Articles Tagged 'Mind'

Real Peace

Do you know peace in your life?

Do you know peace in your life? Or, do you find your days filled with conflict? Are you often belligerent and contentious with those around you? Find real peace in Jesus.

ToGather: My Heart's Treasure! (January 9, 2022)

Is God my treasure? If I were to lose everything but still have God in my life, would he be enough for me?

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in a virtual, DIY, worship through words and music using YouTube videos to call us to recognize God as our greatest treasure and that he is enough for us, even in, and especially when, the world crashes in on us.

Waiting to Be Ready

Can any good thing come from having to wait?

Phil Ware turns to some key principles Jesus' lead apostle Peter shared with people in his day to help them be ready for both opportunity and trial.

Ancient Wisdom, Today's Grace: Singing the Jesus Song

What can reach our hearts and call us to be like Jesus with power and emotion?

Phil Ware continues his series on 'Ancient Wisdom, Today's Grace' and challenges us to follow Paul's example of using our songs to call us back to Jesus.

The Lord is Near: Promises

Some promises matter more because of when they are made!

Phil Ware shares his second in a series focused on Jesus' promises to never leave us or forsake us.

The Mindset List

We're not built to resist the passage of time, any more than the grass and flowers in a meadow are.

Patrick Odum reminds us that everything changes, but what matters and what lasts is tied to our Father in Heaven.

Invitation to the Great House of God

He's already preparing a place for you, so why not accept his invitation?

Max Lucado invites us to look at the beautiful Lord's Prayer and see it as the blueprint to the Great House of God prepared for us -- not just later, but now -- as his children.

Can Jesus Survive Religion's Failures?

How has Jesus survived the messes his followers have made over the centuries?

Jesus and the gospel message about Jesus continues to be more resilient than the failures, foibles, and fractures among his people.

A Grey Sponge or a Pure Heart

Do you really want to fill your sponge with grey water?

Teresa Bell Kindred compares seeing Fifty Shades of Grey to a dirty mop bucket and a sponge.

Keep in Step with the Spirit

Can you dance with the Holy Spirit

Phil Ware continues his short series on the Holy Spirit focusing on dancing with the Spirit and keeping in step with the Spirit.

A Prayer about Things We Cannot Change

What do I do and who am I when I cannot change what I want most to change?

Rubel Shelley reminds us of the importance of attitude and how that changes everything important that matters.

Anything Goes - Except Faith

You can believe in anything, except God?

Rubel Shelly talks about our pluralistic society and our post-modern approach to truth and how one can believe in anything except God and Scripture and reminds us that being open-minded means being open minded to faith as well as non-faith.

Father, Your Servant Is Listening

How will I get everything done on my to do list?

Tom Norvell reminds us to listen to God's voice for time alone with him to be renewed, rekindled, and directed to what matters most in our lives and on our to do lists.

Overcoming Blunders with Grace

Open mouth and insert foot or extend grace?

Rubel Shelly writes about an embarrassing moment by a Washington insider and staffer and a 4-star General.

Losing My Mind?

Is this where you are right now?

Russ Lawson reminds us that with so many things going on, we need to remember just the one important thing.

Wrong Names

What we say is a reflection of our heart and mind.

The wisdom of the world often reflects the words of God. For example: what you say reflects what is in your heart.

What We Have Seen and Heard

What is the place of faith in the public square?

Patrick Odum shares insights on sharing our faith in the public square using the reaction to Rick Warren's prayer at President Obama's inauguration.


Who is my neighbor?

Phil Ware talks about the parable of the Good Samaritan and how Jesus calls us to neighboring.


What am I supposed to do with all this mess?

Larry Davies shares with us his struggle with a cluttered office and how it's been embarrassingly displayed on the Internet.

Loving God

What better gift can you give to the Creator of the universe?

Paul Faulkner reminds us that the best gift we can give God is the gift of ourselves, loving him completely.

Is It Really Enough?

How much more do we really need?

Tom Norvell reminds us of the importance of Jesus' two love commands and challenges us to let this be enough for us.

Choosing to Be Positive

How can you keep a good attitude at a time like this?

Rubel Shelly shares with us the story of Beverly Sills and how she has kept a positive attitude through hardship and disappointment and reminds us that we can choose our state of mind.

The Jesus Filter

How do you process things these days?

Russ reminds us that we are to have the mind of Christ, our Jesus filter, through which we process the things in our lives and the way we look at people around us.

O Be Careful Little ...

Who helps you with what you think?

We need to guard what we think in our minds and ask God to keep them pure.

Real Peace

Do you know peace in your life?

Do you know peace in your life? Or, do you find your days filled with conflict? Are you often belligerent and contentious with those around you? Find real peace in Jesus.