Articles Tagged 'Greet'

Merry Christmas!

Our prayer is that the Lord Jesus and his abiding presence can be real to you during this special season of grace and joy.

Phil Ware shares a Merry Christmas greeting from all of the and family.

Good Morning

So what makes us avoid each other?

Rubel Shelly reminds us of the dangers of isolating or cocooning ourselves against the world to the point we are fearful and withdrawn and lose contact with real people in real life.

Talk Less Hug More

Why not forget winning arguments and win the heart?

Ron Rose talks about his adopted granddaughter, Halle Grace, a Russian lifeguard and Halle's desire to hug and be hugged.

Customer Service in a 'Yes!' Church?

How are we doing with our connection with those who are not one of us and are interested in us?

Greg Anderson shares the third in a series of articles from Interim Ministry Partners on greeting guests and welcoming others into our midst.

A No! Church (And how to Avoid Becoming One)

Want to make sure nobody bothers you by coming back?

Mark Frost continues a series on Becoming a Yes! Church being done by Interim Ministry Partners Phil Ware, Mark Frost, Greg Anderson, and Tim Woodroof

The Story: Jesus' Ministry Begins

Why does Jesus' ministry begin with John?

Phil Ware continues his series on The Story and reminds us that we can all be John the Baptist, the baptizer, to people around us.

Be a Neighbor this Week!

Who will you show God's love today?

Rick Brown writes of Johnny Brown in Bermuda who greets and welcomes and shares greetings with people six hours each day.

Master the Art of Welcoming

How open are our arms?

Rick Brown challenges us to be welcoming to those who are outsiders and those we do not know.

People over Machines

Don't you just love getting caught in a caller option system?

Rubel Shelly talks about the nightmare of getting caught in a voice mail and caller processing system and says he prefers people over machines.

Compliment Guys

Now aren't you nice!?

Patrick Odum shares about the compliment guys and how they bless people and how we can, too.

Of Natural Causes

How long would you have to be gone before someone noticed?

Larry died and no one missed him and was not discovered until 18 months after his death.

A Visit Over Coffee

Who was she really talking with?

A woman talking to herself reminds us our need to engage in conversation in meaningful ways with others.

'Tis the Season

So what are you going to focus on this season?

Rubel reminds us that Christmas is the season for many things depending on who we are. So let's use this season to be a blessing and not to stir trouble and let's do it responsibly and with grace.

Unremembered Friends

What if we actually treated everyone we meet as if they were friends?

What if we greeted everyone as if they were a long lost friend who we were glad to see?

Department or Attitude?

Did you hear the one about the fellow who walked into First Suburban Church wearing an expensive suit and a baseball cap?

If you value human contact and personal service, then take note of and appreciate it when you receive it.