Articles Tagged 'Mentoring'

Every 1 Trains 2!

Where are we going to get trained leaders for our church's future?

Phil Ware reminds us of Jesus' practice in preparing his disciples for ministry and leadership.

Love Will Travel

Why is the Great Commission so important for us as well as the rest of the world?

Phil Ware does part 4 in a 5 part series on the Immanuel passages in Matthew, this week is the Great Commission, Matthew 28:18-20, focusing on cross cultural outreach and disciple-making, something much more involved than just evangelism.

Have You Heard these Words?

Just a few words and our presence can make all the difference in the world!

Ron Rose reminds us that a few words and our physical presence can make all the difference in the life of someone else, just like Al Ware made a difference in Ron's life.

Coaches Invest in People

Have you ever thought about being a coach?

Ron Rose talks about one of his personal mentoring heroes and emphasizes how we must all step up and start coaching someone.


So who are we going to exclude?

Phil Ware reminds us that from the very beginning of the Christian movement, Jesus and His followers recognized that the Gospel and the church are for all people.

Two Hours a Week

How much time are you willing to invest in the life of a child?

Mentoring kids offers a great chance for Christians to honor the call of Jesus to care for orphans.

Better Get Used to It, Mr. McNair

Don't just hate being called that?

An experience of Steve Mc Nair at training camp becomes the opportunity for all of us to remember we teach and train others.