Articles Tagged 'Get' (Page 2)

Teach Us to Pray #3: Together Experience

When Jesus taught on prayer in the Sermon on the Mount, he shifted from individual prayer in private to prayer shared with others

Phil Ware, with the help of Grady King, reminds us that prayer is a together experience in much of experience and God calls us to share this experience together, then Grady King gives us some added insight and an exercise to help us through the next week.

Resurrection 2.7: Let the Clouds Remind You!

As followers of Jesus, the clouds hold a message of hope for us, not just a warning.

Phil Ware continues his series on Resurrection 2.0 and focuses this week on Jesus' return in the clouds which is guaranteed by his resurrection from the dead.

Cruciformed #6: The Gamble

As Jesus journeyed into Jerusalem that last time, he had reached the point where he was going to gamble everything on the cross.

Phil Ware continues his series of insights on living the CRUCIFORMED life Jesus calls all disciples to live on his way to the cross.

God's Providence? Perhaps!

Is this any less amazing than Paul’s unlikely meeting with Onesimus?

Steve Higginbotham connects us with God's amazing work at getting people together and helping them live as brothers in Christ both in Bible times and today!

Why Forget Verse 17?

For many people, verse 16 is the most beloved verse of the Bible. Why not also verse 17?

Phil Ware asks us to think about a simple, but important question: why is it that we love to quote John 3:16 but leave out John 3:17?

Now What?

Easter is over, so

Now that Easter has passed, what are we going to do with Jesus? How about spending time with him in the gospel of John so we can know him for ourselves?

More Deadly than Cancer

We fool ourselves into discounting the malignant threat of sin to our souls.

Bill Sherrill has a visit with a surgeon about removing malignant tissue and this experience opens his eyes about how we must treat sin in our lives.

Future Safe

How secure to feel about your safety as we move into what seems to be an increasingly uncertain future?

Phil Ware reminds us that true thanksgiving is rooted in our future being safe in Jesus and sharing in his glory when he comes for us.

Making the Profound, Simple

Our LORD God Almighty is the master at making the profound feel the simple.

Phil Ware reminds us that Communion is a powerful example of Jesus taking something profound and making it simple enough for us to understand and do together.

Until He Comes!

The Lord's Supper is our regular reminder that Jesus is coming for us to share in his victory!

Phil Ware continues our focus on the Lord's Supper called Beyond Bread and Wine: this week our focus is on Jesus' return in glory!

Give Me Jesus: After

Christmas isn't over; it has only just begun if we recognize that it is our job, together, to be Jesus to the world!

Phil Ware finishes his series on "Give Me Jesus" focusing on our role as his people to be his presence to the world.

After the Crowd Has Gone

Thanksgiving is over; so what do we do now as we return to the challenges of life?

Phil Ware reminds us that Jesus gave us a great example on how to deal with the challenges we face after a great thanksgiving feast.

One Another

We were not made to do life alone.

This is a collection of "one another" passages in the New Testament, and primarily from Paul, that speaks about life together.

But One Thing I Do!

How do we keep from letting the past dominate our future?

Phil Ware reminds us to let the past stay in the past and gives us Paul's advice for moving beyond our past: forgetting, straining, pressing on.

A Forgotten, but Necessary, Grace of Jesus

Should we be surprised that so many call themselves Christians but never live for Jesus?

Phil Ware shares a passion on his heart about the way we have privatized and personalize conversion and salvation that eliminates the necessary grace of Jesus' community, family, and spiritual community.

You Will Get Through This!

Life is hard, but God is great at helping us get THROUGH life's toughest challenges!

Max Lucado shares the encouragement that we can get through our tough times just like Joseph did his.

Unworthy and Under-qualified

How are we ever going to find anyone to help serve?

Phil Ware shares the first in a series of messages on Nehemiah called "Doing God's Work with Dirty Hands" and focuses on our willingness to be useable and moldable and trusting in the LORD's great power.

Your Invitation to a Year with Jesus

Spend a year journeying through the New Testament with Jesus.

Phil Ware shares the beginning of A Year with Jesus and an invitation to join the free daily devotional and get to know Jesus more fully during the course of the year as you journey together through the New Testament.

The Foolishness of 'Getting Even'

Does it really do you any good to get what you want in this circumstance?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that revenge is never sweet because it diminishes us.

What If?

How do we handle our deepest grief?

Teresa Bell Kindred writes about the 24th anniversary of her mother's death and how it is still real to her and then she gives some good pointers on grief.

I Wonder What I Don't Get?

There's a lot the disciples missed about Jesus, I wonder what I am not getting?

Phil Ware thinks about the disciples not getting Jesus' repeated statements about going to Jerusalem, being rejected, being crucified, and being raised from the dead.

I Need More Than Me!

We were not made to do this discipleship thing alone.

Phil Ware continues his series on experiencing God through Jesus, Immanuel, this time focusing upon our need for spiritual community, family, fellowship.

Losing the Hidden Weight in 2014

What are you carrying around unnecessarily in your hidden weight?

Ron Rose shares with us about weight problems, not pounds, but hidden weight with regret, worries, burdens, resentments, failures, and those kinds of things that we need to leave behind after we have handed them over to Jesus.

Seasons in the Life of a Congregation

Are congregations supposed to go through a lifecycle.

Tim Woodroof begins a series of articles by the partners at Interim Ministry Partners, on the seasons in the life of a church.

This Treasure Is up for Grabs

Treasure among all the garbage?

Ron Rose writes about the good things he used to find in the garbage dump and how there are special surprises and treasures that he found along the way and how we can do the same thing with people if we are willing to get messy.