Articles Tagged 'Spring'


What season do you find yourself in today?

The seasons, in life and in nature, are reminders of God's power to bring life and warmth out of death and decay.

Hope Is

Hope is the life in our veins, the breath in our lungs and the courage for tomorrow.

Melissa Troyer looks at our cold world as we ensure the cold of later winter and trust life will come back in the Spring and reminds us to trust life is coming.

Our Chorus is the Gospel

'The verses are the blues, the chorus is the gospel.'

Patrick Odum picks up a line from a Bruce Springsteen interview and helps us understand the need for being real about our struggles but also celebrating our hope in the gospel.

The Light of Grace

A simple reminder of grace from one in a difficult place.

Phil Ware shares the sweet prayer request from one of the translators in a predominantly Muslim nation wracked with violence and bloodshed: "Please pray for the terrorists that they know Jesus Christ like Saul who became Paul :)"

SpiritFire - Overflow?

Where can I get this living water?

Phil Ware continues his series on the Holy Spirit called SpiritFire and talks about living in the overflow of the Holy Spirit's presence.

Real Spring Cleaning

How do you really clean house this spring?

Anne Voskamp shares her insights into spring cleaning and the stress and blessing of completely cleaning ones house and heart.

Real Spring Cleaning

How do you really clean house this spring?

Anne Voskamp shares her insights into spring cleaning and the stress and blessing of completely cleaning ones house and heart.


Are you willing to get rid of the stuff in your life that is just in the way?

Patrick Odum challenges us to get rid of the clutter in our lives and our churches just like Jesus challenged the people of his day.


Have you experienced the rebirth of life?

God's springtime reminds us that new life is possible and that God is on doing new things in our lives and that a better future awaits us as week seek to live with the Lord forever!


What season do you find yourself in today?

The seasons, in life and in nature, are reminders of God's power to bring life and warmth out of death and decay.

Hearts Filled with Springtime

Can hope be reborn in a cold and hardened heart?

Just as Spring brings new life, God gives us reason to hope.

Clean Spring Rains

How clean can you get?

When we forgive, it cleanses us like a spring rain.