Articles Tagged 'Vital'

What is CORE: Going

True disciples of the Lord haven't stopped going ever since Jesus commanded it!

Phil Ware continues his series on "What is CORE" by focusing on Jesus' final and intentional last command to make disciples of all nations, and emphasizes the first process of doing that: GOING!

What IS CORE: Disciple-making

When I die, my prayer is that Jesus will tell me that my life has honored his final command with even more passion and purpose. How about you?

Phil Ware continues his series on "What is CORE" by focusing on Jesus' final and intentional last command to make disciples of all nations.

What is CORE: Going

True disciples of the Lord haven't stopped going ever since Jesus commanded it!

Phil Ware continues his series on "What is CORE" by focusing on Jesus' final and intentional last command to make disciples of all nations, and emphasizes the first process of doing that: GOING!

What IS CORE: Disciple-making

When I die, my prayer is that Jesus will tell me that my life has honored his final command with even more passion and purpose. How about you?

Phil Ware continues his series on "What is CORE" by focusing on Jesus' final and intentional last command to make disciples of all nations.

What is CORE: Going

True disciples of the Lord haven't stopped going ever since Jesus commanded it!

Phil Ware continues his series on "What is CORE" by focusing on Jesus' final and intentional last command to make disciples of all nations, and emphasizes the first process of doing that: GOING!

What IS CORE: Disciple-making

When I die, my prayer is that Jesus will tell me that my life has honored his final command with even more passion and purpose. How about you?

Phil Ware continues his series on "What is CORE" by focusing on Jesus' final and intentional last command to make disciples of all nations.

The Women

Who stood by Jesus while all his apostles failed him?

Phil Ware continues his series on the importance of women to God and to the early church and focuses on the "The Women" Luke refers to as standing by Jesus in his Passion, crucifixion, burial, resurrection, and pouring out the Spirit at Pentecost and how

Play Misty for Me

What does the mist look like in your life?

Patrick Odum reminds us of the mistiness of life and reminds us to live with a sense of urgency and also anticipation of resurrection and joy.

Spiritual Restoration

How do we re-charge our spiritual batteries?

Muriel Larson shares some things about being spiritually dry and about an experience on a ranch where a stock pond revitalizes life around the parched desert.

Sweat the Small Stuff: It's the Big Stuff

So when did small get to be so big?

Ann Voskamp looks a couple of small things important in the life of kitchen appliances and pots and reminds us that it's the small stuff that counts.

The Sound of Surprise

What does life sound like in your world?

Like a work of improvisational jazz, life is a journey from one new thing to another.