Articles Tagged 'Get' (Page 4)

There's Always Almost Meatloaf

What's your almost food?

Russ Lawson shares about a hard time when all they had was some oatmeal and hamburger and ketchup.

People Like Me!

When's the last time you celebrated someone different from you?

Patrick Odum describes a city wide gathering of people who are different in many ways but find their unity in one thing -- Jesus!

A Matter of Perspective

What is your point of view?

Bill Sherrill reflects on family reunions, perspective, being together, and church.

Growing to Your Space

Are you allowing life to shape you into it's mold?

Rubel Shelly reminds us to not settle for cramped spaces, especially cramped spaces in our minds!

More Than Everything

How do you solve the unsolvable and not remain anxious?

Rob Woodfin ponders the imponderable and seeks answers to our greatest question, how do I not let anxiety control me, and reminds us of God's grace.

Learning from Our 'Mistaks'

What have you learned from your mistakes?

Mike Barres reminds us that mistakes and missteps are a part of life, an dwe can learn from them and grow through them.

The Lord's Prayer

Do you really know the difference between the disciples' prayer and the Lord's prayer?

Bill Sherrill reminds us that the Lord's prayer on the night he was betrayed was for unity and he prayed this three times, it was so important to him.

You Know You're Getting Older When ...

Older, better, or simply honoring God?

Russ Lawson begins with a humorous story about aging, but then reminds us of God's perspective and the importance of not worrying about aging, but seeking to live for God each day.

Don't Let Failure Be Final

How long has it been since you tried to do it again?

Mike Barres talks about a real mess he made when he tried to cook when his wife was pregnant, but he tries again 28 years later to see if he can do it -- and does, reminding us to not quit with a failure.


Are you willing to get rid of the stuff in your life that is just in the way?

Patrick Odum challenges us to get rid of the clutter in our lives and our churches just like Jesus challenged the people of his day.

I Never Make Misakes

So how perfect are you?

Russ Lawson reminds us that we are imperfect, that we make mistakes, and that God forgives those mistakes and makes us perfect in his sight if we will try to live for him.

Give Thee or Give Me

What's in it for God?

Bill Sherrill reminds us that the spirit of the Christmas season is giving, not receiving and that we need to be a people with a spirit of thanksgiving.

Ready to Vanish Away

Are you ready?

Alan Smith reminds us that we are all vanishing away, our bodies grow older and we face challenges, but understanding this and what it means to us is dependent upon our relationship with Christ.

They're Expecting You

So really, why go?

Rubel Shelly talks about persevering simply because we there are somethings that just need to be done.

A Rose by Any Other Name Might Be ... Jim!

So what really is your name?

Patrick Odum talks about a humorous situation where his neighbor repeatedly called him Jim even though that was not his name.


How do I understand this powerful concept?

Phil Ware reminds us that we are to be the aroma Christ and asks for input on how to there?

More Valuable than You Know

How important are the little things you do for others?

Rubel Shelly reminds us how important it is to do simple acts of kindness and not simply look for the splashy and big things to do to bless others.

Avoiding the Drift

Are you drifting off the mark?

As human beings, we can so easily get off track and drift off course and miss our target because we get distracted.


Why put off to next week that which can be put off till ...?

Procrastination costs us so very much because of the time we waste doing nothing and never completing things.

Sometimes I Just Like to Listen Now

Do you ever take time to listen and not sing?

Phil likes to sing, but sometimes he just needs to listen and be blessed and pumped up.

The Freshness of Forgiveness

Can anything be this fresh?

Forgiveness is forgetting to remember the hurts you forgave and giving others, and yourself a fresh start on life.

A Time to Rest

Can you rest and put your hope in God?

We all need time for real, genuine, rest.

Cookie Sheet Welcome Mat?

Why in the world would a cookie sheet be left on the front porch?

How many things have we been putting off that need doing that remain undone?

Letter from a Thief

What do you do when you've truly wronged someone else?

A return of money from a thief reminds us that we must seek to right the wrongs we've committed.

Rest from Your Labor!

Shouldn't you take a little rest at least once per week?

We work hard and that is good, but we also need to rest faithfully and easily and enjoy the rest God has called us to keep.