Articles Tagged 'Wicked'

Our Brutal World

Life is a dangerous endeavor. We pass our days in the shadows of ominous realities.

Max Lucado reminds us to be courageous in our times of trouble for we have put our faith in the one who has conquered.

Grace Beyond the Flood

Each passing generation beckoned the deepening shadows of evil, corruption, violence, and wickedness until these four held the world in their ever-tightening grip.

Phil Ware and James Nored share ideas in video and writing of the grace God brought to humanity after their repeated rebellions as the journey down the story of redemption and as they find their story in God's story.

This Brutal World

Life is a dangerous endeavor. We pass our days in the shadows of ominous realities.

Max Lucado reminds us to be courageous in our times of trouble for we have put our faith in the one who has conquered.

Noah, Violence, and Grace

The story of Noah fascinates children, but the message of Noah also reminds us of the Creator's heart being broken by humanity's penchant for violence.

James Nored and Phil Ware remind us that violence is not God's plan, but humanity's corrupt and wicked propensity to injure and mar those created in the image of God.

Messenger to Humankind

Is there any message we can take from our dark night of the human soul?

Phil Ware adds some beginning thoughts and Phillip Morrison writes beautifully about a messenger to mankind and The Messenger to humankind.

Alert to Satan's Tactics

No one wants to be an expert, but we all must be alert!

Rubel Shelly reminds us of the sly intentions of the evil one who would like to deceive us, but we can and do have the power to resist.

God Gets Mad

If it makes God mad, shouldn't we get angry, too?

Rubel Shelly reminds that God hates and gets angry at evil and calls us to be stirred to anger and action.

Explaining the Unexplainable

How can we make sense of something this awful?

Patrick Odum looks at a grisly murder and wonders how can a human being do such a thing and then probes deeper into the heart of darkness that sometimes claims us and warns us away from it.

The Violence of the Wicked?

Please end the violence!

Phil Ware shares insight on Psalm 7

Jockeying To Be Shocking

Aren't we way past too far?

Shock jocks have tried to out do each other in shocking, crude, and obscene remarks on radio, TV, and interviews and they have crossed the line and we are the only ones who can do something about it.