Articles Tagged 'Back'

Leaving the Past, Living the Kingdom

How can I escape my past?

Paul Faulkner reminds us that we need to live for the present to help others and keep our focus on the matters of the Kingdom rather than let our lives get filled with regret for the past.

Leaving the Past, Living the Kingdom

How can I escape my past?

Paul Faulkner reminds us that we need to live for the present to help others and keep our focus on the matters of the Kingdom rather than let our lives get filled with regret for the past.

ToGather: Doing the Work of God (August 28, 2022)

Because of our faith in Jesus and what he has done to save us, we can endure, stand fast, hold on, and let nothing deter us as we live fully for Jesus.

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in an online, worship through words and music using YouTube videos to truly believe that Jesus is the Holy One Whom God sent for us.

A Pat on the Back

When we see one of these risk-takers and God-seekers, they deserve a Pat on the Back!

Max Lucado reminds us to give risk-takers, God-seekers, and hard-workers a pat on the back.

No Turning Back!

We can't go back, so let's go forward with faith and determination and hope!

Phillip Morrison reminds us to focus forward and let go of the past.

Think You Are a 'Hopeless Case'?

The Father is looking to use you, no matter how unlikely it seems possible!

Rubel Shelley reminds us that God does his best work through the most unlikely of people.

Throw What Stinks Out of God's House!

What's the greatest danger to participating in a great move of God?

Phil Ware finishes up his series on Nehemiah and emphasizes the importance of leaders being people of integrity.

Act(s) 1: Scene 2 — Glory Days

Everything seems better than it relaly was.

Mark Frost of Interim Ministry Partners shares the second in his series on Acts and nostalgia and doing the work of God in bringing the Kingdom of God.

Closing Time

Sooner or later you have to say good bye, but what does good bye really mean?

Phil Ware finishes the third in a series of posts that focus on the 2014 July mission trip to Lima, Peru and Sagrada Familia children's home and he focuses on the last day of saying good bye and welcoming new children into the family of God.

A Major Comeback?

How can this happen?

Phil Ware takes a weird note in his inbox and uses Johnny Cash and his comebacks to remind us that Jesus gives us the ultimate comeback, he forgives, purifies, and heals.

Be Careful with this Gift!

What gift at Christmas can get you in the most trouble?

Rick Brown reminds us about dangerous Christmas gifts for kids and the most dangerous Christmas gift of all, Jesus.

Building a Culture of Honor: Trust

Is trust really something that has to be earned?

Phil Ware continues his series on building a culture of honor, this time focusing on trust.

No More Miss Nice Girl!

So what's so bad about being

Lisa Mikitarian talks about being younger, being enamored with a biker while in the military, and how being too nice plagued her until she learned the importance of kindness.

The Swirly Cycle of Destruction

Which way does your toilet flush?

Phil Ware continues his journey through The Story focusing this week on the Judges, especially the cycle of destruction that was leading them to catastrophe and the ways we can escape the cycle.


What do we do in the face of evil and meanness?

Phil Ware continues his series of messages related to "The Story" curriculum, using Abraham's call to be a blessing to be a reminder to us as well.

Got a Problem with God?

Are you willing to find some answers?

Ron Rose talks about dealing with pain and disappointments with God by tracking down the issues and finding the truth and not just living in pain and bitterness.

Good Intentions

Sometimes we've just got to admit we blew up before we make a bigger mistake!

Rubel Shelly reminds us of a story told by Ronald Reagan, a joke, that helps us realize that sometimes our best intentions lead to a disaster that we need to admit and take credit for before something worse is done.

Uncertainty: Defuse Your Anxiety by Looking Out for Others

Are you somebody's backup?

Michele Howe talks about the way of relieving anxiety and stress is to back up someone else in need.

A Dad Who Gets It

Don't you wish you could handle things as well?

Rubel Shelly reminds us of what good fathers are like and that there are great stories out there to tell about good dads.

Radical Community

Does community like this actually exist?

Phil Ware looks at Matthew 18 and radical community in our churches.

Back-to-School Cool

How can we best approach the beginning of school?

Hal Runkel gives us some good advice on how to be ready for the transition back to school.


When going home means giving a child a chance at life!

Phil Ware describes doing a funeral and a graveside for a good man and how it becomes the opportunity for good things to happen to children around the world.

Leaving the Past, Living the Kingdom

How can I escape my past?

Paul Faulkner reminds us that we need to live for the present to help others and keep our focus on the matters of the Kingdom rather than let our lives get filled with regret for the past.

The Jesus Filter

How do you process things these days?

Russ reminds us that we are to have the mind of Christ, our Jesus filter, through which we process the things in our lives and the way we look at people around us.

Turning our Hearts Back to Egypt?

Are you looking back or straining to what's ahead?

Sometimes we find ourselves unhappy with where we are and look back to the good ol' days just like Israel did in turning their hearts back to Egypt.