Articles Tagged 'Ark' (Page 4)

Brother, Can You Spare a Light

Don't curse the darkness, but light a candle!

Bill Sherrill reminds us that it is much easier to be critical than to do something, but the good that is done is really done by people willing to try.

A Matter of Perspective

What is your point of view?

Bill Sherrill reflects on family reunions, perspective, being together, and church.

Isn't Jesus Enough?

Why do we run after other things to add to Jesus?

Phil Ware continues his messages out of Colossians; this one focuses on Jesus being enough and anything added to Him is less.

Steering through the Storms

How are you going to find your way through the mess?

Rubel Shelly talks about how we can navigate through the economic and political storms and also reminds us that adversity is the opportunity for new beginnings.

Things Jesus Might Say!

When the Dow swings nearly 1,000 points in a day, what would Jesus say?

Danny Sims shares some insight for us on our two week wild run on Wall Street and the up and downs of the market.

A Little Spunk Needed?

Isn't this what we need instead of hand-wringing?

Rob Frazier sees a girl overcoming a handicap and it reminds him how we need to address our financially troubling times.

Behind Enemy Lines

Where do you live your life of faith?

Phil Ware talks about persecution of believers today and how we can make a difference.

How to Survive a Bear Attack

This is no joking matter when you are in the bear's woods!

Phil Ware talks about bear attacks in Alaska and also how Satan attacks us and reminds us that Jesus is our assurance that we are never alone when we are attacked and he has worked to defend us.

Light for Living

What will you do when the lights all go off?

Rubel Shelly talks about finding our way when we are trapped in darkness: look for Jesus to light the way.

Don't Let Go!

Which should we hold on to during this season?

Bill Sherrill reminds us to not let go of our friends who are depressed nor of our joy in the season.

When You Care Enough

How much do you actually care?

Alan Smith reminds us of the importance of sending notes of thanks, appreciation, and encouragement and how important those are to others.

When Does Day Begin?

So how soon is it till dawn?

An old Rabbi reminds us that it is not dawn until we see the light of the sunrise in the eyes of our neighbor.

The Light Within You

What is your light?

Some of us need sunlight all the time, but all of us need God's true light or we lose our way. So let's not settle for our own idols, for what is false and shadow.

Giving Back to God What Is His

Are we just renters of the blessings we have?

Using something for free almost every weekend of the year for a parking lot reminds a church that they don't own what they use; we need to learn that same thing as God's children.

God in the Dark

How do we move from self-reliance to God reliance?

A trip through deep depression forces our writer to look at reliance, dependence upon God, and finding hope when there doesn't seem to be much reason to hope.

Dark Night of the Soul

Do you want to find God in the dark night of the soul?

Sometimes the dark night of the soul is exactly what we need to experience to let go of what we need to jettison and grab ahold again of God.

Born That Man No More May Die

Why was Jesus born?

Jesus came to face our world and give us deliverance both from and through what we fear.

The Power of One Woman

What difference can one lady do?

Rosa Parks is just one example of many women whose lives of faith have great changed the world.

Season of Longer Darkness

What season is it in your life?

There are times of trials and difficulties are a long season of darkness, but in the middle, God brings times of joy.

An Open Letter to the New Clergy

Will you step up as a business person and take a lead in our war for the soul?

The most powerful voice for God in our culture must come from our business leaders who are Christians!

Workplace Faith

Where did Jesus find his followers?

Our Christian life is lived out in our workplace much more than in our church attendance!

The Bookmark

What good is a little bookmark?

Bookmarks are those little reminders that are hard to get rid of.

Just a Small Sliver of Light

Where did that laser beam come from, anyway?

In a world of darkness, an intensely focused life is going to emit a lot of light in our dark world.

Missing the Target

How bad have you messed up?

Sometimes we sin -- we miss the mark -- and we need grace to forigive and restore us and to purify us.