Articles Tagged 'Pine'

Be an Agent of Happiness

The people in our world can be moody, fickle, and stubborn and Jesus wants us to bring joy to them!

Max Lucado reminds us that we are God's agents of joy in our lonely planet full of discouraged people.

Dry Pine Needles and Cold, Dusty Attics

Jesus' real-to-life circumstances, along with his dangerous predicaments caused by his divine reality, are comforting to me.

Phil Ware reminds us that as we clean up from Christmas and New Year, the mess left after the holidays should remind us of the hard times Jesus and his family faced after his birth.

Thankful in ALL Circumstances

Caught between Thanksgiving and Christmas and in a life full of challenges and pains, what do we do?

Brian McCutchen reminds us to trust God and learn that our current circumstances aren't forever and that God can lead us to a new place.

Finding Happiness?

Are we looking in the right places to find happiness for ourselves?

Teresa Bell Kindred reminds us that what we define as happiness is nearly always temporary pleasure that is soon gone and leaves us unhappy; happiness is really on our own shoulders.

Fifty Shades of Grace: Delight

So we are really supposed to delight in this?

Phil Ware continues his series of posts and articles called Fifty Shades of Grace and focuses on the gift of pleasure, delight, joy, fulfillment, and blessing in sexual intimacy for the Christian married couple.

Will this be 'Lucky 13'?

So are you superstitious, or only a little stitious?

Rubel Shelly writes about the New Year, 2013, and talks about what the year will bring and also about being superstitious.

Amazing Things Are Happening Here!

You have no idea how amazing!

Tom Norvell talks about his first grandchild, a granddaughter, being born in New York.

An Expiry Date

So what is yours?

Russ Lawson reminds us that our expiration date is out there and we need to live as if we know we will one day expire.

Imperfect Love

What difference can my imperfect love make in a mountain of need?

Phil Ware writes about his trip to Sagrada Familia in Lima, Peru and how imperfect love can make a huge difference in the lives of children.

C2K - View from the Top

What happened with the talk about the Kingdom of God?

Phil Ware talks about climbing to the top of a mountain and seeing all the beauty that he never realized was there and uses this metaphor to talk about the difference between church and kingdom.

More than a Fork in the Road

How our simply service makes a difference in everything!

Phil Ware reminds us of an old story describing heaven and hell and how the difference between the two is whether or not people serve each other.

Selling Your Soul

So what are you really worth?

Patrick Odum reflects on several folks who have auctioned off huge portions of their lives and property on eBay and challenges us to ask if we have done the same thing with our stuff.

Who Thanks God for This?

How can you see so clearly when your eyes have no sight?

Bill Sherrill talks about Fanny J. Crosby, the great Christian song writer, and her ability to see acutely even though she was blind.

Junk Mail and Happiness

Is happiness really just a mouse click away?

Junk e-mail gives us a good glimpse into what the world sees as happiness. But true happiness comes from God, not from a website.

God's Good Creation

Why such a sour look on our faces?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that so much of what the world sees in us is unhappy and dour, but Jesus was involved in life, joy, and friendship to show that it is the direction of our lives and not necessarily the acts themselves that make things holy or unhol

Thanksgiving and Walking the Boundaries

So what can we do to bless our churches this next year as we thank God this year?

Larry Davies offers a Thanksgiving check up for churches and their leaders as he explores things that make for healthy churches.

The Flow

Do you know how to get in the flow?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that life's purpose rather than externals or someone else trying to make us happy is the real key to peace and joy in life.

I Could Be Content if Only...

Who could be bored driving in beautiful Florida?

Because of Jesus, we can learn to be content without being dependent on external circumstances.

Luxury Addiction

How much has your stuff become your owner?

Patrick Odum challenges us with some real truths about luxury and greed and what it does to our walk with God and our genuine opportunities to be happy.

If Life Were as Sweet as a Krispy Kreme Doughnut

If you could use a type of food to describe your life, what would it be?

Consider the power of attitude, the idea that how we choose to view life impacts the quality of it.

The Truth about Happiness

Can you handle the truth?

Happiness isn't just going to come along, you are going to make your own happiness by what you invest your life in.


Can we really find true happiness here?

We are killing ourselves trying to find happiness in things and miss it because it is not found there.

The Happiness Test

How happy are you ... really?

How happy are you today? You can be happier if you will take care of your soul!

The Pleasure of Tight Boots

Can you find anything good about tight shoes?

Sometimes the pleasure we get out of life has to be found in the most challenging of places.

The Joy of Giving

How can this bring me more joy?

Patrick Odum tells about a boy who shared his winnings with his father rather than spending it only on himself and the joy that this attitude brought the father and Patrick compares this to the joy we give our Father, God, when we share.