Articles Tagged 'Problem' (Page 3)

No Room for Death?

Is there room beyond the cemetery plot for you?

Patrick Odum compares the lack of vacancy in a French cemetery and a law forbidding people to die to the hope we have in the resurrection of Jesus.

Is It Really Enough?

How much more do we really need?

Tom Norvell reminds us of the importance of Jesus' two love commands and challenges us to let this be enough for us.

Opposite Day

How can I turn it around with my kids?

Jenny Runkel shares an experience with her parenting that took her outside the normal ScreamFree process and how she did the opposite of what she felt like doing to get back on track.

The Question That Matters Most

What kind of questions have you been asking lately?

Russ Lawson reminds us that the questions we ask need to be the important ones, not the kind that spark endless arguments and speculation.

Lessons from a Hummingbird

Ever feel trapped and can't find the plain way out of trouble?

Alan Smith's encounter with a hummingbird in his garage reminds him of how we often get trapped by life and won't let God help us find the way of escape.

The Britney Spears in Your Life

Would you be willing to help Britney if you could?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that while we may not know Britney Spears, we do know someone like her and we need to ask if we are willing to be a friend to these people?

Losing Control

What's the ultimate loss of control?

Paul Faulkner reminds us that we have to give God control now, even though we fear it, because death comes and sooner or later we're going to have to yield control to him, now.

God Is Our Hope

When you sift through the rubble, what hope do you find?

Tom Norvel shares several observations from being out of his house for more than six months and how it relates to our spiritual lives.

How Much Does He Know?

Does God really know all about me?

Paul Faulkner talks about God knowing all about us and still loving us immensely and how his love is better than the best dad and compensates for the worst dad.

Take off the Fireman's Hat!

What's the big rush, anyway?

Paul Faulkner reminds us that being in such a rush in life is not the way God intended us to live and not the way Jesus lived, so we ought to slow down, spend time with the Father, and be refreshed.

Same and Different

How are we all the same and yet all different?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that we are all unique and different and yet we must all take responsibility for our actions.

Help! I've Become My Mother

Do you sound familiar?

Marsha Jordan reminds us that folks need to know that we care and really are not looking for us to pour out our advice and give them all of our solutions.

Life is Short

Is your life actually going to be very short?

Patrick Odum tells about a guy who thought he had pancreatic cancer and lived it up his last year of life and then found out the cancer diagnosis was wrong.

The Jesus Filter

How do you process things these days?

Russ reminds us that we are to have the mind of Christ, our Jesus filter, through which we process the things in our lives and the way we look at people around us.

In This World

Where can we find peace with what we are facing right now?

There is trouble in this world, it crashes in on us and we cannot ignore it, but we must remain focused on Jesus who has overcome the world.

Escape Velocity?

Can you get out of your problems before they drag you down?

God will stick by us and get us through the worse times in our lives.


Just how much can you bend with life's strong winds?

Life brings storms that threaten to break us, but will we be flexible and look for God's other alternatives and opportunities?

Tough Times Toughen

Wow, tough times can be hard, but is there a payoff to them?

Tough times, even when they are filled with temptation can help us grow and better appreciate good times when they come.

How's Your 'Ratitude'?

Can you give thanks?

Cary reminds singles that they can give thanks in almost any situation.

Upside-Down Blessings

How in the world can something good come out of something so rotten?

How God turned a couple of horrible, traumatic experiences in the Ware family into something really good!


Do you sometimes feel useless?

No matter what others say or do to make you feel useless, Jesus loves you and has demonstrated again and again that you are useful to him!

Take Heart!

What can you hang on to when your world is filled with troubles?

We have all sorts of trouble, heartache, grief, disappointment, discouragement in this world, but Jesus has overcome the world and given us victory.

Helpless but not Hopeless

Do you sometimes feel helpless?

No matter how bad things get, we are never hopeless.

Suffering the Consequences?

Are you tired of having to pay the piper?

Often the difficult things in our lives we want to blame on God are really only the result or consequences of our own bad choices and decisions and actions.

A Lighthouse

Can you see the light from where you are?

Jesus is our lighthouse, the light in the darkness sent to guide us safely home.