Articles Tagged 'Miss' (Page 3)

Where's the Power?

What happened to the power that Jesus promised to us?

Phil Ware focuses on Jesus' promise to send the power of the Holy Spirit to empower the church and our need to seek and use that power!

ToGather: Caring for the Vulnerable (July 5, 2020)

We are Jesus' heart, hands, and feet. Let's remind each other that we should bless the broken, forgotten, left out, and needy.

Phil Ware and Demetrius Collins lead us into worship through songs, Communion, and the Word God, inviting us to experience, proclaim and rejoice in the love of God for all people and to be stirred to share that love with others.

One Defining Note

Do we realize the grace of getting to tune our lives to Jesus?

Phil Ware and James Nored remind us that the core of our faith is Jesus, that Christ is our defining note around whom all of us must tune our lives and recognize the grace of being called and transformed to be like him.

Biblical Foundation for Online Outreach Strategies

Instead of spending all of our time focused on re-gathering, we need to ask ourselves how we are have been doing the essential things that go with being Jesus' church

Phil Ware acknowledges the burnout and frustration in our church leaders from having to do church online and virtually, but at the same time challenges us to go back to the book of Acts and see how using our technologies to share Jesus is essential.

ToGather: A Party for Jesus with Sinners? (May 31, 2020)

Let's awaken our hearts to the greatness of God, the assured hope we have in our future with Jesus, and our mission to take Jesus' grace to the world.

Phil Ware and Demetrius Collins invite us to worship God and remind each other of those who are lost, left out, and left behind that need to be at Jesus' table of grace and how we are called to reach the lost as our mission.

A Shattered Lamp and a Broken White Stallion

How do you put a shattered life back together?

Phil Ware talks about a broken horse statue and a shattered pink lamp and how God not only forgives but also purifies us and makes us whole.

ToGather: Resurrection Sunday!

Today is Resurrection Sunday for many Christians around the world, and it is a reminder that Jesus is alive and we can have a genuine relationship with Him, everyday!

Phil Ware and Demetrius Collins have put together a worship experience for folks who cannot make it to a church assembly or whom are uncomfortable with church worship in a building.

Living My MUSD #1

We are called to live on Mission Under Social Distancing, not hide, hibernate, or withdraw from faith, ministry, and active compassion.

Phil Ware describes what it means to 'live MUSD' and how important that we find ways to minister to our neighbors and one another in God's family.

Broken: But NOT Forever!

Why did this brokenness, this pain, this shattering, come upon us if it is not God's intention for us?

James Nored and Phil Ware remind us that sin, both rebellion and missing God's goal of goodness for us, has reaped destruction on all we touch, but that this is not what God intended for us, there is redemption coming!

Where Are You?

Why are our relationships with God such a mess, with each other full of conflict, and with our world so destructive?

James Nored and Phil Ware remind us that sin, both rebellion and missing God's goal of goodness for us, has reaped destruction on all we touch.

To the Ends of the Earth

God uses the most amazing connections and people to fulfill his promises to bless all people!

James Nored and Phil Ware share Jesus' plan to reach all peoples, like the Ethiopian Nobleman and the people in the farthest reaches of the earth, with the goodness of grace.

God’s Mission Through Jesus’ People

Can you think of a more noble vision or a more compelling mission for us, the Lord’s people, than to be Jesus’ bodily presence to our fractured and fragmented world

James Nored and Phil Ware challenge us through words and video to embrace God's mission for us as the bodily presence of Jesus in the world.

Skipping Communion?

Jesus didn't pray for unity just so Christians could sit in a happy circle, hold hands, and sing Kum Ba Yah around the campfire at church camp.

Phil Ware reflects on the words of Jesus, the actions of the apostle Paul, and the example of a couple of men in his life, all focused on the theme of reconciliation.

In the Footsteps of Jesus

Jesus said this was the right thing for him to do!

James Nored and Phil Ware remind us of an important reason to be baptized: Jesus was and said it was the right thing to do.

Resurrection 2.1: In the Breaking of the Bread

What if this song speaks the truth about Jesus' promise to meet us in our world today?

Phil Ware continues his series on Resurrection 2.0 and the vital importance of Jesus' resurrection for our life as his disciples today.

Don't Just Stand There

As our world sinks ever deeper into the abyss of division, evil, hatred, and violence, Jesus’ followers must do more than spout platitudes, post opinions, blame others, go to church, pray, and preach.

Phil Ware finishes his series called 8GHT and focusses on Jesus' command for us to quit standing around and doing nothing, but to go and do something to redeem our lost world.

Jesus' Power to Get It Done

We must not forget to punch that little red button and make sure the current of heaven’s grace and power flow to us and flow through us to the world.

Phil Ware continues his series called, 8GHT, focusing on eight principles out of Acts 1, today his focus is on the Holy Spirit being the power behind the early church.

A Family Without Borders

these ordinary people did the extraordinary: they lived Jesus’ words into reality.

Phil Ware continues his short series on Acts 1:1-11 and focuses today on sharing the message of Jesus with the world God loves.

Making It Count!

It is simply not true that your best is always good enough; there are countless people every day who could witness to that.

Patrick Odum reminds us that sometimes our best isn't good enough, it doesn't count, unless our focus is on the Lord Jesus and his work, then his resurrection ensures our work is not in vain!

Why Forget Verse 17?

For many people, verse 16 is the most beloved verse of the Bible. Why not also verse 17?

Phil Ware asks us to think about a simple, but important question: why is it that we love to quote John 3:16 but leave out John 3:17?

Our Father Is Not Silent!

Does God still speak and make his presence known in our lives or is he silent, leaving us to decipher our own way through our troubled world?

Phil Ware continues his series on finding God's vision for our lives and living on mission for God.

Through the Eyes of Jesus

How differently might we respond to his call if we truly realized that we are far more precious to him than any son or daughter could be to a loving mommy or daddy?

Phil Ware begins a series of 13 messages on Vision by talking about his own son and daughter and how he had dreams for them as children.

All in the Family

When God chose to come into our world through a child, he chose a family line that was every bit as messed up as our world.

Phil Ware is using December to remind us how to welcome Jesus during this special time and what Jesus' coming means for each of us.

In the Footsteps of Jesus

Jesus said this was the right thing for him to do!

James Nored and Phil Ware remind us of an important reason to be baptized: Jesus was and said it was the right thing to do.

Beyond Description

The beloved disciple wants us to know and love Jesus like he does!

Phil Ware looks at the gospel of John chapter 1 and reflects on all the titles, names, and descriptions given to Jesus in this one chapter and what it really means for us.