Jesus said, "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world" (John 16:33 NIV).

He was right wasn't he? We do have trouble in this world:

An exciting and challenging mission effort receives word that a sizable portion of their financial support is being discontinued.

An active family in the leadership of a small church gets word they are being transferred to another part of the world.

A godly family, the example of what a Christian family is supposed to be, is rocked with tragedy due to the foolishness of a drunken driver.

The hopes and dreams of a young family are destroyed when the husband and father chooses to satisfy his personal urges and desires with total disregard for the needs of the family.

In this world, we do have trouble.
Owing his own business had always been his dream and he was almost there. At the last minute it fell through.

They had looked at dozens of houses trying to find just the right one. Finally, "This is it. We want it!" They made their best offer, but the offer was rejected.

This year's team was supposed to go all the way, but key injuries changed everything. Instead of winning a championship, they now hope to finish with a decent record.

The couple was thrilled when they learned she was pregnant. All was going well until the doctor noticed something unusual on the ultrasound.

They had dreamed about the retirement years. They would travel together. They would visit the kids and the grandkids. They would enjoy life. Instead, he visits her everyday in the nursing home where she sits silently not knowing where she is or who he is.

Jesus was right: in this world, we do have trouble. Thankfully, His statement did not end with trouble! He continued, by saying, "But take heart! I have overcome the world."

The troubles of this world are just that — troubles of this world. He has overcome this world. In Him we will know victory. With Him our troubles will not destroy us. Because of Him, troubles are not the last word in our lives.

In this world we have troubles, but Jesus, our Lord and older brother, has overcome the world.