Articles Tagged 'Word'

Heaven's Window

Doesn't discipleship involve more than just saying the right words?

Phil Ware shares his second post in his four article series on Peter's confession, focusing this time on our tendency to reduce faith to words and not actions and discipleship.

Don't Just Do Something

He was oblivious to the truth that our attempts to live for Jesus will succeed only if we have the power of the Holy Spirit released to us through prayer.

Phil Ware reminds us that the phrase 'don't just stand there do something' is absolutely wrong: we must pray first, then let the Lord lead us to know what to do!

At YOUR Word

Do I aggressively pursue Jesus because his words reveal the truth and the heart of God?

Phil Ware focuses on Luke 5 and a few key phrases that reveal what it means to be JesuShaped!

ToGather: Guiding My Steps (September 5, 2021)

We are blessed to have the Holy Spirit and the Scriptures that the Spirit inspired to guide our steps in a confusing and dangerous world.

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in a virtual, DIY, worship through words and music using YouTube videos to remember God's faithfulness to his promises, the victory our God has promised to us, and the importance of obeying the Scriptures God has gi

Blessed Christmas!

In a year of trouble, sorrow, isolation, and loss, our prayer is that you can experience the presence of Immanuel in your life!

Phil Ware shares the and Christmas prayer with all their readers.

Can We Trust the Scriptures?

We know Jesus is God's greatest Word, but can we trust the Scriptures that lead us to him?

James Nored and Phil Ware share in video and word messages that help us understand that we are part of God's great story of Jesus and that we have a story to share as well.

Who Do You Say I Am?

At a place with great spiritual and physical significance, Jesus challenged his followers to decide about his identity.

James Nored and Phil Ware challenge us to answer the same question Jesus asked his first followers at Caesarea Philippi: 'Who do you say I am?'

Donny, Marie, and LeBron: Real People, Real Words

We actually exchanged real words with both of them. It was amazing. Would you believe that they are both real living, breathing human beings?

Michael DeCamp shares a chapter out of his new book, "Loving Out Loud," and challenges us to use our words to bless and not hurt, to give life and not steal it from someone.

Living My MUSD #4: Shared Prayer through Empowering Missionally

I get done only what I pray for!

Phil Ware shares some practical ideas on how to stay on mission even while practicing social distancing.

Living My MUSD #3: Shared Prayer through Communicating Purposefully

My prayers for others mean much more to them when they know what I have prayed for them!

Phil Ware shares some practical ideas on how to stay on mission even while practicing social distancing.

ToGather: Opening People's Hearts to Jesus

How do we prepare the hearts of those we influence to be ready to receive Jesus with joy? worship segment for April 5, 2020, focusing on Jesus' Triumphal Entry and how we prepare people to receive Jesus into their hearts and shout "Hosanna!" in praise and welcome to him.

Teach Us to Pray Intro: Don't Just Do Something...

'I wish I had time just to sit around and pray,' my friend said. He walked away in a huff!

Phil Ware begins a series of messages built around the disciples' request to Jesus to teach them to pray with today focusing on our need to pray first.

Who Do YOU Say I Am?

At a place with great spiritual and physical significance, Jesus challenged his followers to decide about his identity.

James Nored and Phil Ware challenge us to answer the same question Jesus asked his first followers at Caesarea Philippi: 'Who do you say I am?'

The Revolutionary Power of Witnesses

Let’s be witnesses with those here, near, and far (Acts 1:8) like the first followers of Jesus did!

Phil Ware continues his short series on Acts 1:1-11 and focuses today on being witnesses of the great things Jesus has done.

Hanging on Every Word

The question the Holy Spirit left on my heart after reading this whole chapter was as convicting as it was clear.

Phil Ware discovers a verse in Luke 19 that the Holy Spirit uses to confront him about an important question.

Be Mindful of the Words You Hear

You don't have to listen to the noise around you!

Tom Norvell reminds us that we don't have to hear the messages and noise around us, we can follow Jesus' example and withdraw from the situation.

To Benefit Them!

Preparing my mouth for marriage... and beyond!

Byron Ware reminds us of the vital importance of how we communicate both in the words we choose to say, not speak, and the non-verbals we use as we speak them.

Heaven's Window

Doesn't discipleship involve more than just saying the right words?

Phil Ware shares his second post in his four article series on Peter's confession, focusing this time on our tendency to reduce faith to words and not actions and discipleship.

A Plea to Fellow Believers

If you could ask your fellow believers one thing, what would that be?

Tom Norvell makes a plea to fellow believers to think before speaking and acting and try to line up both with our example of how Jesus spoke and acted toward others.

We Thank God for You!

We want to tell you how thankful we are for you with words that are greater than our ability to express!,, all want to say thank you in the words of Scripture for your prayers, love, support, and encouragement.

Never Be Afraid to Listen!

when we’re looking for a brave way to heal our relationships, our hearts & the internet!

Ann Voskamp reminds us that there is no harm in just listening, and there can be great healing and hope and transformation.

The Instructions

Some assembly required…

The Bible, Scripture, holds God's directions for his followers. If you don't read it, you don't know how to put your life together. And what you actually get doesn't resemble anything close to what you envisioned; you have pieces lost or pieces that are

Delete! Delete! Delete!

What can you do after the message is sent?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that we have to choose our words carefully because we don't have an unsend button for our mouth or a delete button to use after the words are spoken.

Your Bible is Not Safe

Be careful, reading this can lead to all sorts of changed behavior!

Rubel Shelly reminds us that the Bible is far from safe and is dangerous to read because it challenges us and changes us and brings us to Jesus to be transformed.

Letting Hatred Go...

Why do we hold onto the things that poison us the most?

Stacy Voss reminds us that we can let our bitterness and un-forgiveness poison us and steal our lives from us.