Articles Tagged 'Son Of God'

ADVENT brings us TRUTH: Word Become Flesh

Phil Ware shares Scriptures and James Nored shares an inspirational video regarding the blessings and significance of Advent, Jesus' coming to earth as God in human flesh as our Savior and Lord.

ADVENT brings us LOVE

God chose to come to us, suffer at our hands, and sacrifice himself so we could know the depth of God's redeeming love for us.

Phil Ware shares Scriptures and James Nored shares an inspirational video regarding the blessings and significance of Advent, Jesus' coming to earth as God in human flesh as our Savior and Lord.

ADVENT brings us GOD

Advent is the celebration of Jesus' coming to earth as Immanuel, God with us in human flesh!

Phil Ware shares Scriptures and James Nored shares an inspirational video regarding the blessings and significance of Advent, Jesus' coming to earth as God in human flesh as our Savior and Lord.


Advent is the celebration of Jesus' coming to earth and bringing God's heavenly Kingdom shown in his ministry, lived by his people, and ultimately experienced at his return!

Phil Ware shares Scriptures and James Nored shares an inspirational video regarding the blessings and significance of Advent, Jesus' coming to earth as God in human flesh as our Savior and Lord.

ADVENT brings us HOPE

Advent is the celebration of Jesus' coming to earth as the Son of God and our Savior. Inextinguishable hope is just one of the blessings of ADVENT!

Phil Ware shares Scriptures and James Nored shares an inspirational video regarding the blessings and significance of Advent, Jesus' coming to earth as God in human flesh as our Savior and Lord.

Which Way Will I Run?

Will I run in faith to follow the Jesus of the empty tomb even if it means I have to follow him to a cross of my own?

James Nored and Phil Ware share in video, words, and images some of the many reasons Christians have to believe that Jesus was raised from the dead and is Lord, Christ, Jesus, and Son of God!


For God so loved us that he came to our world as a child.

Phil Ware reminds us of the divine titles for Jesus in Matthew 1 and then drives home the point that this divine Christ, Messiah, Son of God, Immanuel, God with us, came to us as the child, Jesus.

ToGather: Bringing All Things Together in Christ (November 6, 2022)

Our hope, our answer, and God's unveiling of his greatest mysteries are found in Jesus, the Messiah, Son of God, the Christ who is our Savior and Lord!

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in an online worship through words and music using YouTube videos to help us understand and connect emotionally with God's mystery to bring things together in Christ.

The Way of Jesus #7: Which Way Will I Run?

Will I run in faith to follow the Jesus of the empty tomb even if it means I have to follow him to a cross of my own?

James Nored and Phil Ware share in video, words, and images some of the many reasons Christians have to believe that Jesus was raised from the dead and is Lord, Christ, Jesus, and Son of God, and how his love defined the way of Jesus through the cross to

The Way of Jesus #1: Truly See the Coming King

When Jesus entered Jerusalem, the whole city was stirred and asked,

James Nored and Phil Ware share the significance of Jesus' Triumphal Entry as they begin a special Holy Week series.

To Win Your Heart!

On this Christmas Day as we bring this year's journey to an end, the question you need to ask is as important to answer as it is simple to ask!

James Nored and Phil Ware challenge us to faith in the eternal God who chose to reveal himself by becoming human and living in our world

Life to Our Mortal Bodies

Jesus wasn't just raised from the dead; he is also now alive in us through the Holy Spirit!

James Nored and Phil Ware emphasize the importance of the Holy Spirit in our resurrection from the dead.

Which Way Will I Run?

Will I run in faith to follow the Jesus of the empty tomb even if it means I have to follow him to a cross of my own?

James Nored and Phil Ware share in video, words, and images some of the many reasons Christians have to believe that Jesus was raised from the dead and is Lord, Christ, Jesus, and Son of God!

Who Do You Say I Am?

At a place with great spiritual and physical significance, Jesus challenged his followers to decide about his identity.

James Nored and Phil Ware challenge us to answer the same question Jesus asked his first followers at Caesarea Philippi: 'Who do you say I am?'


For God so loved us that he came to our world as a child.

Phil Ware reminds us of the divine titles for Jesus in Matthew 1 and then drives home the point that this divine Christ, Messiah, Son of God, Immanuel, God with us, came to us as the child, Jesus.

Simple Beginnings, Profound Impact

Can anything good come from Nazareth?

Phil Ware reminds us not to put away Jesus with the Christmas lights and blow up snowman, but to remember that Christ is alive in us!

To Win Your Heart

As we bring this year's journey to an end, the question you need to ask is as important to answer as it is simple to ask!

James Nored and Phil Ware challenge us to faith in the eternal God who chose to reveal himself by becoming human and living in our world

Life to Our Mortal Bodies!

Jesus wasn’t just raised from the dead; he is also now alive in us through the Holy Spirit!

James Nored and Phil Ware emphasize the importance of the Holy Spirit in our resurrection from the dead.

Which Way Will I Run?

Will I run in faith to follow the Jesus of the empty tomb even if it means I have to follow him to a cross of my own?

James Nored and Phil Ware share in video, words, and images some of the many reasons Christians have to believe that Jesus was raised from the dead and is Lord, Christ, Jesus, and Son of God!

Who Do YOU Say I Am?

At a place with great spiritual and physical significance, Jesus challenged his followers to decide about his identity.

James Nored and Phil Ware challenge us to answer the same question Jesus asked his first followers at Caesarea Philippi: 'Who do you say I am?'

Resurrection 2.0: The Empty Tomb

They stood there, stunned and perplexed.

Phil Ware begins his series on Jesus' resurrection appearances called Resurrection 2.0

Cruciformed #2: Beyond Our Blurry Vision

As we journey with Jesus down his way of the cross, something grabs our hearts. That drawing power reaches through the centuries.

Phil Ware continues his series from the Gospel of Mark called Cruciformed, formed into the likeness of Jesus who went to the cross.

On Tiptoes with Angels

Christmas, like the coming of Jesus, is about waiting!

Phil Ware begins a five-part series on Jesus at Christmas. This week is focused on waiting for Jesus to come.

This Collision of Grace

Greatness and grace reveal themelves in a world so real we can smell the manure and hear the breathing sounds of the Son of God.

Phil Ware reminds us of the discontinuity, the absolute collision, of the grime of our world and the glory of God in the birth of Jesus.

Beyond Description

The beloved disciple wants us to know and love Jesus like he does!

Phil Ware looks at the gospel of John chapter 1 and reflects on all the titles, names, and descriptions given to Jesus in this one chapter and what it really means for us.