Together in His Grace (Page 2)

Who Cares What Your Children Pray?

Should I stay?

Joe Beam talks about the damage to children because of divorce using scientific evidence to refute the anecdotal "God wants me to be happy" excuse said so often.

Trickle Down Parenting

How can I start the trickle down effect in my family?

Joe Beam shares the concept of trickle down parenting by demonstrating with a couple of parents of a baby and toddler.

Are You Prepared?

So when the storm hits, are you ready?

Tom Norvell compares Jesus' coming and our being generous to being prepared for a winter storm.

Play Misty for Me

What does the mist look like in your life?

Patrick Odum reminds us of the mistiness of life and reminds us to live with a sense of urgency and also anticipation of resurrection and joy.

Winter Wonderland

Is it too late to keep them from stealing away your wonder?

Rick Brown writes about a rare snowfall in Houston and how the wonder of it all, then the reality and boredom of it all, parallel the sense of wonder we have with Jesus.

Big Rocks

How are you going to get everything in?

Patrick Odum talks about our big rocks have to go into the bottle first.

Miracles from a Lighthouse

When was the last time you truly shined the light for someone else to see?

Larry Davies talks about us being lighthouses to others, and sometimes that means being a steady stream of light and sometimes it means being a blazing beacon of hope.

What Takes Your Breath Away?

Isn't it all a matter of how we view things?

Ron Rose reminds us of the benefits of our faith and our need to celebrate them!

I Got Hacked!

Are you protected from outside attacks?

Russ Lawson reminds us to put on the full armor of God so we don't get spiritually hacked.

Of All the Stupid Things

What is the dumbest thing you've ever done?

Russ Lawson shares a humorous story about eating off his dog's plate, getting the flu, and also dealing with his own stupid actions in his spiritual life and in his relationships.

Windshield or Bug?

Some days, I find that I'm a little of both!

Larry Davies talks about a morning of tranquility shattered by an unexpected event with his son and then realizes that some days you are the windshield and some days you are the bug!

Settling In

Have you found home?

Tom Norvel writes about his daughter moving and how his heart is still in a quest for home and that after she settles in to this place, he hopes she still continues her quest for home.


Take time to reboot and let God do the rest with you.

Patrick Odum reminds us of the importance to rest, to have a Sabbath, to reboot.

Celebration in Heaven

Lost ring, found joy!

Patrick Odum writes about a lost class ring and compares it to Jesus' parable about the lost coin and reminds us that the joy of someone coming to Christ should thrill us, too.

A Quarter of Remembrance

More than the decorations and gifts, this quarter makes Christmas special!

Mike Cope shares a beautiful story about a family tradition of dropping a quarter into the stockings of everyone in the family at Christmas, this includes a video update.

The Joy of the Party

Will you show the joy this season?

Larry Davies reflects on a group of school teachers and their party and reminds us that we need to be people of joy.

Let There Be Peace!

Don't let anyone rob you of your peace this season!

Tom Norvell reminds us to not let anyone steal the peace we have in Jesus or in the season and offers some insights on keeping our peace.

Let There Be Joy

How do we keep people from robbing us of our joy in the Lord?

Tom Norvell uses the song "Joy to the World" to remind us that we need to nurture and protect our joy in Jesus.

Don't Forget to Wish for the Best

When was the last time you sat down with the

Rick Brown finds a Black Friday experience that pushes him back to the real meaning of Christmas and the old Sears Wish Book.

Losing My Mind?

Is this where you are right now?

Russ Lawson reminds us that with so many things going on, we need to remember just the one important thing.

Calling Home

Your Father is waiting to hear from you!

Russ Lawson talks about talking with his kids and grandchildren on the phone and how precious it is to him and how God longs to hear from us in much the same way.

Every Time I Remember You

Every time?

Tom Norvell reminds us to express our thanks to those who have blessed our lives and give us joy and thanksgiving when we remember them.

Forgotten Anything?

Does love mean action or does it mean remembering?

Ron Rose talks about remembering God and what it means to truly love someone.

Unrestrained Joy

When's the last time you jumped up and down for joy?

Tom Norvell talks about a returning soldier being greeted by unrestrained joy by his wife and children and asked when was the last time you did that with God.

Faces in the Crowd

What's standing in the way of us really finding health care?

Patrick Odum reminds us of the heart of Jesus for those who are sick and broken.