Articles Tagged 'Verse'

The Hand of Hope

To see the despair without the grace is suicidal. To see the grace without the despair is upper room futility But to see them both is conversion.

Max Lucado reminds us that God's grace shows up for us daily in the nail-scarred hands that Jesus uses to rescue us and work with us through his presence in our lives.

A Great Friend, A Great Man

We are not alone as recipients of the kindness, encouragement, and love of Paul Faulkner. Many others have received the gracious touch of Paul and Gladys.

Phil Ware shares about the important influence of Paul Faulkner, especially for the online ministries of and

ToGather: Waiting in Expectation (September 19, 2021)

We trust in Jesus' promise to return in victory for us and bring God's new heaven and new earth.

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in a virtual, DIY, worship through words and music using YouTube videos to remind us of God's greatness and Jesus' promise to take us home to the Father and reveal us as God's adopted children and heal our broken wo

Beyond Chapter and Verse

Have we missed the joy of our Father and the party he longs to throw for all of us who love him and give up all to follow Jesus?

Jordan Harrell and Phil Ware invite to come celebrate at the table of grace our Father longs for us to share and not get hung up on chapter and verse prooftexting religion. for October 18 Is Ready!

You're invited to use our worship guide for your home worship!

Dr. Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware invite you to join us for our Sunday, Verse of the Day focused, home worship guide and videos, called!

Peace Be with You!

We are not the first generation of believers trying to find our way through challenging times, feeling alone, isolated from the crowds, and trying not to be fearful.

ToGather worship segment 001, March 15, 2020 -- focusing on the presence of Jesus using, a communion devotional, and appropriately themed songs.

Our Chorus is the Gospel

'The verses are the blues, the chorus is the gospel.'

Patrick Odum picks up a line from a Bruce Springsteen interview and helps us understand the need for being real about our struggles but also celebrating our hope in the gospel.

Wonderfully Created

How are we to view ourselves and each other in this magnificent creation?

James Nored and Phil Ware look at Genesis 1 and the Bible's story of Creation and remind us that we are fearfully and wonderfully made.

Merry Christmas

We Wish You a Very Warm and Happy Christmas!

A Christmas prayer from the teams at and

God's Claim on You!

No matter what anyone else may say about you, you are precious to your Creator!

Max Lucado reminds us that we are precious to God and he has done everything he can to help us see that we are precious to the Creator of the universe.

There Are No Adequate Words

There are not enough words to thank you for sharing in this grace!

Phil Ware talks about reaching the 1,000 sponsored child mark with and and what a great mark this is to break.

The Light of Grace

A simple reminder of grace from one in a difficult place.

Phil Ware shares the sweet prayer request from one of the translators in a predominantly Muslim nation wracked with violence and bloodshed: "Please pray for the terrorists that they know Jesus Christ like Saul who became Paul :)"

I AM: God's Handwritten Messages from Heaven - Bottom Line Faith

Some things you have to believe or you have nothing worth believing in!

Phil Ware continues his series on I AM, God's handwritten messages from heaven and focuses on the bottom line faith requirement -- Jesus is God come in human flesh.

God's Middle Name

Do you know God's middle name?

Russ Lawson reminds us that sometimes it takes a child to help us approach God personally and lovingly.

Upside Down is Right Side Up

Jesus really could stire things up, couldn't he?

Paul Faulkner reminds us that Jesus turned things upside down adn stirred things up to bring God's blessings to others.

Sticking with God's Ideal

Why do we not fight harder to stick with God's ideal?

Paul reminds us of God's plan for marriage, without divorce; so let's fight to keep it.

E.T. and Christ

Is there something out there? What would it mean if there were?

Scientists are forever searching the skies for alien life, but what does that mean to the Christian? Randy Becton shares his thoughts on extra-terrestrials, aliens, and God.