Articles Tagged 'Believe' (Page 6)

Creative Christmas Letters?

Can anything be done to make these special?

Janet Colbrunn tackles the hard task of helping us write creative Christmas letters that do more than inform our friends: they tell our story for generations to come.

Good without God?

So who do you need to be good?

Patrick Odum sees a billboard by an atheistic and agnostic group that says many are good without God and he decides he is barely tolerable with God, so there's no hope for him without God!

You Are Witnesses!

What do you have to say about Jesus?

Phil Ware imagines a conversation that the apostle Peter might have had with a visitor to him in prison shortly before his execution.

Addicted to Legalism

Are you addicted to the religious games we play?

Ron Rose talks about his own struggle with legalism and challenges us to the liberating that comes from the good news of Jesus, the challenge to live a life of faith outside the walls of church.

Shown Alive by the Scars

Why were the scars so important to the early disciples' faith?

Phil Ware looks at Jesus' showing his disciples the scars on his hands and side to prove he was alive, resurrected from the dead.

This Is What I Told You ...

What difference does it make that Jesus knew and did it anyway?

Phil Ware continues his series of articles based on Jesus' LifeWORDS, the words he spoke after his resurrection. This week the focus is upon Jesus knowing and predicting he would be crucified and raised and what difference does it make to us today.


Can we grow the gift of faith?

Tammy Marcelain writes about believing, trust, and God using our struggles, weaknesses, and trials to make us people of faith.

Lord and Christ

Jesus must be more than just a Savior!

Mike Barres rejoices in the birth of Jesus as our Savior, but also reminds us that He must also be our Lord!

My Help Comes from the Lord

Our help comes when we act on God's promises!

Tom Norvell challenges us to move beyond mere intellectual belief of Psalm 121 to putting it into practice everyday.

Behind Enemy Lines

Where do you live your life of faith?

Phil Ware talks about persecution of believers today and how we can make a difference.

Faith: Growing in the Right Direction

So where is your faith growing?

Russ Lawson reminds us that our faith needs to keep growing and going in the direction of faith, believe but help my unbelief.

The Lord's Prayer

Do you really know the difference between the disciples' prayer and the Lord's prayer?

Bill Sherrill reminds us that the Lord's prayer on the night he was betrayed was for unity and he prayed this three times, it was so important to him.

Keep on Speaking

What will it take to make you back down?

Tom Norvell reminds us to keep on speaking up for the Lord even in hostile situations and difficult circumstances.

But Do You Trust Him?

Have we really demonstrated that we truly believe?

Bill Sherrill challenges us to go beyond simply believing in God to believing God and doing what he says, which is true faith.

The God of Power

Do you really believe in the God of power?

Bill Sherrill reminds that if we don't believe in the God of power today, it will be hard for those who don't believe in God to listen to us talk about the great deeds of God from long ago.

Mary's Choice

How did you agree to this bargain?

Phil Ware talks about how powerful it is to look at the cost of freedom to identity of Mary Jesus' mother.

Love Beyond the Ledger

Are you willing to give up your ledger sheet and really love?

Ron Rose reminds us about the true spirit of giving and that it isn't barter love or ledger sheet giving, but generous giving like we have received from God.

Almost Persuaded?

How long can we put it off?

Paul Faulkner reminds us that we need to decide to respond to Jesus now and honor him with our lives.

My Grandchildren Really Are Most Amazing

How will my grandchildren make a difference in this world?

Our families are our greatest legacy. Our greatest prayer for them must be that they find the Lord.

Escape Velocity?

Can you get out of your problems before they drag you down?

God will stick by us and get us through the worse times in our lives.

Leaders Create Culture

How much influence and power does a leader really have?

Leaders build confidence, encourage others, and equip to serve and thus change the culture of an organization.

Is Faith a Form of Pretending?

Is our faith merely wishful thinking and make believe?

We need to visualize who we are in Christ before it becomes a real part of our daily go to work world, and so we need to pretend we are children of God and the presence of Jesus Christ.

A Story About A Giant

Are you a giant or a burden?

We stand on the shoulders of giants and have the blessinmgs we have because of their sacrifices.

The Mystery of Insurance

Does your policy cover this?

What's our best way to insure what is really important to us, our going to heaven?

You Know!

Somethings you just have to know!

Somethings we just have to know because they are such a blessing.