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Lady and Champ

Can letting go help us go on to greater things?

A move that left Kelly missing two neighbors and their pets left a hole in heart until she realized that God had filled her life with new friends and new pets.

Ten Steps to Help You with the Blues

Blues got you down?

We all get a little blue or depressed; here are 10 suggestions to help us.

A Little Rain Must Fall

How wet is it in your world?

Sometimes we face difficulties and trials, but the big challenge is bearing up under the weight of incessant trials, problems, difficulties.

For Those Under Trial

What about those who are not free to worship the Lord?

We must pray for those facing persecution.

You Must Remember the Forgotten

Will you remember those everyone else forgets?

True religion is more than just spouting off religious phrases and remaining isolated from worldly people -- it means to take the sin and worldliness out of people and take care of them.

Seek Me and Live

What happens when a nation loses its way?

God convicts Israel because of her sin. We must pray not to be this nation.

Citizens of a Different Country

Do you have your green card?

We must recognize that our highest allegiance is to the Lord Jesus and His Kingdom and so we are all aliens.

The Best Kind of Citizens

How can we be good citizens?

We can and must be good citizens of the nation we find ourselves in.

What Joy for This Nation!

What joy for this nation!

Reminder that our hope must be in the Lord.

Time to Hit our Knees and Lift our Hands

What can we do at such an important time like this?

We should be a people in prayer at times like these.

Haunted House

Jesus talked about a haunted house?

Don't simply get rid of evil, but fill your life with goodness!

In the Middle

Where are you stuck?

We will never make it trying to live in the middle: it is the place of collisions and disasters.

Return to Your First Love

Was it more exciting when you first began?

While time and daily life may wear away the newness of a marriage or our first love to Jesus, we can and must recapture it.

Biting our Tongue?

Can you keep it in check?

We must watch our language for others and for God.

Christ and Christophers

Will you miss your next opportunity?

May God give us those special moments to tell people how special they are to us.

Lord, What are You Doing?

Can you figure it out?

So often we are too busy with the everyday things of life to ask the most important questions of all: what are you doing lord and what do you want me to be doing?

1 Egg Breakfast x 5

So what's the big deal about breakfast?

There are some things that are good to change, but there a some we cannot compromise on.

Throwing Bibles from Heaven

Where do Bibles come from?

Knowing the Scriptures is a special blessing we must never take for granted.

To My Fellow Perfectionists

Irritated with that little mistake you made?

Trying to be a perfectionist is not only hard, but it is wrong for you.

Searching for God

You may have already won!

We can find God and receive his blessings if we are truly seeking after him!

Keep Striking the Stone

What rock are you striking?

Learning to make arrowheads is a lesson in perseverance and how we must keep trying!

Audience of One

Who are you performing to please?

So often we judge how important an event is by how many are expected to show up and base our efforts accordingly -- but this is wrong, because our real audience is God.

Memorable Memorial

What have you broken open for the Lord?

The woman anointed Jesus with perfume and Jesus made sure no one would ever forget it.

He Must Increase

What are you willing to do that only God knows?

The greatest is often not the one we think is most important, but the one who serves with the most selfless heart.

I Have Decided

Will you still follow?

I have decided to follow Jesus and though I don't do it perfectly, I won't quit