Articles Tagged 'Encourage' (Page 2)

I Doubt It: Real Food

Can we really find genuine nourishment and satisfaction in Jesus?

Phil Ware continues his series on doubt focusing on Jesus' statement that doing the Father's will was the basis of finding fullness in life.

Like Michelle!

How do we have an infectious love of people and life that it changes us and those around us?

Brian McCutchen reminds us of the joyous and infectious virtues of a heart gladly surrendered to Jesus, like Michelle's.

To Benefit Them!

Preparing my mouth for marriage... and beyond!

Byron Ware reminds us of the vital importance of how we communicate both in the words we choose to say, not speak, and the non-verbals we use as we speak them.

One Another

We were not made to do life alone.

This is a collection of "one another" passages in the New Testament, and primarily from Paul, that speaks about life together.

We Thank God for You!

We want to tell you how thankful we are for you with words that are greater than our ability to express!,, all want to say thank you in the words of Scripture for your prayers, love, support, and encouragement.

A Caution about Criticism

Some criticism isn't helpful, it is withering, so how do we deal with it?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that unfair criticism is a part of life so we need to rely on our relationship with God to overcome it and we need to not ever become one of those kinds of criticizers.

Blessed: Gracious Servant

Sometimes we look God's greatest blessings in the face and miss them!

Phil Ware takes a moment to remind us of the importance of serving those who are caregivers and holding them up as heroes and recognizing that these people are considered precious in God's Kingdom.

But Who Won the Game?

Sometimes the final score doesn't count as much as the way the game is played!

Rubel Shelly writes about a basketball game between the Gainesville Tornadoes and the Vanguard Vikings and the fans who helped give the team a life.


What do you do about those iceberg dates on your calendar that seem to sink you?

Phil Ware comes in right after Valentine's Day and reminds us about iceberg dates on our calendar that tend to sink us and overwhelm us with feelings of being alone, being failures, and being abandoned but that we can overcome them by crying out to Jesus


Not what any of us wants in our obituary!

Phillip Morrison writes about a serious situation that was brought to light by an obituary -- child abuse -- and Phil Ware offers some helpful suggestions on ways to bring redemption out of the hurt of this world.

All Undone

Can the Lord help put me back together so I can keeping serving those I server for Him?

Michele Howe shares with us a poignant story of a woman caregiver and the loss of a client, or patient, and friend, and how it wipes her out and discourages her until she finds a way to bless this friend and her family and goes to the Father in prayer.

Community and Mission

Looking around can help us find our way forward!

Phil Ware continues the team series on a church finding its mission and living it out so it can grow and be vital and make a difference.

Building a Culture of Honor: Introduction

Can we build a culture of honor in a world that has a different set of values?

Phil Ware begins a series on building a culture of honor using Romans 12 as the basis and foundation of the study.

Home on the Range

Don't you long for a place with no discouraging words!

Tom Norvell reminds us of the power of encouraging and discouraging words and how we need to make the place where we find ourselves home on the range.

The 'How!' for hard Days

How do we get past the hardest of days?

Ann Voskamp and Joni Eareckson Tada team up to provide a beautiful and powerful reminder of the power of our words to change everything.

Influence: Not a Church Word!

Can we really start over?

Ron Rose reminds us that influence and starting over and being a new creation is something God does all the time and we just need to begin.

Finding Our Center when Our World Is Shaken

How do we understand the importance of worship in such a crazy world?

Rick Brown reminds us that in the middle of our chaotic world and the catastrophic things that have happened recently, worship still brings us into the presence of God and gives us a reason to go on!

What is Core: Worshiping

Why do we put so much emphasis on worship in the box and not in our everyday lives?

Phil Ware finishes his series on What is Core by talking about worship and the importance of meeting together in big and small groups, but also living out the life God has called us to lead, being a reflection of the righteous character and gracious compa

Caught between Glory and Grumbling

How in the world did Moses lead in this mess?

Phil Ware continues his series based on The Story and focuses on Moses' leadership and his position as the go between for God in all his glory and the constantly grumbling Israelites!

I Felt so sorry for Them

I felt sorry for the people I saw at the hospital... but not the ones you think

I feel sorry for the people in hospital waiting rooms who sit alone.

Writing on Tablets

So what are you writing on?

Stacy Voss talks about writing and also writing on the hearts of her children.

What Kind of Church?

There are two kinds of faithful leaders, groups, and churches. Which are you?

Phil Ware shares with us two kinds of early leaders and churches and groups, Paul and Barnabas become examples of those kinds of churches; each is faithful, takes risks, and faces opposition from the evil one.

Be a Neighbor this Week!

Who will you show God's love today?

Rick Brown writes of Johnny Brown in Bermuda who greets and welcomes and shares greetings with people six hours each day.

Beyond Fixing Bicycles

Have you stopped lately to share the journey with another?

Russ Lawson reminds us to share the journey with others whether they are rejoicing or crying, we can help in many ways, sometimes by just being with them.

Good News for Our Broken World

What hope is left when life is shattered?

Brian McCuthchen reminds us of the place of hope, refuge, and help when our world is broken.