Articles Tagged 'Kindness'

A Journey of Love and Care

Finding Hope and Support in Times of Need!

Finding help for aging adults with Alzheimer's, ALS, and other mobility-related issues is essential to care for those you love fully.

The Courtesy of Christ

Receive the courtesy of Christ.

Max Lucado reminds us to know that Jesus longs to show us the courtesy of heaven, and we need to recognize it, receive it, and share it.

Joseph, My Hero

Joseph was a strong man of faith with qualities much like God: a man of righteous character, gracious compassion, and faithful loving-kindness

Phil Ware uses this Father's Day to remind us of the man God chose to be daddy to Jesus -- Joseph the Carpenter -- and his greatness despite being overlooked by many who love Jesus!

Free to Serve

Set free and yet we still serve?

Paul Faulkner reminds us of our freedom in Christ to serve and find God's blessing.

Finding Jesus' Heart for Ministry: Look

Take a look at what Jesus did and feel the call to look and see people as Jesus did!

Phil Ware leads us deep into the heart of Jesus for ministry as he looks at Jesus' actions and emotions in Mark 1:35-45, today focusing on how Jesus looked at the situation and into the heart of man with leprosy.

Warts and All

When I recall how Mr. Ellis brought me back into the human fold, I remember that Jesus once took ten lepers in hand and did the same.

Philip Gulley uses his homespun charm to pay tribute to a hero, tell a self-effacing story about childhood warts and crushes, and weaves it together to remind us of God's love and how we should love others.

Daily Altar of Grace

God isn't going to accept anything we offer him — our hearts, our Sunday worship, our offerings, our praise, our hopes, our private prayers, our dreams — if we knowingly remain at odds with a brother or sister in Christ.

Phil Ware takes the two love commands of Jesus, the Greatest Commands, and applies them to all of life for a follower of the Lord.

Wearing Jesus

Are you letting this Garment set your style?

Max Lucado reminds us that when we are baptized, we are clothed with Christ, so what people see in us they attribute to Jesus!

Tuna Salad and the Rest of the Story

Most of them are wonderful human beings because someone gave them a leg up somewhere along the line, and they remember that. At least the good ones do.

Philip Gulley talks about going to the house of a friend in Chicago he calls Paul Jr. and ends up having lunch with Paul Harvey and reminds us that most famous people are nicer than we might think because they know they didn't get to the top, on their own

ToGather: God Longs to Be Gracious to You! (February 21, 2021)

God has given his people many great and precious promises over the centuries. We choose to celebrate several of those promises today!

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in virtual, DIY worship through words and music using YouTube videos to remind us that God longs to be gracious to us if we wait in prayer for him to act.

Viewing People as Jesus Did!

We can view people in ways that demean their value to God instead of viewing people as Jesus does!

Phil Ware reminds us of the four ways we often view people that are very crass and treats them as less than human, then he compares that to how Jesus views people.

ToGather: Please Encourage Someone! (October 25, 2020)

Today's message is a reminder of something that God, throughout the Scriptures and in every age, has urged his people to do: Encourage someone!

Demetrius Collins & Phil Ware lead through worship in song, the Lord's Supper with Rubel Shelly, a powerful message from God's word about encouraging each other

Donny, Marie, and LeBron: Real People, Real Words

We actually exchanged real words with both of them. It was amazing. Would you believe that they are both real living, breathing human beings?

Michael DeCamp shares a chapter out of his new book, "Loving Out Loud," and challenges us to use our words to bless and not hurt, to give life and not steal it from someone.

Living My MUSD #2: Low-Tech Love in a High-Tech World

How our high-tech world desperately needs some low-tech love!

Many of us are focusing on how to connect with work, family, friends, and church through high-tech resources which is good, but we also need some good ol' fashioned low-tech love!

The Image of God

What a beautiful example of the movement from invisibility to humanity! It is so easy to allow the world to slip by as I attend to my very important tasks.

Jackie Halstead reminds us to view people as Jesus did; unique and valuable because each is made in the image of God.

Wearing Jesus

Are you letting this Garment set your style?

Max Lucado reminds us that when we are baptized, we are clothed with Christ, so what people see in us they attribute to Jesus!

Words to Say

What can I as a believer in Jesus actually do to make a difference in the tasteless and vile language that comes from every side, quarter, and position?

Phil Ware shares how the Holy Spirit convicted him about the kind of speech he, and we must use in a world that has gone crazy at attacking each other.

A Tabulated List of Grace

Registered forgiveness! No humiliation! No shame!

Max Lucado shares a short anecdote on forgiveness and grace.

I Have Found the Answer!

Here's what seems to be most needed in our harsh and cruel world.

Tom Norvell reminds us of the needed virtue in today's harsh world.

When Right Words Are Very Wrong

Right answers can never substitute for right living.

Phil reminds us that having right answers means very little if we don't treat people like Jesus did.

Christmas Can Bring Out the Best in Us!

The challenge is to help others celebrate Jesus 365 days a year.

Brian McCutchen shares with us about the need for Christmas to continue year round.

Two Little Girls

To Jesus, she's more than just another forgotten little girl!

Phil Ware reminds us of the power of compassion, especially when that compassion is channeled to help children escape poverty in Jesus' name through Compassion International.

Where Is the Love?

As followers of Jesus, it is my responsibility to speak and demonstrate the language of this authentic love.

Tom Norvell reminds us that as disciples of Jesus, our job is to bring the love of Jesus into every arena of life, even if the rest of the world has forgotten to do so.


Take a look at what Jesus did and feel the call to do it, too!

Phil Ware begins an 8-part series on discipleship and following Jesus in caring for the hurt people of the world.

I Choose

We have a huge impact on our day by what we decide to choose!

Max Lucado reminds us that our life is made by what we choose to do with our character and our heart.