Articles Tagged 'David'

A Touch of Grace in Horrific Moments

If we are willing to get our hands dirty to show loving respect, God will use us to be his touch of grace in times of horror.

Phil Ware shares a Holy Spirit given insight into the horrific deaths of Jonath, Saul, and Jesus, and how good people did kind things to mitigate the pain and evil of those deaths.

The Way of Jesus #1: Truly See the Coming King

When Jesus entered Jerusalem, the whole city was stirred and asked,

James Nored and Phil Ware share the significance of Jesus' Triumphal Entry as they begin a special Holy Week series.

ToGather: X > ! (December 6, 2020)

Jesus won't let us classify him as just another good teacher: He challenges us to decide if he is Lord, liar, or lunatic!

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in virtual worship through words and music using YouTube videos to honor Jesus as greater than anything or anyone.

ToGather: I Will Celebrate! (June 21, 2020)

David danced with all his might amid the reverence and honor given to God as the ark, the representation of God's power and presence, returned to his people.

Phil Ware and Demetrius Collins lead us into worship in song and the Word to experience, proclaim and rejoice in the majesty, goodness, and grace of our God who is powerful and present among us.

ToGather: Opening People's Hearts to Jesus

How do we prepare the hearts of those we influence to be ready to receive Jesus with joy? worship segment for April 5, 2020, focusing on Jesus' Triumphal Entry and how we prepare people to receive Jesus into their hearts and shout "Hosanna!" in praise and welcome to him.

On Tiptoes with Angels

Christmas, like the coming of Jesus, is about waiting!

Phil Ware begins a five-part series on Jesus at Christmas. This week is focused on waiting for Jesus to come.

A Tiny Seed, A Tiny Deed

Don't let your self-doubt rob God of His miraculous power through you!

Max Lucado reminds us that God uses tiny seeds and tiny deeds to make big things.

A Word for Misfits

Can God really use someone like me?

Max Lucado writes about Samuel's anointing David king of Israel and reminds us that God uses all sorts of misfits.

Getting Our Lives on Track

Life is full of ups and downs, but God goes with us through it all!

Bill Sherrill reminds us that life is full of ups and downs, good things and bad, so we need to find the good and not the bad.

A Grey Sponge or a Pure Heart

Do you really want to fill your sponge with grey water?

Teresa Bell Kindred compares seeing Fifty Shades of Grey to a dirty mop bucket and a sponge.

Hope in the Wilderness

How do we live in the interim?

Mark Frost of shares part 1 of a 4 part series on the interim season by comparing it to the journey through the wilderness.

God's Bridge to better Things

Rejection and disappointment can gut the passion of God's leaders!

Phil Ware is continuing his trip through The Story and focusing this week on the life, ministry and book of Samuel.

Hem of the Garment

Could you have waited?

Phil Ware continues his series on Light on the Dark Side of the Mountain focusing on David's restraint when he could have killed Saul.

Transition out of Darkness

Are you helping transition those you love out of darkness?

Phil Ware continues his series of light on the dark side of the mountain and reminds us of Samuel, the great transitional leader of God.

Beauty in Black and White

Can you see the beauty here?

Pat Mingarelli shares more of his great photography, this time focusing on black and white images and reminding us that sometimes God meets us in the most stark of places.

Is This Gonna Be Forever?

How can we learn to put things in the right perspective?

Problems that seem so huge can be cut down to size when we look at them from an eternal perspective

The View from a Troubled Heart

What can we really see from where we are right now?

Bill Sherrill connects to an old King James phrase, the latter days, and reminds us that we often don't see things clearly until time has passed and we view things from God's perspective.


What's buried in the concrete of your heart?

Patrick Odum shares insight based on the buried Red Sox jersey in the new Yankee Stadium concrete and compares it to getting rid of the sin that lurks in our hearts.

Exercising the Spirit: Silence

What do you hear in the silence?

We can only regain our rightful place in our spirit through Silence and the work of the Holy Spirit on our spirit.

Rise Up Singing

What's your favorite way to sing?

Singing changes and so must we, but the bigger issue is that we sing!

It Hurts to Breathe

Have you ever hurt this badly?

Sometimes life hurts us so badly it feels like we can't breathe.