Articles Tagged 'Disciple' (Page 2)

8GHT: What Time Is It?

Our world is fractured and lost. It needs to see what the way of the Kingdom looks like in real life today!

Phil Ware continues his short series on Acts 1:1-11 and focuses today on restoring the kingdom.

8GHT: It's All About Jesus

Behind every move made by disciples in the book of Acts, Jesus was The Mover!

Phil Ware continues his series called 8GHT -- Eight Truths that Turned the World Upside Down! from Acts 1:1-11, this week focusing on Jesus as the Message, Motive, Model, and Mover in the early days of the church.

Connecting People of Other Cultures with Jesus

Are we willing to take the risk and reach outside our comfort zones to connect people with Jesus?

Phil Ware continues his series on 'The Andrew Effect' and connecting people with Jesus, this time focusing on including people of other cultures, races, and languages.

Behind the Well-Known Story, There’s More

God places value in our journey and the discovery of age-old truths that are vibrant and life-changing for us here in our specific new season.

Melissa Troyer writes with her unique and young mothering grace as she discovers new truths from an old familiar passage to discover, old stories have new truths when we come with fresh eyes and from a new place in our lives.

Seed, Towel, Promise, and Torchlight: The Torchlight

With Jesus' arrest under torchlight, the end for darkness' reign drew near.

Phil Ware concludes his four-part series on Jesus' Passion called seed, towel, promise, and torchlight.

Seed, Towel, Promise, and Torchlight: The Towel

The hands that would soon be nailed to a cross now reached for a towel to serve those that would abandon him while he hung on that cross, alone!

Phil Ware continues his series on Seed, Towel, Promise, and Torchlight focusing on common elements in our world, our lives, that Jesus used to join our hearts to his love.

Finding Jesus' Heart for Ministry: Proof

Jesus asks us to trust him — not just for receiving our salvation, but also by obeying him in our daily lives.

Phil Ware concludes his six-part series on the man with leprosy that Jesus heals (Mark 1:35-45) and how we can learn to impact the lives of others as Jesus did.

Finding Jesus: Experiencing Immanuel

Do we feel like we have to keep up some kind of smokescreen so others won't know about our own times of emptiness and longing?

Phil Ware shares a summary of Matthew's Immanuel sayings focused on experiencing Jesus today.

Rest and Power for the Weary

Our resources run low, our spirits grow tired, our bodies shut down, we can’t handle another thing, then Satan throws in a storm or two. What do we do?

Phil Ware continues his reflections on what it means to be a JesuShaped disciple, this week focusing on our need for rest and time alone with God.

I Want to Be Like Her

Let's move beyond remembering her story; let's also commit to being like her in these four ways.

Phil Ware continues his reflections in the Gospels as he seeks to call us to continue pursuing Jesus so that we can be JesuShaped.

Keeping My Eyes on the Prize

We have to follow the Lord, and Jesus promises to empower our becoming like him through the Holy Spirit.

Phil Ware continues his series on Jesus and transformation and focuses today on our walking with Jesus each day in the gospels and learning his words and talking with him and taking on on his character and compassion as the Spirit transforms us.

Beyond Chapter and Verse

Have we missed the joy of our Father and the party he longs to throw for all of us who love him and give up all to follow Jesus?

Jordan Harrell and Phil Ware invite to come celebrate at the table of grace our Father longs for us to share and not get hung up on chapter and verse prooftexting religion.

JesuShaped Prayer

Prayer becomes a tuning fork that helps us sing the song of God's magnificence with both holy praise as well as genuine concern for the people in our world.

Phil Ware continues his series of thoughts on living as a disciple that is JesuShaped and focuses on how the Lord's Prayer tunes our hearts to living the JesuShaped life.

Jesus at the Center

Without Jesus at the center of our faith, we are left with only an empty form of religion.

Phil Ware talks about what is most important about the Bible and the focus of Scripture and the answer is simple: Jesus must be the center of everything.

Live Beyond

I invite you to join me in living beyond the horizon of our children's faith!

Phil Ware writes about leaving a legacy with his children and grandchildren to pass on faith and be passionate disciples of Jesus.

The Way of Jesus #4: Who Do I Say Jesus Is?

Jesus' trials focused on his true identity, although those who tried him didn't really want to know the truth.

James Nored and Phil Ware share in word and video the meaning of Jesus' trials before Pilate, Herod, and the Jewish Ruling Council and how they helped define the way of Jesus through the cross to the empty tomb.

Finding Jesus: Experiencing Immanuel

Do we feel like we have to keep up some kind of smokescreen so others won't know about our own times of emptiness and longing?

Phil Ware shares a summary of Matthew's Immanuel sayings focused on experiencing Jesus today.

What is CORE: Finishing

I remain convicted that these passages give us the CORE of what we must believe and practice as Jesus' disciples.

Phil Ware brings his series on 'What is CORE!' to a close, giving us a short summary to help us remember these three CORE passages and what they teach and call on us to do. for November 15 is Ready!

You're invited to use our worship guide for your home or group worship!

Dr. Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware invite you to join us for our Sunday, Verse of the Day focused, home worship guide and videos, called!

What is CORE: Training

Our practice of omitting from the Lord's Great Commission is more likely based on our preference for the attractional model of doing church.

Phil Ware continues his series on What is CORE focusing on the training -- teaching to obey -- element of the Great Commission.

What is CORE: Baptizing

God has given us a way to experience the saving work Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection.

Phil Ware continues his series on "What is CORE" by talking about baptism and why it is important.

ToGather: Please Encourage Someone! (October 25, 2020)

Today's message is a reminder of something that God, throughout the Scriptures and in every age, has urged his people to do: Encourage someone!

Demetrius Collins & Phil Ware lead through worship in song, the Lord's Supper with Rubel Shelly, a powerful message from God's word about encouraging each other

What is CORE: Going

True disciples of the Lord haven't stopped going ever since Jesus commanded it!

Phil Ware continues his series on "What is CORE" by focusing on Jesus' final and intentional last command to make disciples of all nations, and emphasizes the first process of doing that: GOING!

ToGather: The End of the Law? (October 4, 2020)

As we join together to honor Jesus as our Christ and Lord, we can lay every burden down and rejoice in the grace God has lavished upon us.

Demetrius Collins & Phil Ware lead through worship in song, the Lord's Supper, a powerful message from God's word, and a closing blessing for worship from home with family and friends in a meaningful way - we can be assured our righteous was purchased by

What IS CORE: Disciple-making

When I die, my prayer is that Jesus will tell me that my life has honored his final command with even more passion and purpose. How about you?

Phil Ware continues his series on "What is CORE" by focusing on Jesus' final and intentional last command to make disciples of all nations.