Articles Tagged 'Nature'

ToGather: Where Do I STAND? (January 17, 2021)

People "stand for" or "stand on" many things that waste their time, efforts, and lives on causes that don't really matter.

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in virtual worship through words and music using YouTube videos encouraging us to stand in grace. for Sunday, August 23, Is Ready!

You're Invited!

Dr. Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware invite you to join us for our Sunday, Verse of the Day focused, home worship guide and videos, called! for Sunday Is Ready!

You're Invited!

Dr. Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware invite you to join us for our Sunday, Verse of the Day focused, home worship guide and videos, called!

ToGather: How Do I Keep My Sinful Flesh in Check? (May 24, 2020)

Those of us who have followed Jesus for any significant length of time know that keeping our sinful flesh in check is a challenge.

Phil Ware and Demetrius Collins invite us to worship God and keep our sinful nature, our flesh, in the past and nailed to the cross and lead us in worship through this practical home worship guide.

Creation Speaks

If we are willing, and if we allow ourselves the space to listen, God’s voice surrounds us.

Jackie Halstead reminds us to listen for God's voice in creation.

The One with the Power

The winds and the waves obey Him!

The next time you see a wonder of nature, don't just wonder at nature. Wonder at the One who created it all. The One with the power to stop wind and waves with just a word. For he is the same One with the power to change your life. He is the One wit

A Key Tool in the Master's SIGnature Toolset

You mean I am an important tool in God's ministry toolset?

Phil Ware reminds us that God longs to fashion us into a vital tool in The Master's SIGnature Toolset to be used for Kingdom and church ministry.

The Personal Touch

More than a miracle worker, Jesus is the touch of God.

Phil Ware continues his series on out of the box and reminds us that Jesus is God made touchable and personal: more than a miracle worker, Jesus is the personal care of God for people in their deepest needs.

At the Feet of Jesus

Where should followers of Jesus find themselves?

Phil Ware reminds us about the battle for our lives and that Jesus is the only one with control over the demons, the deep, the diseases, and death.

SpiritFire - How Do I Think of the Spirit?

Who is the Holy Spirit?

Phil Ware continues his SpiritFire series focusing on God getting personal with us in the Holy Spirit and addresses the question of whether the Holy Spirit is a he, she, or it.

SpiritFire - Two Choices

Which do you choose?

Phil Ware kicks off a series called SpiritFire on the Holy Spirit and emphasizes we have to either walk by the flesh or by the Spirit.

How to Think of God

Do you see God in the face and actions of a young child?

Rubel Shelly's night with a little girl in a restaurant reminds him of who God actually is.

Human Nature?

So is our human nature really all that bad?

Russ Lawson reminds us that our human nature was created by God and that we can use it to choose wisely, to choose God.