Articles Tagged 'Low'

What is CORE: Training

Our practice of omitting from the Lord's Great Commission is more likely based on our preference for the attractional model of doing church.

Phil Ware continues his series on What is CORE focusing on the training -- teaching to obey -- element of the Great Commission.

What is CORE: Baptizing

God has given us a way to experience the saving work Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection.

Phil Ware continues his series on "What is CORE" by talking about baptism and why it is important.

Eating and Leftovers

Why the connection between Jesus and 'the leftovers' and why does the modern church not have the same relationships?

Phil Ware reminds us that our times at the Lord's Table should be filled with the same kind of people who joined Jesus at the table when he was on earth!

Cruciformed Disciple

If the Lord can transform Peter with his failures, imagine what the Lord can do with you.

Phil Ware finishes his four part series on Peter and following Jesus by focusing on Jesus transforming and cruciforming him into a great servant for the Kingdom of God.

Finding Our Path to God

The Bible and the early church were both exclusive and inclusive about salvation and fellowship.

James Nored and Phil Ware remind us of both the exclusive claim of Jesus as the only way to God and the inclusive fellowship of welcoming all people who truly believe in him.

Live Like Jazz!

Running an organization and managing your life is a lot like playing jazz!

Paul Faulkner reminds us that while we may have plans and ideas on how to arrange and achieve our future, life requires improvisation and adaptability as we keep in step with the Spirit of God.

ToGather: Leaving an Enduring Legacy through Christmas (December 19, 2021)

The enduring legacy we want to leave at Christmas is our lasting trust in God to deliver us from darkness and to lead us into the grace of his goodness by being present with us in Jesus!

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in a virtual, DIY, worship through words and music using YouTube videos to call us to recognize God's great love that led Jesus to come to earth and live as one of us to save us and show us how to live.

ToGather: Christ Is Mine (December 26, 2021)

Despite all the challenges, Mary and Joseph accepted their part in salvation's plan and their faith brought us God's gift of love, his beloved Son, Jesus!

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in a virtual, DIY, worship through words and music using YouTube videos to call us to recognize God's great love in sending Jesus, the joy Jesus' birth brings, and the truth that Jesus is with us and for us in this

ToGather: The King Who Shares Our Wounds (December 20, 2020)

As we come to understand God as the King willing to show us his wounds, then share our wounds, the birth of Jesus takes on a fresh and powerful new meaning.

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in virtual worship through words and music using YouTube videos and invite us to welcome Jesus, God who came to us to share our wounds and we see this in his manger and cross, the thrones on which he was exalted and

When Endings Are Complicated, God Is Still Gracious

What do you do when the endings are not always happy ones?

Ron Rose reminds us that not all faith stories have happy endings and that sometimes we have to wade on through tragedy with faith.

Apples in Autumn

So many good things in fall!

Katha Winther talks about the good gifts of autumn and the signs of the fall season.

What is CORE: Training

Our practice of omitting from the Lord's Great Commission is more likely based on our preference for the attractional model of doing church.

Phil Ware continues his series on What is CORE focusing on the training -- teaching to obey -- element of the Great Commission.

What is CORE: Baptizing

God has given us a way to experience the saving work Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection.

Phil Ware continues his series on "What is CORE" by talking about baptism and why it is important.

The Narrow Way Is Not About Narrow Thinking!

These followers are not what they used to be and not yet what they are going to be... they are learners.

Ron Rose is back at Black Rifle Coffee, and God is in the room inviting people to walk with Jesus in the narrows!

I Doubt It: Real Food

Can we really find genuine nourishment and satisfaction in Jesus?

Phil Ware continues his series on doubt focusing on Jesus' statement that doing the Father's will was the basis of finding fullness in life.

The Pentecost Challenge

We long for the day when we know fully, even as we are fully known!

Ron Rose is back at Black Rifle Coffee Company and visiting with friends about Pentecost Sunday and knowing each other's names.

Once for Him, Once for Us!

Jesus is my beloved Son. What he says not only pleases me, but it is my fullest truth.

Phil Ware reminds us that God said almost exactly the same words to his Son twice, yet he spoke the first time to affirm his Son and the second time to let us know we must listen to the Son.

It All Hinges on This

How can we know if our lives make a difference and truly matter?

Phil Ware helps us to better understand both Mark's message about where true life is found and also his outline and organization of his gospel around the hinges to the story provided by the stories of two blind men that Jesus heals.

Finding Jesus: Experiencing Immanuel

Do we feel like we have to keep up some kind of smokescreen so others won't know about our own times of emptiness and longing?

Phil Ware shares a summary of Matthew's Immanuel sayings focused on experiencing Jesus today.

ToGather: Sharing Our Cup of Gratitude (November 27, 2022)

We want to be a people who sing to God out of hearts full of gratitude because of our riches in Christ Jesus!

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in online worship through words and music, using YouTube videos to lead us to sing with hearts full of gratitude for all that God has done for us in Jesus.

ToGather: Let's Keep Singing! (November 20, 2022)

Songs enable us to speak to God from all the different tangents, orbits, pressures, situations, and experiences in our lives.

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in online worship through words and music using YouTube videos inviting us to rejoice and sing to the LORD with joy and thanksgiving.

ToGather: Using Our Freedom Redemptively (November 13, 2022)

In our broken world where people say and do hostile things against us, we choose to use our freedom to serve them in love.

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in an online worship through words and music using YouTube videos to remind us we are free in Christ from bondage to sin, death, satan, hell, purposelessness, loneliness, so we can use our freedom to serve and liber

ToGather: Bringing All Things Together in Christ (November 6, 2022)

Our hope, our answer, and God's unveiling of his greatest mysteries are found in Jesus, the Messiah, Son of God, the Christ who is our Savior and Lord!

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in an online worship through words and music using YouTube videos to help us understand and connect emotionally with God's mystery to bring things together in Christ.

ToGather: God's Great Gift to Us! (October 30, 2022)

Let's live out God's gift of grace by celebrating God's goodness, loving Jesus, and obeying what the Lord taught as we love, serve, and treat others as our Savior did!

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in an online, virtual worship through words and music using YouTube videos to remind us and help us celebrate and live in appreciation to the grace of God.

ToGather: Having a Fitting Reply (October 23, 2022)

Let's worship today, praising God and asking for the help of the Holy Spirit as we seek to respond to people as Jesus did!

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in online, virtual worship through words and music using YouTube videos to help us understand how to give fitting replies to others in different conversation contexts.