Hope for Life (Page 2) 2009 Archives

Aches and Pains

When you reach a certain age, every day brings a new ache

As we get older, our bodies begin to fail. But what about what is inside of us? God has promised that we don't have to age on the inside

What Ever Happened to that Country?

I want to belong to a country that lasts forever.

The countries and powers of this world do not last. I want to belong to a kingdom that lasts forever. I do.

System Maintenance

What's slowing down your system?

Computers generate temporary files that can accumulate over time and slow down the system. We can get bogged down in the same way by things that accumulate in our minds over time.

Red Light, Green Light

The town where I live is about to put cameras at all traffic lights to catch those who run red lights.

God has given us a blueprint for life. His instruction makes life better.

When Life Tumbles In

What do you say when you lose a loved one?

Arthur John Gossip's famous sermon helps us face grief: "You people," says Gossip, "in the sunshine may believe the faith, but we in the shadow must believe it. We have nothing else."

It's Personal

Jesus died for me ... it doesn't get any more personal than that

Jesus' death on the cross was personal. He died for each one of us personally. It's not about theology; it's about Jesus' living and dying for you and for me.

Am I Lucky ... Or What?

Who is responsible for the good things that happen to me?

Good things happen in this world. I believe that God is the source of the these in the lives of his people. It is not "dumb luck" or "blind fate."

Did I Get Everything Right?

Better check those tax forms one more time

If we try to earn our own salvation, we will never have peace with God. Peace comes from accepting his free gift of grace through faith in Jesus Christ.

Another Epidemic

I don't worry about an outbreak of disease ...

Christians have the only certain security during times of epidemic illness.

Giving What Can't Be Kept

If you can't keep something, why not give it up?

There is nothing foolish about turning our back on the things of this life in order to gain a life that has no end.

Just Watch the Ball

Learn the most important thing first.

The one basic truth of Christianity is Jesus. Focus on him and everything else will make sense.

Blessings Through Brokenness

God knows how to use broken things

God gathers broken things and puts them back together, including broken people.

Preaching Your Own Funeral

What will they say when it's time to put you away?

The way we live will determine how people remember us when we are gone.

It Is Not News

God is the One who heals his people.

Science is now discussing whether faith helps in healing. Christians already know the answer to that. He does.

A Churchy Word

So what does repentance mean, anyway?

Repentance is more than feeling sorry about sin. It's a change, a change of mind that brings about a change in life.

Big Fish and Lost Worms

God sent his Son to where we were.

Jesus did the difficult thing when he left heaven and came to earth. He did it because that was where we were.


How do you extract a splinter from your soul?

Just like a splinter can infect our body if left too long, sin infects our souls if we don't get it out. The old saying is true, "Confession is good for the soul."

Promoted to Heaven

Promotion Day is coming!

Death is just another stage in our journey to heaven; it's like Promotion Day at Sunday School. You're just moving on to something better

Eye Exams

Is the Bilble relevent to life?

The Bible is more than a collection of facts. It is the story of God's plan for our life.

Taste Test

Try it … you'll like it …

We have to try God and his way before we can speak intelligibly about our beliefs.

Wrong Names

What we say is a reflection of our heart and mind.

The wisdom of the world often reflects the words of God. For example: what you say reflects what is in your heart.

Cries in the Dark

Who will rescue those that cry out in the darkness?

There are people crying out for help all around us, if we will only just listen. What they need can only be supplied by our God, the rescuer.

Try It On First

We should want people to investigate Jesus.

Jesus is worth investigating and Christians should encourage people to take enough time to evaluate his value.

Enough Is Enough

Have you ever wondered how he can stand it?

Though it seems that He should, God doesn't tell His creation to go to hell. God doesn't give up on us; we shouldn't give up on Him.

Just a Second

Did you realize that somebody gave you more time?

We need to have an eternal perspective on things. Our lives here are finite, but God offers life without end.