Articles Tagged 'Truth' (Page 5)

So What's the Point of the Bible?

Do you really know why God gave us the Bible?

The Bible is given to us to help us know God and how to live for God, not to judge others.

It's not an Odd Thing; It's a God Thing

Are the things going on in your life just random or are they God things?

Journaling allows us to see God's work, his fingerprints, his involvement in our lives.

Thanks for Helping, Mr. Brown

You mean there really are some benefits from The Da Vinci Code?

Dan Brown has given us the challenge to get back into the truth about history and be ready to defend the truth by first getting to know it.

The Code Breaker

Can we really break the code?

While there is much ado about the Da Vinci code, the real proof of Christianity's vitality and truth to the younger generation will be seen our living of the truth of Jesus.

Our Social Ills

What can cure the real problems in our souls?

Jesus is the only real answer that works in our world today.

People of Truth

Do you really KNOW the truth?

Real knowledge is experiential knowledge: knowledge we've gained by acting on the truth.

Completely Honest

How honest are you?

Let's make sure our words are true and fair and honest, completely.

Just Think!

What have you been thinking about lately?

More than needing to think, we need to think about the right things!

Can We Find Truth?

Is there truth that can be trusted?

Jesus is the only absolute -- truth is found only in him.

Do You Want the Whole Truth?

What do your ears want to hear?

Some folks only want to hear the cheery stuff from God, not the hard stuff, too.

You Are the Way

Why don't we do it God's way?

While we know the will of God, we often do things our way instead of His way.


Is your marriage really hopeless?

Infidelity wrecks lives and destroys families, but only by coming to the truth can its impact be healed.

Why all the Rules?

Do we really need rules?

God's word is given to us to be a blessing and to give us a happy life.


What would keep you from doing what you need to do?

We must not let critics intimidate us into being silent about the truth of Jesus.

Before the Snow Flies

Do you need engineers to show you how to make a snowman?

We don't need a bunch of engineering drawings or theologian ramblings to understand God's Word; we just need a child-like heart.

With Jesus You Can Stay On Your Feet

Do disappointments and discouragement keep knocking you down?

I want to encourage you in the Lord to never, ever give up.