Articles Tagged 'Red'

What Is Core: Believing

What is most important for us to believe and do as disciples of Jesus, today?

Phil Ware begins a series of messages on what is core, or what is at the heart of what we must believe and do to be true disciples of Jesus, today.

A Charcoal Fire & the Smell of Redemption

Why make someone relive his or her sin, why not just ignore it?

Phil Ware continues his Saved at Sea series focusing on Peter's denials, his promises, his arrogance, his failure, and his restoration.

God of Fresh Starts

Hope is an olive leaf — evidence of dry land after a flood.

Max Lucado reminds us that the God of hope gives us fresh starts just as he did to Noah with the olive leaf and the dove.

What is Core: Communing

When we gather in Jesus' name, something transcendent happens: the Lord is present with us!

Phil Ware talks about what is core to our faith and then ties it to everyday meals as well as our celebration of the Lord's Supper and the things of first importance in 1 Corinthians 15:1-7.

What Is Core: Believing

What is most important for us to believe and do as disciples of Jesus, today?

Phil Ware begins a series of messages on what is core, or what is at the heart of what we must believe and do to be true disciples of Jesus, today.

I Doubt It: Jesus Is Risen from the Dead

Jesus is risen, and we believe because the first disciples had their doubts!

Phil Ware continues his series called 'I Doubt It' and focuses this week on Jesus having risen from death to never die again.

I Doubt It: You Feed Them

Will we hold a miracle in our hands? My experience says, “Yes!”

Phil Ware continues his series on 'I Doubt it' focusing this week on Jesus' challenge to the apostles to feed the five thousand.

ToGather: Doing the Work of God (August 28, 2022)

Because of our faith in Jesus and what he has done to save us, we can endure, stand fast, hold on, and let nothing deter us as we live fully for Jesus.

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in an online, worship through words and music using YouTube videos to truly believe that Jesus is the Holy One Whom God sent for us.

Is Anything Sacred?

Like speedbumps and curbs, these acts of holiness are meant to slow us down and keep us on the road.

Max Lucado talks about his experiences as a baseball catcher and how the dimensions of homeplate were immutable, sacred, and in a sense holy and compares that to certain things in life that God has called sacred and holy.

Sky, Dirt, and Dreams Unfolding

Buried deep in the earth of our hearts, God has buried dreams and hopes. While they lie under the surface, they ARE there.

Melissa Troyer shares her insightful, home-loving momma whose meditations about life, family, and faith help us grab what is most important in life.

My One Thing!

The God who invented time is right here with me—in the room. Sometimes I have to take a deep breath to remember that.

Ron Rose reminds us that the key to getting things done on our huge to-do list is to take it to God and then have Him help us to one thing, and do it right!

Tired but not Done

I acknowledge that my complaints prevent me from doing the good that God placed me here to do.

Tom Norvell catches himself complaining about the things he tired of in TV, in others, and in himself, and then reminds himself he is accomplishing nothing and needs to be doing good and not growing weary.

Behind the Well-Known Story, There’s More

God places value in our journey and the discovery of age-old truths that are vibrant and life-changing for us here in our specific new season.

Melissa Troyer writes with her unique and young mothering grace as she discovers new truths from an old familiar passage to discover, old stories have new truths when we come with fresh eyes and from a new place in our lives.

Surprises and Smiles

At this point in life, I take each surprise as a God thing, a lesson to learn, and a reason to smile!

Ron Rose is at a new coffee place and is enjoying God reminding him of our delightful surprises can be.

Red to Honor, White to Remember

What will you do to remember and honor your mother?

Phillip Morrison offers Encouraging Words about Mother's Day and the red or white flowers we wear in honor and to remember our mothers.

ToGather: Precious and Priceless (April 24, 2022)

The value of a gift isn't the financial expense of the gift but the personal sacrifice made to give it!

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in a virtual, DIY, worship through words and music using YouTube videos to remind us just how precious we are to the Lord and how greatly we matter to Him.

ToGather: Eyes on Jesus (April 3, 2022)

As human beings, we live where we look: Our lives follow the focus of our hearts.

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware share a powerful virtual worship in Scripture, songs, and communion focused on Hebrews 12:2 and our need to fix our eyes on Jesus to continue with perseverance and endurance as we follow Jesus and seek to become like him.

Give Him What You Have

You know the paralyzing fear that surfaces when the information is too much to learn, the change is too great to make, the grief is too deep to survive, or the crowd is too numerous to feed.

Max Lucado reminds us with Jesus' feeding of the crowd with five barley loaves and two fish that it is his job to make what we have sufficient for the moment.

Willing 2-B-Crucibled

Ever notice that the most challenging madness happens right on the border of the Promised Land?

Ron Rose reminds us that true faith has to go through the B-crucible to be real and lasting.

God Resists the Proud

Pride comes at a high price, my friend. Don’t pay it.

Max Lucado reminds us of the high price of our pride.

Starting Over Having Learned Lessons from the Past

We AREN'T enough, but He is. It is the goodness of the Lord that brings us nose-to-nose with our desperate need for Him.

Melissa Troyer combines her journey through motherhood, her realization of inadequacy, her belief in God's sufficiency, and the willingness to teach using our own failures.

God of Fresh Starts

Hope is an olive leaf — evidence of dry land after a flood.

Max Lucado reminds us that the God of hope gives us fresh starts just as he did to Noah with the olive leaf and the dove.

The Cosmic Christmas Story

Don't forget the wildest story, the cosmic war story, behind Jesus' coming to earth!

Dan Bouchelle reminds us of another story of the nativity, a violent one, a clash between heaven and hell, good and evil, the evil red dragon and the Christ child.

Strategy for the End Times

I may never untangle every nuance of Jesus' prophecies about the destruction of Jerusalem and HIS coming at the end of time but I can be ready!

Phil Ware focuses on what we need to do, and who we need to be, by looking at six intersections with our world during these last days as we await the return of Jesus, the glorious Son of Man!

Before the Red Sea Parts

Life is as full of beauty as it is uncertainty if we open our eyes to see the divine fingerprints of grace.

Melissa Troyes writes with beauty about God’s touches of grace on a trip to New England with her family as she wrestles with the grief over an aunt who is gone too soon and the uncertainty of the future of her family and where they will live.