Timely Truths (Page 3)

The Added Burden

Is your faith lifting burdens or adding to them?

Religion often addes burdens to people's backs, but Jesus came and relieved burdens.

Changing as We Grow Older

What things change for the better as we grow older?

Change for the better only happens if our goal is Jesus and our power to change is the Holy Spirit?


How long will your stay be?

A joke about HMO's leads to some interesting oberservations about heaven and the fact that everyting on earth is temporary.

Bait the Hook

What do you expect of yourself when you pray?

While we don't expect to do the work to make prayer work, we must at least engage ourselves in the task we pray for.

The Most Expensive Meal in History

What's the most you have ever paid for a meal?

While the most expensive meal in history was billed as an overcharge on a credit card, it really is a meal provided by our sin.

Warning Tickets

What would be your excuse if God pulled you over?q

We often want God to be a traffic cop who only gives warning tickets.


Will you tell them this important truth?

Like a mom, God forgives completely.

Lessons from LEGOs

What can be learned from a pile of LEGOs?

We can learn a lot about who we are spiritually from a box of LEGOs, things like unity and being built by God into something special.

The People Behind You

Who are you blazing the trail for?

Jesus is our pioneer and we are called to blaze the trail for others to follow after us.

Right Here, Right Now!

What are you waiting for?

So often we have the grandiose promises we've made, when in reality we won't do the small stuff!

Seven Ages of a Married Cold

So how do you treat your honey when she or he is ailin'?

The years in marriage can sometimes mean that we take each other for granted; we mustn't let that happen.


Who would want to be born here?

Jesus was born in Bethlehem, a grimy, corrupt little town not known for anything important.

The Meaning of Christmas

What's it all about anyway?

Most folks don't have a clue about the meaning of Christmas.

Planning Ahead

Are you making your plans or trying to live God's plan?

So often we make all these elaborate plans and never think of allowing God room in our busy schedules.

If Payment is Delayed

Are youi willing to pay the price?

Putting off payments and not dealing with sin leads to disastrous results -- the payment always comes in.


WIll you give thanks, even for the leftovers?

We must never take for granted the great blessings we have been given by the hand of our gracious God!


So you started well, but how did you finish?

While starting well is important, finishing is the most important thing of all!

A Definite Maybe

Can you make up your mind?

God's promises are sure because he is always faithful.

Suing God

Would you take God to court?

A man sues God because he thinks he didn't get from God what he felt he deserved.

That's Disgusting

What's so awful about that?

We often take our own sin too lightly and need to be shocked into realization of how bad it is.

Out of a Sense of Duty

What is your motivation to serve?

Sometimes we just need to do things out of sense of duty to be faithful.

Beyond the 'Not Good'

When was the last time you emphasized how much he or she means to you?

God made men and women as complements of each other and we need each other.

Things I Learned from Noah

Can we really learn anything from Noah?

We must remember that faith should move us to obey and to act and to be faithful.

Who Will You Follow?

What sets the direction to your life?

Don't follow a blind guide dog!

Handling Rejection

How do you handle being rejected because you are a Christian?

There are times when we are going to be rejected because we are Christians.