Articles Tagged 'Rut' (Page 4)

Let's DO It!

What's got you stuck in neutral?

Phil Ware looks at the last chapter of the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 7, and emphasizes Jesus' call to us to obey, put into practice, bear fruit, and do what he says.

The News Behind the News

Do you ever get a glimpse of God behind the stories we hear everyday?

Ron Rose reminds us that God stories are everywhere, but don't make the press because God's work can't be nailed down to a snippet, a spin, a sound byte, or a headline.

He Didn't Save it for Us

Integrity can be costly in the long run while paying huge dividends in those we teach!

Rubel Shelly talks about a family who found money in the attic of their newly purchased house and returned it to the heirs of the previous owners because they were honest and wanted their kids to know the truth of character.

And Faith Survives

How has the church been able to endure and weather all of its storms?

Rubel Shelly writes an article parallel to his book and emphasizes that somehow Jesus and his teaching survive all the weird things churches and church movements do.

Yes Be Yes, No Be No

Are you as good as your word?

Say what you mean and then do what you say. Those around you will come to trust you when your actions are the same as your words.

Lies I Like

We want to beleive the lies that let us do what we want.

Satan feeds us lies that let us feel good about doing what we really wanted to do all along.

Christians Behaving Badly

So how should they have reacted?

Rubel Shelly talks about Christopher Hitchens' illness and the way Christians react to it and the defense of our faith.

Strangers and Foreigners, No More

Have you ever been a stranger in a strange land?

As Christians, we have family around the world. Some of our family members speak other languages, but we are still family

C2K - DNA Testing

Does the connection show up in our ministry?

All too frequently people claiming to follow Jesus separate proclamation from compassion, evangelism from service, but if we have a DNA connection with Jesus, both must be present.

Catch and Release: One

Don't you hate to have to choose!

Phil Ware talks about Jesus' identity, our reluctance to choose, and how we have to choose one way or the other about Jesus' identity.

Traveling Mercies: Never Leave These Behind

Can love and faithfulness be more than a slogan?

Phil Ware writes about Ruth and her love and faithfulness and how God used this to bring the Messiah, bless broken-hearted Naomi, and bless his people.

Promises Kept!

How do you know you can trust the promises of Jesus?

Phil Ware talks about the promises of Jesus and how we know we can trust them: because he kept the hard and painful promises to die for us.

Respect and Truth-Telling

Would you have told the truth in such dire circumstances?

Rubel Shelly challenges us with an old story to be people of truth and respect even in the most dire and painful circumstances and treat people with the same ethical respect we would expect ourselves.

Good News about Tomorrow

There's a wave of truthfulness headed down the pipeline!

Rubel Shelly talks about his medical ethics class and the importance these students put on telling the truth in all situations.

Ain't Nothin' New?

Will things ever change for me?

Phil Ware reminds that God still has the whole world in his hands and he can get us out of our ruts and break through the barriers that hold us captive to boredom and sameness.

Mother's Day Messages

Thank you for your legacy of faith.

A simple message from 2 Timothy about mothers.

What Difference Can One Make?

Can one person really make a difference

Phil Ware looks at Ruth and Naomi and the difference one faithful person can make in everything!

He Died for Me!

How are we to respond to such an extravagant gift?

Phil Ware thinks through the implications of Jesus' death for us.

Full Disclosure

Would you have come clean?

Mike Barres holds himself accountable for telling the truth, the full truth, and not deceiving others when it is in his best interest.


Are you telling it straight with God, or bending the truth a little?

Bill Denton introduces us to a new word, communifaking, and also challenges us to communicate truthfully.

Face the Mirror and Face the Music

You mean he means me?

Patrick Odum confronts us with the words of John the baptist about repentance and how we need to face ourselves honestly in the mirror.

Root Rot

Can you get too much of a good thing?

Mike Barres reminds us that often what culture is giving us as water is not God's truth and will rot our roots.

The Art of Saying, 'I am Sorry'

Simple words, so why don't we say them more genuinely?

Steve Higginbotham reminds us that saying "I'm sorry" means truly apologizing.

The View from a Troubled Heart

What can we really see from where we are right now?

Bill Sherrill connects to an old King James phrase, the latter days, and reminds us that we often don't see things clearly until time has passed and we view things from God's perspective.

Donkeys Kicking, Sharks Attacking, Airplanes Falling

What do donkeys, sharks, and airplanes have in common?

Russ Lawson reminds us to check out what we are told from Scripture, because just like made up statistics, the facts are not always what is presented to us.