Hope for Life 2017 Archives

Do Not Let Baby Jesus Become Baby Lite

Do you like to keep Jesus in the manger? Sort of a Jesus lite. Don't

Jesus did not stay a baby. He grew up and died on a cross for you. Do not leave him in the manger.

We've Got to Listen Before We Speak

Don't focus on what you're going to say!

I've come to believe that's the wrong focus. Instead of thinking of what we're going to say, we need to focus on listening. What will we hear? How will we get the other person to open up? Can we learn enough about them to help them draw closer to God

Knowing the People Makes the Difference

It's all about who you know

Who do you know that needs your prayers and your help? What else can you do to help them because knowing the people makes the difference!

Sharks, Life, and Sharing Jesus

A Great White shark jumped into the boat. You never know when someone is going to realize they need help.

Sometimes it takes a major life crisis for people to realize they need Jesus. Be ready to share your faith.

Sharing Good News

There's nothing more natural than sharing good news

We forget that the story of Jesus is good news, something that should be naturally shared with people we know.

Sharing Jesus Is not Like Selling Ads, but Still...

What I learned about sharing Jesus from selling ads.

A parable is a story that illustrates a spiritual point -- like selling phone book ads and making disciples.

Ministry Outside the Church Walls

Corporate worship isn't enough

The Christian life is meant to be lived out among non-believers, living in such a way that they can see who we are and eventually glorify God. A Christian life lived inside a building will never accomplish that.

Who Is My Neighbor?

Your church needs to know who lives next door

Our churches can't afford to sit and wait for our neighbors to come to us. We must take the first step in connecting with those around us.

Who Sings When They Are in Jail?

Who prays in a jail and then does not leave when the doors come open?

There are two very surprising things in the story of the Philippian jailer. And two other things that seem to be expected to happen.

It's Not Easy Being a Visitor

Everyone is welcome, but they may not know it

We don’t have to change the entire service on account of those who might visit. But we should be aware of their anxieties and uncertainties, going out of our way to make them feel more at ease.