Articles Tagged 'She'

Connecting Those Who Want to Help Others with Jesus

In a world of so much hurt and so much need, are we going to remain paralyzed to help because of a lack of faith?

Phil Ware continues his series on The Andrew Effect focusing this week on bringing those who want to help others in need to Jesus and connecting them and their resources to the Lord.

ToGather: Christ Is Mine (December 26, 2021)

Despite all the challenges, Mary and Joseph accepted their part in salvation's plan and their faith brought us God's gift of love, his beloved Son, Jesus!

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in a virtual, DIY, worship through words and music using YouTube videos to call us to recognize God's great love in sending Jesus, the joy Jesus' birth brings, and the truth that Jesus is with us and for us in this

Escaping the Monotony of Low Expectations

Advent is rooted in the work of God in history, through real people, to do the miraculous in the most human of things, through the birth of a child.

Phil Ware reminds us to celebrate Advent and not simply settle for Christmas, especially in a hard year like this one.

'...and thankful!'

So we are supposed to give thanks for this?

Phil Ware continues his 4 part series on Thanksgiving and how important it is for churches to leverage change and growth in in their church families.

Geshem: The Water of Heaven

When God chose a land for his people, he didn't choose a place where they could have security because of their own efforts, he chose a land where they would be far more dependent on him!

Dr. Lois Tverberg talks about 'geshem' or water, and how God set up Israel to need God to supply their water and make them strong, not their location or their efforts or their wisdom!


I dreamed of traveling the world, getting married, and sailing off into the horizon. And I am, only it's a whole lot nittier and grittier than I imagined.

Melissa Troyer looks at her life, the gray in hair, the wrinkles around her eyes, and reflects that things are not quite what she dreamed, but then, in a way, they are better and God is not through with her yet.

I Doubt It: You Feed Them

Will we hold a miracle in our hands? My experience says, “Yes!”

Phil Ware continues his series on 'I Doubt it' focusing this week on Jesus' challenge to the apostles to feed the five thousand.

8GHT: Jesus Isn't Finished with Us Yet!

Behind every act of power in Acts, we see Jesus at work, guiding his followers and providing his strength for them to do what he asked of them.

Phil Ware begins an eight-part series on eight truths that turned the world upside down, a look at the early verses of the book of Acts.

Connecting Those Who Want to Help Others with Jesus

In a world of so much hurt and so much need, are we going to remain paralyzed to help because of a lack of faith?

Phil Ware continues his series on The Andrew Effect focusing this week on bringing those who want to help others in need to Jesus and connecting them and their resources to the Lord.

Behind the Well-Known Story, There’s More

God places value in our journey and the discovery of age-old truths that are vibrant and life-changing for us here in our specific new season.

Melissa Troyer writes with her unique and young mothering grace as she discovers new truths from an old familiar passage to discover, old stories have new truths when we come with fresh eyes and from a new place in our lives.

ToGather: Christ Is Mine (December 26, 2021)

Despite all the challenges, Mary and Joseph accepted their part in salvation's plan and their faith brought us God's gift of love, his beloved Son, Jesus!

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in a virtual, DIY, worship through words and music using YouTube videos to call us to recognize God's great love in sending Jesus, the joy Jesus' birth brings, and the truth that Jesus is with us and for us in this

Our Intersection with Joy

God's long story of grace intersected the mess of our world, and the rest of this story is our good news of great joy.

James Nored on video and Phil Ware with words remind us that the circumstances of the moment can be swallowed up in the greater joy of God's long story of grace that came to us in Jesus of Nazareth.

Escaping the Monotony of Low Expectations

Advent is rooted in the work of God in history, through real people, to do the miraculous in the most human of things, through the birth of a child.

Phil Ware reminds us to celebrate Advent and not simply settle for Christmas, especially in a hard year like this one.

ToGather: Thanking God for Our Women of Faith (November 28, 2021)

Many of us have experienced the goodness of God through the life of a woman of faith who helped shape us and mold us in our personal walk with Jesus.

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in a virtual, DIY, worship through words and music using YouTube videos to call us to give thanks for the godly women of faith in our lives.

What Do We Do About Leadership Abuse?

The description of the Good Shepherd in John 10 aligns beautifully with Jesus' definition of serving and giving himself to bless us in Mark 10.

Phil Ware continues his thoughts on becoming JesuShaped disciples, this week focusing on the horrors of the litany of spiritual abuse cases in the news and how different they are from Jesus’ definition of a JesuShaped leader and godly shepherd.

ToGather: God's Relentless Pursuit to Bless Us (September 26, 2021)

We are loved by God, our faithful Shepherd, who will never abandon us but will rescue us and bring us safely home to him as his beloved children.

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in a virtual, DIY, worship through words and music using YouTube videos to remind us that the LORD is our Shepherd who provides, cares, protects, and calls us home as his sheep, the guests at his table, and his belo

The Shear

We are called to live in the strong currents where Jesus' Kingdom meets the world and those trapped by darkness, and we need to know there is both danger and richness as we live in 'The Shear.'

Phil Ware continues his series on becoming JesuShaped disciples.

Overcoming the Greater Pandemic: Finder and Mender

God's people have been in lost places before our time. They made it safely through their wilderness to better times and better places.

James Nored in video and Phil Ware with words reminds us that God is the finder and mender of lost and broken things and lost and broken people.

Far Beyond the Monotony of Low Expectations

Advent is rooted in the work of God in history, through real people, to do the miraculous in the most human of things, through the birth of a child.

Phil Ware reminds us to celebrate Advent and not simply settle for Christmas, especially in a hard year like this one.

Our Intersection with Joy

God's long story of grace intersected the mess of our world, and the rest of this story is our good news of great joy.

James Nored on video and Phil Ware with words remind us that the circumstances of the moment can be swallowed up in the greater joy of God's long story of grace that came to us in Jesus of Nazareth.

ToGather: No Unfinished Business! (November 15, 2020)

Can you live certain that you will finish all you are supposed to do in this life before you leave it?

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in virtual worship through words and music using YouTube videos to challenge us to live for God and finish what he has given us to do by investing in future generations to carry on God's work. for November 15 is Ready!

You're invited to use our worship guide for your home or group worship!

Dr. Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware invite you to join us for our Sunday, Verse of the Day focused, home worship guide and videos, called!

ToGather: The Good Shepherd (October 11, 2020)

Imagine the audacity of Jesus to identify himself as the LORD, our shepherd, the one David praises in Psalm 23 as well the God of deliverance who identified himself to Moses at the burning bush in Exodus 3!

Demetrius Collins & Phil Ware lead through worship in song, the Lord's Supper, a powerful message from God's word about Jesus our good shepherd, along with a closing blessing for worship from home with family and friends in a meaningful way.

Beyond Our Impatience, Loneliness, and Fear

What if loneliness has an invitation for a great discovery about God?

Max Lucado reminds us that discovering God's love for us in Jesus, his perfect love, helps us overcome our feelings of loneliness, impatience, and fear.

The Birth of Jesus

Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.

This is the Biblical account of Jesus' birth from Matthew 1 and Luke 2 from the NIV 11 version of the Holy Scriptures.