Articles Tagged 'Rut'

What is CORE: Finishing

I remain convicted that these passages give us the CORE of what we must believe and practice as Jesus' disciples.

Phil Ware brings his series on 'What is CORE!' to a close, giving us a short summary to help us remember these three CORE passages and what they teach and call on us to do.

What is CORE: Finishing

I remain convicted that these passages give us the CORE of what we must believe and practice as Jesus' disciples.

Phil Ware brings his series on 'What is CORE!' to a close, giving us a short summary to help us remember these three CORE passages and what they teach and call on us to do.

The Spirit Opens Our Eyes to Truth

"I remember when that knowledge really hit me for the first time... that to get the whole truth, you have to have the Holy Spirit.'

Ron Rose reminds us that without the Holy Spirit alive in us, we have no guide to help us understand the Scriptures, much less God or Jesus or the holy plans and promises for us!

ToGather: Having a Fitting Reply (October 23, 2022)

Let's worship today, praising God and asking for the help of the Holy Spirit as we seek to respond to people as Jesus did!

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in online, virtual worship through words and music using YouTube videos to help us understand how to give fitting replies to others in different conversation contexts.

A Touch of Grace in Horrific Moments

If we are willing to get our hands dirty to show loving respect, God will use us to be his touch of grace in times of horror.

Phil Ware shares a Holy Spirit given insight into the horrific deaths of Jonath, Saul, and Jesus, and how good people did kind things to mitigate the pain and evil of those deaths.

But God!

In a world swirling with heavy clouds and looming headlines, we mothers hold a massive opportunity!

Melissa Troyer looks at everyday life, her children, and the horrifying images and videos and cries of mothers and children, and sees an opportunity to teach our children to say, But God!

ToGather: Guiding My Steps (September 5, 2021)

We are blessed to have the Holy Spirit and the Scriptures that the Spirit inspired to guide our steps in a confusing and dangerous world.

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in a virtual, DIY, worship through words and music using YouTube videos to remember God's faithfulness to his promises, the victory our God has promised to us, and the importance of obeying the Scriptures God has gi

Our Brutal World

Life is a dangerous endeavor. We pass our days in the shadows of ominous realities.

Max Lucado reminds us to be courageous in our times of trouble for we have put our faith in the one who has conquered.

Jesus at the Center

Without Jesus at the center of our faith, we are left with only an empty form of religion.

Phil Ware talks about what is most important about the Bible and the focus of Scripture and the answer is simple: Jesus must be the center of everything.


In the middle of our grief, loss, and brokenness, we must remember that we are not alone in our brokenness.

Phil Ware reminds us that God shares our pain in our worst moments of grief and loss, God is heartbroken with us.

The Divine Order of Love

Before Jesus, the word 'agape' didn't mean anything special. It was a sloppy word for 'love' pretty much like our English word 'love' as we use it today.

Phil Ware reminds us where the word 'agape' really gets its meaning, in what God did for us in Jesus and that we must love God first if we are to love others properly.

I Will Not Abandon You, Ever!

What can we really expect the Spirit to do for us, today, in our world?

Phil Ware writes about Jesus' promise of the Holy Spirit focusing on John 14 and Jesus' promise to not leave us as orphans but to come to us and show himself to us and be in us and make his home with us.

Until We Find Our Dream

What an incredible story of transformation from an atheist to a Christian missionary in primitive Papua, New Guinea, and it is the real

James Nored and Phil Ware share in video and words the wonder of Jesus’ birth and how it changed the world with the Sound of Music and tie this to the New Year with New Hope prayer hour.

What is CORE: Finishing

I remain convicted that these passages give us the CORE of what we must believe and practice as Jesus' disciples.

Phil Ware brings his series on 'What is CORE!' to a close, giving us a short summary to help us remember these three CORE passages and what they teach and call on us to do.

We All Need Jesus!

Because we could not be

James Nored and Phil Ware remind us that we all needed Jesus' redemptive death on the cross so we could find new life in the grace of God.

I Will Not Abandon You!

What can we really expect the Spirit to do for us, today, in our world?

Phil Ware writes about Jesus' promise of the Holy Spirit focusing on John 14 and Jesus' promise to not leave us as orphans but to come to us and show himself to us and be in us and make his home with us.

One Like Moses (SOR Egypt 5)

Moses brought down God's Law from his mountain. Jesus demonstrated God's love on a hill outside Jerusalem!

James Nored and Phil Ware move from Abraham and Moses to Jesus in God's great story of redemption and show how Jesus becomes the fulfillment

Who Is God?

Moses wanted Pharaoh and the Egyptians to see that only Israel's God was truly God. Anything in addition to God was less.

James Nored and Phil Ware look at Moses' showdown with Pharaoh to remind us that this was really a showdown to show who was truly God and our need to choose to follow him.

Peace: Until We Find Our Dream

What an incredible story. It's a story of transformation from an atheist to a Christian missionary in primitive Papua, New Guinea!

James Nored and Phil Ware share in video and words the wonder of Jesus’ birth and how it changed the world with the Sound of Music.

We All Need Jesus!

Because we could not be

James Nored and Phil Ware remind us that we all needed Jesus' redemptive death on the cross so we could find new life in the grace of God.

One Like Moses!

Moses brought down God's Law from his mountain. Jesus demonstrated God's love on his mountain.

James Nored and Phil Ware move from Abraham and Moses to Jesus in God's great story of redemption.

The Power Behind Our Story

Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed! And, nothing should ever be the same.

James Nored and Phil Ware remind us of the central importance of the resurrection of Jesus and what it means for all us in our lives today

Cruciformed #3: Listen to Him!

In a world full of noisy distractions and competing messages, how do we know which voice we should obey and which sign we should follow?

Phil Ware continues his short series on becoming a cruciformed people -- disciples transformed by the cross of Jesus -- by talking about the focus on the story of Jesus' transfiguration.

Important Women, Important Roles

If we listen carefully to God’s unfolding story, there are many strong women of faith who played key roles in the life of God's people!

Phil Ware continues his series on the role of women and their importance in the story of God's unfolding grace.

I Won't Let You Go!

What is this peace? What is this overcoming Jesus talks about?

Phil Ware reminds us of the great truth of Jesus' steadfastness and faithfulness, he won't let us go.