Articles Tagged 'Violent'

The Cosmic Christmas Story

Don't forget the wildest story, the cosmic war story, behind Jesus' coming to earth!

Dan Bouchelle reminds us of another story of the nativity, a violent one, a clash between heaven and hell, good and evil, the evil red dragon and the Christ child.

Self-Destructive Power in Building Monuments to Ourselves

In absolute arrogance and stupidity, the people of the plains of Babylonia set out to make a name for themselves.

Phil Ware and James Nored share through words, images, and video the story of the Tower of Babel and the self-destructive danger of pride and arrogance.

Noah, Violence, and Grace

The story of Noah fascinates children, but the message of Noah also reminds us of the Creator's heart being broken by humanity's penchant for violence.

James Nored and Phil Ware remind us that violence is not God's plan, but humanity's corrupt and wicked propensity to injure and mar those created in the image of God.

Saved From... Saved For!

We don't want to be swimming with Jonah on the shoreline!

Phil Ware continues with his series on Saved at Sea from the great Bible stories of sea rescues and this time examines Jonah and that he was saved from death for God's great purposes.

Safe Place?

Where can we go and know that we are truly safe?

Rubel Shelly writes about the terror attack in France and about how we can only find our security in God.

Power to Change People

Can anything change our decaying culture for the better?

Paul Faulkner cites a recent Wallstreet Journal report on domestic violence and observes that change happens one man and one family at a time.

The Violence of the Wicked?

Please end the violence!

Phil Ware shares insight on Psalm 7

Getting Out of Our Ditch

Can we really get out of this mess>

The awful murders in our schools several weeks ago almost went unnoticed because we were so busy focusing on the Terrell Owens soap opera which shows how messed up we really are.