Hope for Life (Page 3)

'What prevents me from being baptized?'

What stands between you and the water?

The Bible says the Ethiopian eunuch was baptized and went on his way rejoicing. You can too. It was good news for the Ethiopian. It's good news for us. Everyone who is willing to put their faith in Jesus may come to him.

Following Jesus Is Not About You

Making a decision to follow Jesus is really not about you at all.

The decision to follow Jesus is not about you. If anything, it is about rejecting yourself.

The Immovable Ladder

The ladder has been there since the 18th century!

A ladder sits outside a window of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. The ladder has been in place for over 250 years; there are writings from the 18th century that mention it. No one really knows where it came from. Nobody uses it. The ladder

What a Rescue Dog Taught Me About God

A rescue dog, God, and a love story

I love God because of how much he has done for me. I was reminded of this by watching Lulu, our rescue dog.

The Instructions

Some assembly required…

The Bible, Scripture, holds God's directions for his followers. If you don't read it, you don't know how to put your life together. And what you actually get doesn't resemble anything close to what you envisioned; you have pieces lost or pieces that are

An 'Even If' Faith

What if God doesn't do what you hoped or wanted?

We need an "even if" faith. We need the kind of faith that says, "Lord, I'll believe in you even if you don't do what I hope. I'll believe in you even if you don't answer this prayer the way I want. I'll believe in you no matter what."

Are You Looking for Love?

There is someone who loves you enough to always want the best for you.

Parents will do what is best for their child no matter what. God will do what is best for his children also.

Where does my help come from?

Who do you put your trust in?

What's your hope for the future? Who or what are you putting your trust in? Let me encourage you to fully trust in the Lord and his salvation.

How Satan Wants to Separate You from God

Satan has a plan to destroy you. Here it is.

Satan's plan to destroy you is to confuse you about what God said, lie about what God said, and convince you that you can be your own god.

Responsible for Your People

You are responsible

As a leader, whether political, military, or religious, you are responsible for your people. If you do not take care of, feed, heal and attend to their welfare, they will become enslaved to others and you will be held accountable for their capture and con


Are you ready to lay down your trophies?

I know that just as my childhood trophies have lost their value to me, I'll one day look at all the things that seem so important to me now and see that they are like trash compared to knowing Christ. On that day, I'll lay my trophies down and receive wha

Shut Up or Cheer Up

Listening to other people can be very confusing.

You cannot make a decision about Jesus based on what others think. Some will discourage and some will cheer. You have to decide.

Holy Land

Want to see God's temple? Look in the mirror

I am a temple of God because God lives in me. He comes to live in every person who is born again of water and Spirit.

I Did Not See That Happening

Satan loves to convince you that sin has no bad consequences. He is lying.

There are consequences for sin. Satan just wants you not to think about them.

The Old Spy's Request

To wholly follow the holy God

While the lessons are numerous when studying the life of Caleb, the single ever present aspect is his commitment to following God whether on a secret mission, unsuccessfully arguing to take the land, waiting 40 years or finally defeating the enemy.

The God Who Loves a Party

God loves parties!

When people come together to enjoy God's blessings and celebrate God's goodness, God not only approves; he comes to be a part.

Four Errors Do Not Make a Home Run

Watching and listening to a Little League made me think about following Jesus

Running around the bases because of errors is not a home run. You cannot change the rules. You cannot change God's rules either.

He Chose Poorly

His choice cost him billions

You can choose to get full value of God's gift, receiving eternal life. Or you can squander what you've been given, and you'll live forever with the consequences. Because, just like Ronald Wayne and just like Esau, you will reach a point where your poor c

Do You Believe in Jesus?

Most people say they believe in Jesus. They are wrong.

Saving belief in Jesus is much more than believing a set of facts. Real belief is to follow Jesus.

Thinking about Heaven... Again

Heaven's been on my mind again

I have fewer days ahead of me than behind me, and I recently have been reminded by those with fewer things than I, about having family and friends in Heaven with you.

Dressing Down for God

How should you present yourself before God?

You may be rich or powerful or beautiful or famous or extremely talented. But when you come to God, you take all that off. You humble yourself and say to him, “Have mercy on me, a sinner.”

Revisionist History

There is only person who can truely revise your history.

Revisionist history makes us look better but changes nothing about our past. Jesus does.

The Elephant Is Still an Elephant

Truth doesn't stop being truth

There are many opinions, many theories, and many philosophies. But there is an absolute truth: there is only one God and the only way to Him is through Jesus Christ.

You Have To Decide Who Jesus Is

It does not matter what everyone else thinks about Jesus. Who do you believe he is?

Even when Jesus was here, people discussed who he really was. They still do. You have to decide who he is. What you decide will make all the difference.

They Ran!

He is risent! What do we do with that news?

In "church" there is talk about "sharing the Gospel", almost as an academic exercise. Yet, it wasn't an analytical exercise for those who first faced a risen Jesus, and maybe it shouldn't be for us. The example is very clear. He is Risen! and we need