do it.

Baby Jesus Grew Up... and then He Died

The real message of Christmas is not baby Jesus.

The Christmas message is not just that God's Son was born. It is that the baby grew up to die and save us from our sins.

Finding Jesus: Be Born in Me!

Can I really know Jesus as someone who is real in my life?

Phil Ware writes a two part series on Finding Jesus at Christmas and this one focuses on spending time with Jesus in the Gospels.

A Son Was Born to Us

It was the birth announcement from everyone to everyone.

When God sent his Son to earth, the birth announcement was given twice: once generations before his birth and then when it happened.

Is There a Dragon in Your Nativity Set?

Why every nativity set needs a dragon

The red dragon has a place in the nativity story. The dragon reminds us why we needed a Savior in the first place. John tells us that the dragon is the ancient serpent that deceives the whole world (Revelation 12:9). He is the tempter that brought about t

My Deliverer Is Coming!

What is the

Phil Ware continues with his series on The Story focusing on the What Is and Who Is and the Why Is of Jesus' coming.

What is Core: Jesus

What is most important?

Phil Ware begins a series of messages on what is core, or what is at the heart of what we must believe?

Thank You, Jesus!

What else can you say, but thank you?

Phil Ware shares a collection of Scriptures that talk about the significance of Jesus' birth.

Why Christmas Is about Easter

Uh? Christmas is about easter? Tis the season!

Rubel Shelly puts Christmas into perspective by talking about Easter and the resurrection hope of the Savior.

Who Will You Trust?

With all the voices telling you who you are, who will you trust?

Max Lucado uses the woman caught in adultery to remind us of the accusing voices we hear in our head and in our life and reminds us that this is from the adversary, the devil and challenges us to listen to the voice of Jesus.


What do you do when you don't have the strength to do the next thing?

Tom Norvell writes about powerlessness and how we have God with us to help us overcome.

Last Glimpse?

What does this last glimpse of Mary teach us about Jesus and discipleship?

Phil Ware finishes his series on the Windows to Wonder, on Mary the mother of Jesus, the Messiah, the Lord, and Savior, and reminds us that we can all be part of Jesus' forever family.

The Way

Are you just circling?

Patrick Odum describes a man in a boat near England that had no plan and was just circling, he needed help and a way to get where he was going.

Catch and Release: One

Don't you hate to have to choose!

Phil Ware talks about Jesus' identity, our reluctance to choose, and how we have to choose one way or the other about Jesus' identity.

Don't Forget to Wish for the Best

When was the last time you sat down with the

Rick Brown finds a Black Friday experience that pushes him back to the real meaning of Christmas and the old Sears Wish Book.

Because We Are Human

What is the purpose of God sending Jesus?

Tom Norvell looks at our humanity and sees behind it all our need for Jesus.

Lord and Christ

Jesus must be more than just a Savior!

Mike Barres rejoices in the birth of Jesus as our Savior, but also reminds us that He must also be our Lord!