All (Page 6) Articles 2007 Archives

Sharing the Story of Our Lives

With whom have you shared your story?

Paul Faulkner writes about sharing our story and being vulnerable with others so we can have friends.

Too Much Rain!

What can you do when the rain falls and the floods come?

Katha Winther reminds us that life can be full of periods of bad things and rainy days with floods, but God has not forsaken or abandoned us and will see us through.

Will Someone Please Help Me?

Do you know how to get where you're going?

We all need help to get where we're going. If you don't know how to get to Jesus, don't be afraid to ask someone who does.

Treasure in Toilets

What are you going to find if you dig deep enough?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that we need to not give up when our life seems to be in the toilet, because as often archaeologists do, we can sometimes find the greatest treasures in the most surprising places.

The Jesus Vibe: The Shear

Why would anyone want to live in a place with such strong currents?

We are called to live in the strong currents where Jesus' Kingdom meets the world and those trapped by darkness, but we need to know there is both danger and richness.

The Empty Nest?

Where is your real nest?

Alan Smith describes the empty nest syndrome from a humorous point of view, then goes to remind us that we are all in God's nest.

Why Pray When You Can Worry?

What's the big deal with our worries?

Bill Sherrill describes the problem with worry and how we often replace prayer with worry, but reminds us that peace isn't about circumstances or logic, but trust in God.

Be Intentional about What Matters Most

What is really most important in your family?`

Paul Faulkner reminds us that we have to be intentional or what we view as important gets lost in the busyness of life.

Cutting Off Conversation

Why is it so hard not to interrupt?

Rubel Shelly describes how hard it is to really listen and not cut off someone else's conversation.

Divorce in all its Realism

Is divorce the right decision?

God is able to help couples avoid divorce, if we'll just let Him do it.

What Matters Most?

So what's the real gist of the problem?

Tom Norvell shares several quotes from the Bible that share what is most important to God, then reminds us that it is about loving God and loving others and we need to get down and just do it!

The Jesus Vibe: Daily Altar of Grace

Can't I just keep a little of my life protected from this?

Phil Ware takes the two love commands of Jesus, the Greatest Commands, and applies them to all of life for a follower of the Lord.

How Beautiful

How beautiful are your hands?

Sarah Stirman reminds us that when we use our hands to serve the Lord, we are seen as beautiful and he gives us strength to serve him.

Beyond Herding Ducks

Sometimes being a turkey isn't so bad after all!

Russ Lawson uses a trip to a farm to remind us how we can choose to respond differently to Jesus: follow or be pushed, be led or run away.

Upside Down is Right Side Up

Jesus really could stire things up, couldn't he?

Paul Faulkner reminds us that Jesus turned things upside down adn stirred things up to bring God's blessings to others.

The Last Goodbye

What do you do when you think the end is near?

Teresa Bell Kindred shares some good advice for those who have loved ones dealing with cancer -- this is based on her own personal experience.

God's Spirit Heals Suffering

Your suffering is only temporary.

In a world of suffering, God's Spirit offers Hope for Life.

Waiting Can Be a Blessing!

How hard is it really to wait for this?

Tom Norvell describes the blessings promised to those who wait on the Lord from Isaiah.

The Jesus Vibe: Prayer

How can we tune our hearts to the vibe of heaven?

Phil Ware continues his series of thoughts on The Jesus Vibe and this time he shares how the Lord's Prayer tunes our hearts to living the life of the Jesus Vibe.

A Little Washing

Getting a little bored, then try a little God-adventure!

Ron Rose reminds us to find the faith moments in our days and step off and let God lead us in a little adventure.

Explaining the Unexplainable

How can we make sense of something this awful?

Patrick Odum looks at a grisly murder and wonders how can a human being do such a thing and then probes deeper into the heart of darkness that sometimes claims us and warns us away from it.

Become a Builder

Why tear someone up when you can help them get on track?

Paul Faulkner reminds us of the preciousness of the church and how we must not criticize each other.

A Selfish Christian?

Isn't this an oxymoron?

Mike Barres reminds us that God wants to bless us and he also wants to conform us to Jesus: so let's not use our Christianity for selfish motives.

It Takes Bad News

If you haven't heard the bad news, can you really hear the good news?

We can't really appreciate God's good news until we've had a taste of the bad news.

How to Handle Criticism

How do you handle it when people come down on you?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that if we have big dreams or want to be used by God significantly, we will have plenty of critics, but don't let them stop you and he gives several different pieces of good advice.