I said, "Romans chapter 5 and verse 8."
She said, "What does it say?"
I said, "God demonstrated his own love for us, that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8).
She said, "That is a good one."
I asked her, "What is your favorite Scripture?"
She quickly said, "Philippians chapter 4 and verse 13: ‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me' (Philippians 4:13)."
I said, "That is an awesome Scripture."
She smiled a smile that was at least a mile long and was overjoyed with sharing her Scripture and hearing mine.
As she is walking down each hallway, I hear her singing to the tunes of gospel music. She just isn't singing softly and timidly, but rather, with vigorous joy and conviction. She stopped by my office, and we chatted a bit.
Michelle said, "I hope my singing isn't bothering you."
"Oh no!" I told her, "I love to hear you sing."
"Good! I am singing to the Lord," she responded. She smiled another mile-long smile and continued to walk and sing to the Lord down the hall.
You see; Michelle isn't like most of us. She can't walk fast, but she believes in Philippians 4:13. She CAN do all things because of Jesus! Michelle sees life through the lens of innocence and lives life with the joy of the Lord as her strength. Her bible reading is a lifestyle, not a chore. Singing to the Lord is an honor, not a burden. Speaking about Jesus is her desire, not a task. Smiles on her face are permanent, not an effort. Michelle is love... kindness... joy... and Spirit-filled.
Why is Michelle this way? Why is she so full of this kind of infectious character and grace?
- Because she sees a Father who is loving, kind, and joyful.
- Because gospel music takes her before the throne of God whom she loves so much that she extols him from her heart.
- Because Michelle's strength is in a Father who is walking down every hallway she walks, and he listens to every conversation she has with him.
- Because she trusts her heavenly Father will always love and protect her.
Imagine a world full of people who simply "love one another deeply, from the heart" (1 Peter 1:22).
Imagine a society that can do all sorts of amazing things "through him who gives" them "strength" (Philippians 4:13).
Imagine towns across our nations that proclaim, "I trust in you, LORD;" a nation full of citizens who say, "You are my God" (Psalm 31:14).
Life is a journey of unexpected twist and turns, ups and downs, happiness and sadness, calm and chaos, love and hate, laughter and crying, life and death, singing and silence. The key is how each of us responds to every twist and turn and all the ups and downs. When together we proclaim, "He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I trust him" (Psalm 91:2 NLT), then our lives will be a reflection of everything that is good about God. Our lives will ultimately draw others to inquire about our lifestyle and our character that are different from everyone around...
Like Michelle![NOTE]

[NOTE] The images in this article are not Michelle to protect her identity and privacy but are used to give us as readers context and a way to identify with this precious servant of God.
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