Articles Tagged 'Sleep'

Eternity: Beyond Separation to Hope

When this life-altering grief and separation invade our worlds, we are left with many challenges, some seem insurmountable.

Gene Vance shares insights from his book, 'Transition to Eternity' to help us find great hope and anticipation of Eternity with Jesus!

ToGather: Night Songs (August 21, 2022)

God wants us to live our lives to the full, inviting him to permeate each moment of each day, including our sleep time!

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in an online, worship through words and music using YouTube videos to invite God to permeate every moment of every day, including having our hearts tuned to God with night songs.

ToGather: Who Will Carry Us? (August 16, 2020)

Young children can fall asleep anywhere and sleep peacefully, trusting that those who love them will carry them where they need to go!

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead through worship in song, the Lord's Supper, a powerful message from God's word, and a blessing to enable us to worship from home or with family and friends in a meaningful way and ask this important question: Who will

Shape Your Worries into Prayer

In those times of restlessness and anxiety, where do we turn for relief?

Tom Norvell reminds us to take our worries, our concerns, our troubles, and turn them into prayers and praises.

I Choose

We have a huge impact on our day by what we decide to choose!

Max Lucado reminds us that our life is made by what we choose to do with our character and our heart.

The Rhythms of the Kingdom

In the ups and downs of church life, is it good to be on a plateau?

Tim Woodroof continues his series on change in the book of Acts and the changes facing the church today.

Take No Thought?

So what are we supposed to think about if not this?

Tom Norvell uses Matthew 6:25 and several translations (NIV, Message, and KJV translations) to help drive home Jesus' point and that many of us who look good on the outside are filled with worry on the inside, worry Jesus wants to take off our shoulders.

You Don't Have to Do a House Cleaning for this Christmas Guest

You don't have to pretend things aren't a mess!

Rick Brown reminds us of a messy Christmas long ago and the messy time in which Jesus was born.


He's making a list and checking it twice ...

Rubel Shelly talks about living by lists and emphasizes the importance of moving things from your worry list to your prayer list.

Come with Me!

Is there any way to step off the treadmill a minute?

Tom Norvell reminds us of Jesus encouraging his disciples, his followers, to get away from the maddening rush of the crowds and go to a quiet place with him and get some rest.

The Burden & Blessing of Prayer

A hard night leads to a great time of prayer.

Tom Norvell talks about a sleepless night that leads to a great time of prayer and some key lessons about prayer.

Wake-up Call

Isn't it about time to wake up?

We can't just drift through life, going with the flow. It's time to wake up and make conscious decisions about our life.

That Didn't Hurt!

Why do we dread what we don't know?

Larry Davies shares a childhood experience and reminds us that we don't have to fear the unexpected or unexplained; we can pray and avoid a whole lot of sleepless nights.

Under the Passover Moon

So why did those friends of Jesus fall asleep on him?

Lois Tverberg shares from her blog on the Jewishness of Jesus and about why the disciples fell asleep on the night of Jesus' betrayal.

Wake Up Call?

Is the alarm sounding in your life?

Russ Lawson shares about a pain that awakened him in the night and how it caused him to take a closer look at his life.

While I Sleep

What does God do while you sleep?

Phil Ware shares what God does for us when we sleep.

No Rest, No Gain

Can you really get more fit by resting?

Without rest we cannot restore our bodies and our health, but this is not a new idea, it is God's fitness plan from long ago.

Just a Small Sliver of Light

Where did that laser beam come from, anyway?

In a world of darkness, an intensely focused life is going to emit a lot of light in our dark world.

New Fangled Night Light

What are you forgetting in the light of day?

Too many of our good intentions are never fulfilled because we forget them and leave our world in darkness.