Lately I've been thinking a lot about Heaven… again. I wonder why?

It could be because I'm older and facing my own mortality, that I am looking to those "end of days" things. Or it could be that in March I traveled outside of the United States, my third trip to Cuba, and again gained the perspective of how blessed I am compared to people who live on less than $20 a month. Or it could be that the members of our fellowship in Cuba are very passionate that their family and friends know and accept Jesus as Lord! It could be an accumulation of all of those things.

But I've been thinking a lot about Heaven… again. So this is what I think about:

  • All of us will have eternal life; it's just a matter of where you will spend it. I want to be where God and Jesus are! (1John 5:1-13).

    If you're not sure if you or those you love will be seeing God's face, talk to God and talk to them about Heaven.
  • That the followers of Jesus will have different bodies with God's name on our foreheads.

  • That there will be no death, no sorrow, or crying, or pain (Revelation 21:3-4).

  • I don't decide who goes to Heaven, and I probably will be surprised who's there. It's God's job to save people; if it were my job some of you should talk to me.

  • I personally believe that we will know our friends and family. I look forward to seeing my mom and dad again, talking with Peter so he can tell me how he got along with his mother-in-law, and meeting Chano Fernandez, Tony Fernandez's dad and one of the first members of the church of Christ in Cuba.

  • And most of all, I want to claim the promise of seeing God's face. And I think He will look at me and others and say, "Welcome home my child" (Revelation 22:4).

Yep, I've been thinking about Heaven… again. I have fewer days ahead of me than behind me, and I recently have been reminded by those with fewer things than I, about having family and friends in Heaven with you.

I've been thinking about Heaven… again, and I hope you, too, will think about being there with those you love. If you're not sure if you or they will be seeing God's face, talk to God and talk to them about Heaven.

I've been thinking about Heaven… again. Let's think about Heaven together. Join our conversation at or email me at

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