Articles Tagged 'Broken'

Kicked to the Curb? Good!

Holy ground — without brokenness, there would be no healing or hope or grace. So, thank you, Abba, for reserving a place for us, just for us, at the curb with you.

Ron Rose talks about how everything he and Lyn set out by the curb was reclaimed and reused by someone else, which is what God has done with us when we have been broken and discarded.

What Is Core: Believing

What is most important for us to believe and do as disciples of Jesus, today?

Phil Ware begins a series of messages on what is core, or what is at the heart of what we must believe and do to be true disciples of Jesus, today.

The Misunderstanding

Without understanding the cross, we turn Christianity into another human contest about self-importance.

Phil Ware shares his third post on The Question, Peter's confession of Jesus and how he had to be broken before he could really understand what his confession meant.

A Charcoal Fire & the Smell of Redemption

Why make someone relive his or her sin, why not just ignore it?

Phil Ware continues his Saved at Sea series focusing on Peter's denials, his promises, his arrogance, his failure, and his restoration.

What Is Core: Believing

What is most important for us to believe and do as disciples of Jesus, today?

Phil Ware begins a series of messages on what is core, or what is at the heart of what we must believe and do to be true disciples of Jesus, today.

Comfort in any Season

How does God use us to comfort other?

Phil Ware talks about 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 and comforting others with the comfort we have received when we went through the season of mourning, grief, and pain.

ToGather: Using Our Freedom Redemptively (November 13, 2022)

In our broken world where people say and do hostile things against us, we choose to use our freedom to serve them in love.

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in an online worship through words and music using YouTube videos to remind us we are free in Christ from bondage to sin, death, satan, hell, purposelessness, loneliness, so we can use our freedom to serve and liber

Something Simple, Something Glorious

Don't be fooled by the simplicity of this meal, but be reminded that Jesus makes simple things glorious!

Phil Ware reminds us that though the bread and wine of this meal are simple, so were Jesus' words to Jairus' daughter, and those words changed everything.

Adam 2.0

When Luke wrote his good news story about Jesus, he wants us to know that as much as we may resent and resemble Adam 1.0, the Holy Spirit is transforming us into Adam 2.0!

Phil Ware leads us in exploratory devotional thoughts about the first and second Adams and what they mean to us and that Jesus came as Adam 2.0 to bring us a better future and life eternal with and like Jesus.

Peace in This World?

We were not created for war, fighting, and death. No wonder our souls gasp for justice and a peaceful community.

Melissa Troyer reminds us that our world is broken and full of chaos, but we can find peace in this world in Jesus.

ToGather: Real Love Involves Loving Actions (February 27, 2022)

Jesus reminds us that real love involves our tangible demonstration of that love in acts of kindness, help, and service.

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in a virtual, DIY, worship through words and music using YouTube videos to call us into the mission Jesus gave us to be his bodily presence sent into the world just as the Father sent him.

Willing 2-B-Crucibled

Ever notice that the most challenging madness happens right on the border of the Promised Land?

Ron Rose reminds us that true faith has to go through the B-crucible to be real and lasting.

Finding Jesus' Heart for Ministry: Look

Take a look at what Jesus did and feel the call to look and see people as Jesus did!

Phil Ware leads us deep into the heart of Jesus for ministry as he looks at Jesus' actions and emotions in Mark 1:35-45, today focusing on how Jesus looked at the situation and into the heart of man with leprosy.

Finding Jesus' Heart for Ministry: Prayer

To touch the broken as Jesus did, I must learn to pray as Jesus prayed!

Phil Ware looks at Mark 1:35-45 and learning how to touch the broken as Jesus touched them by learning to pray as Jesus

Hard Work and Holy Listening

Instead of a well-manicured life, and perfectly organized and aesthetic home, my heart is yearning for more connection with love... His love... and, to be part of His loving presence.

Melissa Troyer comes to us again through the ordinariness of daily life and reminds us to listen for Jesus' presence and look for ways to be conduits of God's love.

ToGather: Waiting in Expectation (September 19, 2021)

We trust in Jesus' promise to return in victory for us and bring God's new heaven and new earth.

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in a virtual, DIY, worship through words and music using YouTube videos to remind us of God's greatness and Jesus' promise to take us home to the Father and reveal us as God's adopted children and heal our broken wo

Run Away Like Jonah Days

Perhaps the biggest gift of

Melissa Troyer is having one of those days where you want to run away and hide and yet has a young child that demands attention, driving Melissa back into the strength of God!

Where to Reach

I knew the picture looked different zoomed out.

Melissa Troyer reminds us of those mistakes made by our little ones when they are in their early exploration modes and how our job is not to load them down with rules but to show them where to reach.

Beyond Chapter and Verse

Have we missed the joy of our Father and the party he longs to throw for all of us who love him and give up all to follow Jesus?

Jordan Harrell and Phil Ware invite to come celebrate at the table of grace our Father longs for us to share and not get hung up on chapter and verse prooftexting religion.


In the middle of our grief, loss, and brokenness, we must remember that we are not alone in our brokenness.

Phil Ware reminds us that God shares our pain in our worst moments of grief and loss, God is heartbroken with us.

The Way of Jesus #2: Unsettling the Religious Status Quo

We must always remember that God's love for broken people and our call to his mission must matter most.

James Nored and Phil Ware remind us of the deadly consequences of a religion that forgets the love of God for broken people and the mission Jesus has for us to the lost world and helped define the way of Jesus through the cross to the empty tomb.

Overcoming the Greater Pandemic: Finder and Mender

God's people have been in lost places before our time. They made it safely through their wilderness to better times and better places.

James Nored in video and Phil Ware with words reminds us that God is the finder and mender of lost and broken things and lost and broken people.

What Is Core: Believing

What is most important for us to believe and do as disciples of Jesus, today?

Phil Ware begins a series of messages on what is core, or what is at the heart of what we must believe and do to be true disciples of Jesus, today.

Beyond Religious Places, Practices, and Rituals

We must always remember that God's love for broken people and our call to his mission must matter most.

James Nored and Phil Ware remind us of the deadly consequences of a religion that forgets the love of God for broken people and mission Jesus has for us to the lost world.

Truly See the Coming King

See the King headed to a cross, the foal of a donkey, and a formerly blind man who followed along the way.

James Nored and Phil Ware remind us that many were blind to Jesus as the Messiah because he refused to be the kind of Messiah they expected; he was the upside down Messiah.