Articles Tagged 'Eve' (Page 2)

ToGather: Doing the Work of God (August 28, 2022)

Because of our faith in Jesus and what he has done to save us, we can endure, stand fast, hold on, and let nothing deter us as we live fully for Jesus.

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in an online, worship through words and music using YouTube videos to truly believe that Jesus is the Holy One Whom God sent for us.

EGHT: All Seekers Welcomed Here!

In the Bible, sometimes a person's name was changed because of something that person did or because of something that God was going to do through that person.

Phil Ware continues his series called 8GT -- Eight Truths that Turned the World Upside Down and focuses on finding those seeking Jesus.

ToGather: Not Ashamed! (July 17, 2022)

When people indicate they are open to talking about Jesus, I had better take the opportunity. There might not be another one.

Phil Ware and Demetrius Collins bring us this week's ToGather with a focus on being bold and not ashamed of Jesus or his gospel, the good news our world needs in these dark times.

You Will Get Through This!

Life is hard, but God is great at helping us get THROUGH life's toughest challenges and will never abandone us!

Max Lucado shares the encouragement that we can get through our tough times just like Joseph did his.

ToGather: Righting Our Upside Down World (June 26, 2022)

God's high standards are certainly upside down to how we often feel and how the world usually functions.

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in an online, DIY, worship through words and music using YouTube videos to open our hearts to the power of the Holy Spirit to love our neighbor and not bear grudges and seek revenge.

Connecting People of Other Cultures with Jesus

Are we willing to take the risk and reach outside our comfort zones to connect people with Jesus?

Phil Ware continues his series on 'The Andrew Effect' and connecting people with Jesus, this time focusing on including people of other cultures, races, and languages.

ToGather: God's Everlasting Covenant of Love (May 29, 2022)

Your Father in heaven has loved you with an everlasting love, and all he asks is that you respond with thanks by obeying what his Son, Jesus, has taught.

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in a virtual, DIY, worship through words and music using YouTube videos to remind us of God's everlasting covenant of love and his faithfulness to that covenant.

ToGather: Eyes on Jesus (April 3, 2022)

As human beings, we live where we look: Our lives follow the focus of our hearts.

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware share a powerful virtual worship in Scripture, songs, and communion focused on Hebrews 12:2 and our need to fix our eyes on Jesus to continue with perseverance and endurance as we follow Jesus and seek to become like him.

Hope: More than Wishing, It's Expecting!

God is in the room and has placed hope on a buffet platter right here, right now.

Ron Rose is back at Black Rifle coffee and visiting and reflecting with others who have gone through rough times and found lasting hope.

ToGather: My Heart's Treasure! (January 9, 2022)

Is God my treasure? If I were to lose everything but still have God in my life, would he be enough for me?

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in a virtual, DIY, worship through words and music using YouTube videos to call us to recognize God as our greatest treasure and that he is enough for us, even in, and especially when, the world crashes in on us.

ToGather: Teach Me to Number My Days! (January 2, 2022)

The New Year is our opportunity to seek after God's ways in our lives and find the wisdom to live for him in our challenging times.

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in a virtual, DIY, worship through words and music using YouTube videos to call us to recognize God's greatness and our need to obey him if we want to gain a heart of wisdom.

Jesus, After Christmas Coming

Christmas isn't over; it has only just begun if we recognize that it is our job, together, to be Jesus to the world!

Phil Ware reminds us that Christmas isn't over, but now our role is to be Jesus' people, his presence, in our world.

Mothers Pray for Their Children

What is more powerful in shaping the heart and faith of a child than a mother who prays for her children?

Melissa Troyer shares a prayer all mothers of deep faith can pray over their children, and the children of others.

The Good News of Jesus Begins with a Servant

Jesus emphasized that the greatest in the Kingdom of God is a servant, and then defined his personal mission as serving those who are lost.

Phil Ware continues his reflections on his gospel studies and shares how we can become JesuShaped by becoming servants like John the Baptizer and four friends.

ToGather: Waiting in Expectation (September 19, 2021)

We trust in Jesus' promise to return in victory for us and bring God's new heaven and new earth.

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in a virtual, DIY, worship through words and music using YouTube videos to remind us of God's greatness and Jesus' promise to take us home to the Father and reveal us as God's adopted children and heal our broken wo

Keeping My Eyes on the Prize

We have to follow the Lord, and Jesus promises to empower our becoming like him through the Holy Spirit.

Phil Ware continues his series on Jesus and transformation and focuses today on our walking with Jesus each day in the gospels and learning his words and talking with him and taking on on his character and compassion as the Spirit transforms us.

The Journey with Jesus to Transformation

Why does the character we long to have take so long to develop?

Phil Ware's first in a four article series on Jesus' work of transformation in us, this week, we are called to follow Jesus.

A Breathtaking Mystery

The more I discover, the vast possibilities ahead yawn even wider before me.

Melissa Troyer reminds us of the breathtaking partnership we have with Christ to remain in the process of transformation.

My Brothers?!

How could He Jesus so much more in his disciples than they had ever demonstrated?

Phil Ware shares insight on how the resurrected Jesus forgave and empowered his his 11 disciples through his radical forgiveness.

The Lord Is Near!

We are not alone in our longing to know that the presence of the Lord is with us!

Phil Ware reminds us that the Lord is close and we have a right to long to know his presence is real and is near.

ToGather: Trusting God's Truth for Our True North (July 11, 2021)

Will we trust God and his truth for our lives? This trust is a big challenge in a world that doesn't really acknowledge the ways of God.

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in a virtual, DIY, worship through words and music using YouTube videos to challenge us and encourage us to trust in God as our true north and our basis for life and faith.

Touchable Hope

What the resurrected Jesus gave to his shocked disciples who disbelieved for joy was tangible proof he had risen from the dead!

Phil Ware's Communion reflection on the Lord's Supper focused on Jesus' appearance to disciples after his resurrection, and what that appearance can mean for us.

ToGather: Thank You, O God, Our Father! (June 20, 2021)

Some of us have had good fathers. Others have had absent fathers or bad fathers. In Christ, however, we have been adopted into God's family, and we all have a loving, powerful, tender, and attentive Abba Father!

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in a virtual, DIY, worship through words and music using YouTube videos to help us honor and praise our Father in heaven on this Father's Day.

Almost Persuaded?

Why do we put off our commitment to truly follow Jesus?

Paul Faulkner reminds us that we need to decide to respond to Jesus now and honor him with our lives.


Stop trying to be 'every mom'!

Jordan Harrell leaves us with a powerful and beautiful reminder of God only calls us to be who he made to be in the situation he placed us!